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While Bucky was gone you made your way to the dresser to pick up the discarded shirt off of the top from that morning and got undressed quickly feeling a little queasy from today's treatments. Stemming from the initial fight with the Hydra agent, and the unintended blood loss, quickly followed by Doctor Cho's treatments and the blood transfusion. You were grateful that Bucky had been there the second time the Hydra agent tried to make an attempt at escape. You were surprised at the fact that he had so eagerly punched them in their werewolf form, and had been able to knock him out so easily. You slipped on the t-shirt and didn't bother putting on any bottoms. You dragged your feet as you made your way to the bed, and pulled back the comforter before plugging in your phone and laying down on your side. You closed your eyes as you waited for Bucky to come back.
You were nearly asleep when the door opened and you heard two soft whines and heard the door close again. The soft sound of rustling fabric filled the room and you opened your eyes to see Bucky getting undressed, and wanted to purr in satisfaction as you saw him stripping down to his boxers.
"Don't even think about it, doll" Bucky grinned, seeing the wanton look in your hooded eyes.
"Stop looking so yummy" you giggled as he flicked off the light and made his way to the bed. You pulled back the covers and he crawled in behind you and pulled the comforter back over both of you. Cloud and Melody jumped back on the bed and crawled in behind Bucky's legs and back. Bucky wrapped his right arm around you, while putting his left arm up under your head so he could hold you as close as possible. He rubbed his hand over your stomach protectively and gave you a chaste kiss on the back of your shoulder. He peppered kisses along the shoulder until he got to the spot he normally marked, and gave your collarbone a slight nip. You hummed happily and nuzzled your back into him.
"Thank you for coming to the rescue" you yawned softly, and put your hands up to rest on top of his one large hand.
"I'll always come for you" he whispered huskily into the back of your neck. "Try to get some more sleep" he urged you.
"I love you" you whispered as your eyes were already heavy.
"I love you too" he whispered back quickly.

When the sun was cresting over the horizon, the light started cascading through your windows causing you to wake up. You felt rested, but still a little dazed as you stretched and felt Bucky's arms tighten around you. You felt the urge to run to the bathroom, and shimmied out his arms making a beeline for the bathroom. Bucky grunted, and woke up with a bit of a snort as you slammed the bathroom door. You weren't in the bathroom long before you heard the bathroom door open and he came in with a yawn, and walked into the bathroom, reaching over and grabbing the hand towel and rolling it up quickly before he placed it by your knees. He waited for you to finish dry heaving before he grabbed you by the hips, picking you up slightly and sliding you forward so your knees were on the towel. You groaned in annoyance at the fact that you had to be sick in the morning. You knew this was natural, and it was something you would have to live with, but you didn't have to like it either. He crouched down on the floor beside you and started rubbing your back like he would if you were back at the compound.
"You're doing good, baby doll" Bucky spoke in hushed tones, trying to make you feel better about the situation. You huffed before giving another dry heave, and you rested your forehead against the seat of the toilet tiredly. Bucky waited for it to seem like you had your wits about you again, and you had reached up to flush the toilet before he moved again. You pushed yourself up off of the floor and stood up, grabbing the hand towel and putting it to the side. You quickly brushed your teeth, and groaned after you were done, and you leaned against the counter again. "Come on, let's get you changed" he gave you your space for a moment.
"I need to pee" you looked at him worriedly. He gave a slight chuckle and left the room quickly, closing the door behind him. You went and did your business before washing up and coming out. Bucky was already half dressed in the clothes that he arrived in, and gave you a grin. "Thank you" you went towards the dresser, picking out clean light blue undergarments. You pulled the shirt off first and put it in the laundry basket, quickly followed by your panties. Bucky eyed you up and down with hungry eyes, and he bit his bottom lip.
"Damn, I wish there was more time in the day" he groaned, slowly taking in your nude form. You grabbed your clean undergarments and put them on, but Bucky didn't give you time to finish snapping in your bra. He reached in behind you and snapped your bra for you, and gave a mischievous smirk.
"Me too" you smiled at him, giving him a quick wink. You gave a bit of a huff, as another wave of nausea hit you.
"I can almost feel your nausea from here" Bucky gave a soft chuckle. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in close to his body, regardless of the state of your undress. You wrapped your arms around his chest, and gave a soft sigh. He pulled back and gave you a soft kiss on the lips, massaging his lips into yours. "You look like you need a break already" his eyebrows knitted together in concern.
"I don't want to get dressed," you admitted, pulling back from his embrace.
"How about you take it easy, and I'll take out Melody and Cloud, and then I'll come back and get you for breakfast" Bucky gave an easy smile.
"I'll just lay down for a second" you gave a yawn, and moved towards the bed and slipped back in under the covers. Cloud and Melody quickly got off the bed and ran to Bucky quickly. He gave a smirk, and flicked his eyes over to you.
"I'll be back for you, baby doll" Bucky called to you and he rushed out the door.

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