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Bucky it turned out was good to have in the lab. He mostly kept to himself, but pulled up a chair and sat in front of the Hydra agent's cell and continued a stare down of epic proportions for a majority of the day. Melody and Cloud stood sentinant on either side of you watching him as well. He took them out after breakfast, lunch, and supper, and insisted that the three of you take a break from working in the lab after the final meal of the day. You and Bruce came up with a stronger sleeping gas, and this time it worked when Tony tested it before you were even ready. He just input the canister into the wall with flourish and hit the release button. The Hydra agent hit the floor within seconds, and the medical team was able to get some blood samples from him quite easily before he was locked back up again. You and Bruce started working on a new serum, and Tony was quick to come over and give his input while you worked away. You were a little put out that you weren't able to continue for the rest of the evening, but you were also grateful that you were getting to spend a little extra time with Bucky before the weekend came again. At the rate that you were making progress as a team, you were starting to wonder if you would be able to make it home on the weekend if you started the new serum. You tried to remember there were lab assistants that were there to help, but so far you hadn't really used them. Tony had been more than happy to keep sending them out of the room on a multitude of errands that really were unnecessary, but you had a feeling he was trying to keep them from getting under your feet.
Tony invited everyone to go to the common living room after supper, so the four of you went as a pack to the room to meet up. It was fairly spacious, but bland, just like the bedrooms. The walls were a slate grey, with a large entertainment system with several video game consoles set up to it. There were chairs spread out throughout the room, and you grabbed a couch with Bucky, sitting closely under his right arm, while Cloud and Melody jumped up and took the other end of the couch.
"Well, this isn't the compound" Bruce grumbled a little, looking around the room at people milling about at the ping pong table, or the small kitchenette.
"This will never be home" you huffed slightly.
"We need to get used to this," Tony rolled his eyes.
"It's not home" Cloud growled slightly as he spoke, and you looked at him in surprise. "I miss the pup," he explained.
"I miss Blue too" you sighed, speaking out loud, alerting Tony, Bruce, and Bucky that you were talking to the wolves. "He's such a cuddle bum"
"He's in good hands" Bucky promised, taking out his phone and showing it to you. You saw there were several pictures from Pietro and Peter showing off Blue, Jasper, Snow and the pups living their best lives. In the background you also spied Steve in his uniform looking half asleep on the couch in your suite. You couldn't help but give a small smile at the heartwarming sight.
"Steve looks exhausted" you commented gently, looking Bucky in the eyes.
"That punk has barely messaged me all day, but I can see he didn't even get undressed after his mission and went straight to our suite" Bucky nodded, looking at the pictures again. "I have a mission in the morning, so I'll have to leave before breakfast"
"You can't go on a mission without eating" you frowned, feeling worried for him.
"I'll grab something on my way home," he promised. "But you need to promise me that you'll be going to breakfast"
"I'll make sure she makes it," Bruce vowed. "Besides, Nat already texted me that I had to make sure she went. She's worried, especially after the attack from the Hydra agent"
"Bruce, you told her?!" you looked at him in surprise.
"I don't hide anything from my ginger snap," Bruce chuckled. "She was going to find out anyways, it had better be from me, rather than someone else"
"Is she mad?" you asked, a spike of anxiety hitting you.
"Worried is the better word. They fought a few of those werewolf agents today, but they managed to escape Nat and Clint's trap" Bruce frowned a little bit. "She saw them in their full form, and was worried about all of us. She's happy that Bucky is here for now"
"That's going to be short lived" you pouted slightly.
"If I could just stay here and work from here..." Bucky looked at Tony hopefully who frowned in response.
"If I didn't need you on missions, we would have you here no questions asked" Tony admitted. "Even Steve agrees with that. But we need you in the field" he added softly.
You nuzzled into Bucky a little more and saw agents coming in and out of the room. Tony turned the TV on, but just put it on the news, clearly not liking it here at Shield much either.
"Any progress on the wedding plans?" Bruce broke the small silence.
"We agreed on a small wedding" Bucky's face lit up. "Y/N ordered some books on wedding planning online, we are waiting for them to come in"
"I ordered a few other things" you had a slight flush to your cheeks. "Just a few things to make the bedroom here at Shield feel more like home"
"Sounds like I'll be visiting to make a delivery" Bucky wiggled his eyebrows at you. You couldn't help but giggle, and shook your head.
"I can wait until I get home" you leaned up and kissed him softly on the cheek.
"If we get home" Bruce commented off handedly and you looked at him in surprise. "You were looking at the same formula as me, it's going to take around the clock attention and more than a week to synthesize. If we start it tomorrow like we planned, we won't be making it home this weekend"
"Then I'll just have to visit this weekend" Bucky shrugged nonchalantly. "I'll bring Melody and Blue with me"
"I need you to go check on our cabin, it's getting colder out which means we need to put down some mouse traps. The ones that don't kill them, but just traps them so we can release them back in the wild" you looked at Bucky quickly. "Especially where we aren't there, there's a higher chance of rodent problems"
"I'll go do that tomorrow after my mission if I'm home early enough" Bucky promised. "I'm not missing out on seeing my dame," he added quickly. You could hear thunder rolling outside and saw a few flashes of lightning through the window, while the power flickered. You wondered silently about it, since the weather network had called for a nice fall evening.
"That's weird" Tony looked outside, and you could see the wheels turning in his head.
"What is it?" you asked, half expectantly.
"Wasn't called for" he shrugged, but you knew he had something else in mind. You saw another flash outside and the power went out. You heard a few yelps coming from behind you from the Shield agents, but you just nuzzled more into Bucky, deciding to wait out the storm. You heard something gearing up, and the soft hum as the lights flickered back on. "Backup generators. Thankfully we aren't in the dark ages" Tony huffed slightly.
"I doubt Fury would do something like that" you paused, realizing the prisoner in the lab might have been able to make his escape if the generator took that long. Your feet were head of your brain as you scrambled to your feet and ran out of the room with Bucky calling to you to come back, seeming confused.

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