Clouds request

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"Where exactly do you expect us to stay?" you demanded from Tony. "It's our honeymoon," you added.
"Until I get visuals throughout the woods right up to your place on cameras which will take a day or two, I need you to stay here in the compound where we can protect you, all of you." Tony said as he held Edwin and rocked him back and forth.
"They aren't going to stop trying, and if they find out a baby is on the way... you and your baby might be in danger as well" Bruce pointed out while nodding his head in agreement to what Tony was saying.
"Our suite is ready, still being painted though. But we should be safe here for the time being" Bucky held you close as your body tensed under the current stress of the situation. "It's a lot bigger, and there's two small bedrooms added to the suite itself and don't worry we added copies of all your favorite books to keep you occupied until everything is settled" he reassured you in a calm tone.
"That makes the situation a bit more tolerable but still frustrating. I mean we're supposed to be in our own home right now," you sighed in a dejected tone.
"I know but just think of it this way we get to see the house in a whole new light. It'll be new and more importantly it'll be protected with the state of the art security systems in the country, or even the world," he tried to tell you, looking on the bright side of the situation for the two of you. "Okay, when you put it like that it makes the situation a lot cooler and less scary. Now can we go to the suite? My ankles now feel like they're turning into airbags and I'm tired after all that," you yawned with exhaustion due to the day finally catching up with your body.
"I agree, let's go to our suite and I'll get a bath running for you then you can relax then when you get out. I can even massage your feet to get the swelling down a little, work all the day's stress away" he whispered in your ear with a purr in his voice.
"You had me at a bath. Now I really know why I married you," you turned your head slightly and kissed his cheek.
"We still didn't talk yet missy!" Melody said from where she was with her four pups, and Cloud guarding them.
"Let's get to the bedroom before she gets started" Jasper licked Wanda's cheek before limping away, and heading back toward the suite. Snow kept pace beside him and the pair slowly left the room.
"You were out of my sight for five seconds, and suddenly there were those wolf creatures coming at the house. And then to find out you were in battle?!" Melody started sassing you. "What about my little sister?"
"Your little sister is still okay and on her way" you sighed. "And they were after Bucky, not us," you added.
"We need a safer den, Luna" Melody seemed very upset.
"That's why you are here. It's a safer den, and after we go back home it will be safer there too" you promised.
"Our babies need to grow up big and strong," she continued with her sass.
"And they will. Please let me go take my bath" you pleaded with her.
"You had better set up the den for me and my babies because I'm not moving with them again" Melody warned you.
"Understood" you gave a strained smile. Bucky saw you were reaching your limit for the day, and exhaustion was taking over after having used your powers. He picked you up easily and walked away.
"She worries me," Clint said softly to the room, but his words reached your ears. You couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Bucky brought you into the suite and the room was much larger than it was before. There were still clear indications that it was still under construction, however you could also tell that it was wrapping up. The walls were all a pure white, a stark contrast to what it was before. You hoped they would bring back the blue again. You spied the paint can and supplies in the room and saw the paint swatch on top that reassured you that it would stay. When you came in there was a small entryway to the large open concept living room, kitchenette and laundry room. They were still in their respective places. Then to the left side where it used to be just a wall, you now spied two open doors. Bucky placed you on your feet and you padded over to see there were two smaller rooms than your own bedroom, however large enough to be a child's bedroom or a guest bedroom.
"Our little girl is going to love her new room" Bucky put his hand on your lower back and he kissed you behind your shoulder.
"We need to decorate" you gave him a sly smile.
"We will. But that's not on the menu for today" he shook his head. "I'm going to go run you a bath, and get Stevie to run out and get you something. I can't imagine leaving you after what happened today" he held you from behind, holding you close to his chest.
"I don't want you out of my sight," you growled.
"I'll always be in the vicinity. I'm going to go run you the bath" he gave you another kiss, but this time on the back of the neck and he pulled away. You looked over your shoulder to watch him go to the right side of the room and go through the bedroom door that you knew led to the ensuite bathroom. You turned to look again at the blank room and couldn't help but imagine the nursery for your little girl.
Jasper and Snow came in the open suite door, Jasper still hobbling and made their way to the dog bed beside the couch. Jasper groaned and laid down, and Snow quickly joined him while being careful of his front leg. You walked over and slipped off your shoes before sitting on the couch beside them and you reached down a hand to pet Jasper who groaned to your touch.
"Thank you for protecting me," you whispered to him.
"You're my companion, of course I would protect you," Jasper said softly. "You shouldn't have been out there though," he added.
"Yes, I understand" you nodded, not wanting to hear it again.
"I'll still always stand beside you" he promised.
"I know, I'll always stand beside you as well" you whispered. You thought about it for a few minutes and were hit with inspiration. "Baby!" you called to Bucky who came running in with worry etched on his face.
"I think Doctor Grant the grumpy man is gone. Can you take Jasper back to the medical bay and get Sidney and Brutus to go in the regeneration machine?" you asked him.
"I'll do that while you're in the bath" he nodded. "Is that the only reason you gave me a heart attack?" he asked teasingly.
"I don't want them to suffer," you pouted.
"Your wish is my command" Bucky gave a teasing bow and went back into the bedroom. You got up and followed him, shedding your clothes as you walked and putting them all into the dirty clothes basket. Your room was still the same size and everything remained untouched. For that you were grateful. You came into the bathroom completely naked and Bucky turned to see you and heat came into his gaze.
"Jasper first" you felt heat drop to your core as his eyes traveled up and down your body. Your body reacting to the bond almost instantly.
"I'm going to take care of those wolves, and you make sure you are ready for me tonight. They are all sleeping in the living room" he warned you and you giggled. You saw the water was up high in the tub, and there was a bubble bath with Japanese Cherry blossom scent. He had lit some candles and also turned on music on his phone with your favorite love songs.
"You know Blue won't let you," you warned him. "Also, where is Alpine?" you asked.
"Hiding in the cat tree in the suite. The big wolf creatures scared the poor little guy" he admitted. He reached out a hand and pulled you close against his chest and his face dipped down, his lips centimeters away from your lips. His hot breath coming out and breezing across your lips. You clenched your thighs together in retaliation. "My mate, my wife" he said gruffly as he closed the distance between the two of you and his lips claimed your own. It was like the first kiss all over again, and you felt like you were melting into his body. He moaned against your lips before licking a strip and you opened your lips to him. He gladly deepened the kiss as his hands roamed over your body. You felt like you were on fire all over again as you pushed into him. He greedily held onto your body, pushing himself more into you until you almost felt like you were one. You both panted with need and he pulled back and looked at you like he could eat you alive. He licked his lips as though trying to absorb every last drop of your taste from his lips.
"Get in the tub, before I bend you over it" he warned and you giggled before slowly getting into the tub. The water was at the perfect temperature and you sighed happily as you laid back in the deep soaker tub. "I'm going to carry Jasper so we get there faster. Then I'm coming back to wash you" he said as a warning.
"I can wash myself," you giggled.
"It's one of the perks of being your husband. I get to spoil you" he winked and walked out of the room. You heard Jasper groan as Bucky picked him up easily and walked out of the room. You laid back in the tub, and just closed your eyes as you listened to the music and you hummed to yourself as you relaxed. You felt eyes on you and opened your own to look over at the doorway to see Cloud standing there in all his majesty.
"What are you doing here?" you asked in surprise.
"Snow went with Jasper to the medical bay, along with the Shadow wolf pack and your mate. No one was guarding you" he came in closer and laid down beside the tub.
"I'm safe here Cloud" you assured him.
"I still wish to protect you, pup" he sighed. You reached out and ran a hand through his fur, getting soap bubbles on him unintentionally.
"How is fatherhood?" you asked softly.
"Better than I ever envisioned," he replied. "I was worried for you and for my mate and her pups today" he said after a brief hesitation. "I knew you would be stupid enough to try to take them on, on your own... and I wasn't there to protect you" he sighed heavily.
"Jasper, Snow, Brutus and the rest of the shadow wolves were there. So was Bucky and the rest of the team" you told him reassuringly. "I was perfectly safe" you gave a small smile.
"I know that his break from work with your mate is a celebration, but can I ask you one favor?" he asked gently, hesitating as though afraid to utter the words. "Can we stay here until it's safe again? I'm worried for my pups" he said softly.
Your heart broke at his words and his tone. Cloud had never asked you for something before, he had always listened blindly and followed you from one dangerous path to the next, never expecting anything in return.
"For you Cloud, until you feel safe again" you finally agreed, knowing he could ask anything of you and you would have given it to him. "I'll tell the Alpha" you sighed.

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