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**Warning: This is book 2 of Enemies to Lovers. I highly recommend reading that one first, otherwise you might not be able to follow the story**

You hated this.

Monday's were your least favorite, but being separated from your Bucky was making this Monday even worse. You looked down at your blue jeans, and white button up blouse while seated in the jet with one of your animal companions Cloud, a large lightly colored timber wolf, strapped into the seat next to you. You had been dating Bucky for over six months now, and you were already engaged and pregnant with your first child. You sat back in your seat and thought back to the last year and a half of being an Avenger, having grabbed Tony's attention with your fire powers, as well as your ability to speak to animals and bond with them. You had successfully gotten away from your ex-boyfriend/Hydra agent Shawn, and could breathe again. He had really made your life Hell. Between the beatings, the stalking, and the eventual kidnapping... you felt blessed at the life you now have. Your Bucky had been there for you, once you two had started getting along at least. You smiled softly to yourself thinking about how you both had started out bonding over taking care of one of your companions, the wolf pup named Blue. The same wolf pup that now called Bucky "Papa", and didn't know the difference, really thinking you were both his real parents. In all actuality, he was a rescue from a mission where they were experimenting on wolves. It was the same day, Melody had come into your life, and she had been on team Bucky from day one. Even if you both were still on rocky ground at the time. It was hard to believe how far you had both come. You had even bonded yourself to Bucky, to your surprise. You were born with your ability to speak to animals and bond to them. They became another part of you, your pain was their pain, and their pain was your own. When bonding with humans, something that was incredibly rare with your family, they became almost enmeshed with you. This separation was going to be hard. You knew it was for work, but it didn't make it any easier.
Now that you were off missions, and working the science and research division of the Avengers, you had to go test your antiserum on the werewolf project that Hydra had created. You let out a loud sigh, and Bruce looked at you curiously, who was sitting across from you.
"You doing alright, Sunshine? Did you need anything?" Bruce asked softly.
"I'm okay. I just don't like being separated from the pack, or from Bucky" you huffed slightly.
"The pack is going to be fine. Snow and Jasper have their paws full with their new pups. Melody is helping to take care of Blue and the other pups in the compound while everyone else is going through their mandatory health exam" Bruce mentioned your two other companions. Snow was a beautiful white color, while Jasper was a jet black. They just had a litter of four pups a few weeks ago and the pups were just starting to move around a bit more. You knew Bucky and Steve, who promised to take care of the pack, were going to have their hands full while you were gone. Bucky had purposely followed you out of the compound and onto the tarmac when you were leaving and had kissed you with so much passion it almost made your toes curl. You could still feel the stubble of his beard on your face. You fidgeted slightly in your seat, wanting so badly to ask Tony to turn around and bring you back home. You weren't ready to be away from him so soon after just getting engaged a few days ago. You were also nauseated as Hell from the pregnancy. You were four and a half weeks pregnant, and the morning sickness was brutal.
"How do you do it, being away from Natasha?" you asked softly, thinking about how this was going to be the new normal now. You worked in two different areas until your maternity leave was over. You used to be on missions quite a bit, and training on a regular basis Clint, of which you lovingly referred to as Papa Clint. Clint and Tony both considered you like a daughter to them, and the feeling was mutual. You had been raised by your mother, and her companion, a collie named Billy. Billy had been the main one to take care of you during the week, reminding you even when to do your homework. As an adult, Cloud was the one to take care of you once you found one another. It was a chance meeting in a forest, when you got into a fight with some hunters. Cloud had found you over ten years ago, and bonded himself to you without a second thought. He had left his pack, and had to learn to act almost like a common dog in the human world. One thing he did love since leaving his pack, was playing fetch. Something the rest of the pack had adopted to loving to play as well.
"We talk on the phone a lot when we have to be separated," Bruce admitted, breaking you from your musings. You had almost forgotten you had asked him a question. "We text, or video chat too. It's harder when she's on missions to do more than texting" he added softly. "It's a different dynamic when I'm the one that's away. My gingersnap knows I get lost in the science of things, so she texts me randomly. If I don't answer, she will send me an email instead since she knows I'm likely at my computer" he chuckled.
"Bucky said he's going to text me and send me lots of pictures of the pack while I'm gone. I'm worried about being away from Blue. He doesn't understand yet" you frowned.
"He will, he's a quick learner" Bruce reassured you.
"I miss Melody already" Cloud spoke up from beside you, and he audibly huffed a bit. You reached over and raked your fingers through his fur.
"Cloud misses his Melody already" you smiled softly.
"They make a great pair," Bruce nodded.
You moved slightly in your seat again, trying to get comfortable while trying to avoid moving too much due to the nausea. You huffed again, and pulled against the seat belts that were holding you strapped down.
"Don't bother asking if you can take them off. It's a short flight" Tony spoke up from the pilot chair, turning to look at you.
"Did we bring enough of the antiserum?" you fidgeted again.
"You know we did Sunshine" Bruce reassured you.
"Besides, they are giving us our own lab when we get there to work in. Fury's got us set up pretty good" Tony nodded.
"I just hope that the antiserum works" you sighed sitting back. "A week away seems too long"
"It might be longer if it doesn't work" Bruce reminded you and you frowned. You knew that was a very real possibility. At least at Shield there would be lab assistants under you, Bruce and Tony who would be able to watch the serum while it cooked again, if that part became necessary. Tony did promise to bring you back on Friday, so you could spend your weekend with Bucky and the pack if the three of you were needed at Shield longer. That's where it would be absolutely necessary to have the lab assistants. You didn't want to miss out on your time with your Bucky. He was the love of your life, and you couldn't wait to spend the rest of your life with him.
"Just working off of the data they had, is what I had to base the serum off of. I really hope it works, and it's painless" you silently prayed. You were starting to doubt yourself a bit. You hadn't had time to look at the actual serum yet, but Tony had brought it with you in the jet. You craned your neck and looked outside at the clouds as the jet continued to fly. You used to love looking out the windows when on your way to missions. You always found being above the clouds to seem peaceful.
"Fury has our rooms ready, and we are getting our health check while we are at Shield" Tony tried changing the subject.
"It's not going to be easy to sleep there" you sighed.
"Someone is grumpy this morning," Tony chuckled.
"Honestly, I just want to vomit right now," you groaned.
"You and me both," Cloud quickly agreed. "This is going to be a long pregnancy"
"I'm sorry, I wish I could pull back the bond so you didn't feel it too" you spoke to him through your mind.
"It's part of the bond, all five of us embrace it" Cloud puffed out his chest a bit.
"We've come a long way, haven't we?" you gave a half smile, continuing to speak to him through your mind.
"We both have. It's a good thing that we have grown as a human and a wolf. We have a larger pack than we did a year ago, and we both have our fated mates" he glanced at your pale face and leaned against the strap holding him in and he licked your cheek.
"How did I get to be so lucky?" you mused softly, still speaking strictly to him.
"You weren't always lucky, but you are now" he whined softly, reminding you of the last year and a half. "Close your eyes, rest for now. You won't have time to rest once we land" Cloud reminded you. You closed your eyes, tilting your head back and just listening to the humming of the jet.

When the jet landed, Tony opened the back hatch and you had to blink at the sudden flood of light that came in. You knew Bruce was doing the same thing, and didn't feel so badly. Cloud gave a soft bark, and you unbuckled yourself before moving to unbuckle Cloud as well.
"It's about damn time" Fury came in the back, looking at the three of you with satisfaction. He was wearing his normal black slacks and black shirt with black leather jacket. The three of you all chose to go with jeans and t-shirts for today. Well, Tony was wearing a button up with a pair of jeans, but Tony didn't tend to dress down fully for much. You were wearing a pink shirt, while Bruce had gone with white. "Good to see you again, Cloud" Fury bent down and scratched Cloud behind the ears. You remembered when you used to work at Shield, when Fury used to come in and check to see what you were working on, he always took a moment to see Cloud as well. "I let my people know that Cloud is here with you, and not to give you a hard time. Especially in the lab"
"Much appreciated. It was hard to choose which companion to bring, but Cloud made the decision easy for me," you gave a soft smile while Fury reached out and shook your hand before going for Bruce's and Tony's.
"We are used to seeing Cloud around here, not much has changed personnel wise" Fury shrugged. "Are you feeling okay? You're a bit pale"
"I'm just fine" you nodded with a soft smile.
"We have you set up in your old lab" he started leading the way off of the jet. Cloud stuck to your side while you grabbed your bag for the week, and one of the bag's of serums. Tony and Bruce close behind grabbing the other bags. "We've made some improvements to the ventilation. There's also a jail cell in there for now made of glass. The werewolf serum gave them additional strength, but they can't break through the glass thankfully. We have a vent to give them a dose of sleeping gas for when you want to bring them out. There's Shield agents on standby for when you are administering the antiserum so there's less risk for the three of you. We don't want a hulk incident" he looked at Bruce meaningfully who gave a bashful smile.
"We don't plan on a Hulk incident" Tony reassured him.
"Bruce has a good handle on the Hulk" you added softly.
The five of you walked into Shield headquarters, and Fury led you to the living quarters first. You got your room, with the standard issue single bed, dresser, and desk in the corner of the room. You dropped your bag on the floor, promising yourself to get back to it later, and went into the bathroom to splash some cold water on your face. You took a moment to freshen up before coming back out and saw that Tony and Bruce were waiting in the hallway with Fury for you. You quickly apologized, but Tony put his arm over your shoulders and started following Fury to your old lab, and what would be your new office for the next week. 

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