A grumpy super soldier

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Bucky woke you up several times that night to continue making love to you, and by morning you were feeling blissful, and hummed as you kissed his bare chest as you woke up. He gave a soft moan in response, and you saw he was already ready for more as he twitched under the blanket. You could hear Blue and Cloud talking through the bond on the other side of the wall from Steve's place, about how mama and papa sometimes needed to have time as mates as well. Cloud was explaining what mates were, and how important they were to Blue and your heart warmed at how Cloud explained that you were bonded to his papa in a special way, just like he was bonded to Melody. You listened for a few minutes, just loving the fact that Cloud had taken it upon himself to explain it all to Blue, who seemed sure of himself that he would find his own mate someday too, with just as strong of a bond as well.
"Are you rested?" Bucky's voice broke past the whispering sounds in your heart and you looked up at him and smiled.
"The wolves are awake" you leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips. "Cloud was explaining mates to Blue just now" you whispered unnecessarily.
"Steve must not have brought them out yet" Bucky grinned at you. "We must be early"
"Or he already brought them out, and we are running late" you giggled. He shrugged and pulled you in for another kiss. You reached past him to the bedside table and grabbed his phone and saw the lock screen was a picture of you holding Blue while sleeping on the couch with the dark blue throw blanket on top of you. You saw the time and grimaced. "We are definitely late" you announced.
"I guess I have to share you" he groaned.
"I have to work silly" you giggled again, and wriggled off of the bed, and headed to the bathroom to use the facilities. Bucky groaned and you heard him get out of bed and head into the closet. When you came out he was wearing his dark blue sweatpants and a light blue t-shirt already. You grabbed one of your dark blue dresses off of the hanger, and put on dark blue undergarments and the dress on top. You slipped on a pair of black slippers, and Bucky handed you one of his black zip up hoodies to wear on top. You slipped it over your shoulders and left your hair down to try to hide the amount of kiss marks that peppered your skin.
"I'm supposed to be on a mission today," Bucky frowned.
"Until we know more, its better you stay safe here at home where I can keep my eyes on you" you kissed his cheek.
"I don't like being idle," he grumbled in response.
"My big strong super soldier is being grumpy this morning," you teased.
"I like my missions," he shrugged.
"I like you safe" you easily responded and pulled him in for a hug. He kissed the top of your head and hummed to himself.
"At least I have last night to tide me over for a bit" he chuckled to himself.
"I don't know where you find the stamina" you admitted softly.
"It's easy, I look at you and I know exactly what I want" he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
"Funny, I feel the same way" you sighed, rubbing your hands up and down his chest.
"I intend on showing you for the rest of my life, how much I treasure you" he leaned down and claimed your lips. "Come on, let's get to breakfast and see where they are with letting me out of house arrest"
"It's been one day" you shook your head.
"I wanted to take you shopping," he pouted.
"We will go shopping once the threat is over" you rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand, leading him out of the suite.

"I'm so glad I didn't have to go in there to pull you two out" Steve looked relieved as you came into the dining room.
"None of us wanted that job" Sam quipped, all geared up for his mission.
"Sam gets to go on a mission, and I don't?" Bucky demanded.
"Hey, it's you and Steve they want. I'm going with Nat and Clint to get the data to see what they are up to on team one" Sam shook his head, pointing his finger at Bucky to add a little bit of sass.
"If we didn't have school we would be on team three" Pietro frowned slightly.
"That's okay, we've got this" Scott reassured him.
"Yeah, of course we all do," Clint nodded.
"I don't like the fact that I can't go on missions either" Steve admitted. "But until we get more data, we need to cool our heels. It's just you and me in the gym today"
"That leaves us in the lab" Tony looked at you and Bruce.
"Let's bring Cloud and Jasper into the gym and work with them too" Bucky seemed to think hard on that before suggesting it.
"I'll bring the pups to the lab" Snow chimed in and you looked at her with a soft smile on your face.
"The lab is going to be busy. Snow is bringing the litter in there for today" you announced for her.
"I'm looking forward to seeing how they fare outside of your suite" Bruce chuckled, watching the four small pups try to eat all of their ground meat.
"Can we leave the balcony door open in the living room, so the wolves can come and go as they please?" you looked at Tony who quickly nodded. You gave a smile in response and went back to focusing on your meal.
The rest of the meal was relatively quiet, and everyone left for their missions, while the boys went to school. Steve and Bucky headed to the gym with Cloud and Jasper to work out for the day. You sighed to yourself and went with Tony, Bruce and the rest of the pack to the lab. You looked longingly at the testing room, missing the days that they used to work on your powers with you. It felt like forever since they were testing your defense and offensive abilities. Tony had seemed so keen before, but had really toned it down since before the pregnancy.
You went to your desk and started working on the weapons again, and how the counter serum would be injected without the chance of an overdose if you really loaded up the weapons. It seemed like a never ending task, you would finish the plans for one weapon, and Tony was sending you another one. Fury sent a few messages to Tony during the day, and you knew more work was coming your way. Tony's grimace told you that there was a possibility that there was more data incoming, and he wasn't liking the results.

The rest of the week was the same. The boys would go to school during the day. Pepper and Happy would go to work, everyone was on missions except for Bucky and Steve while you continued to work in the lab on weapons and formulas. Tony had sent you some of the mission data to look over to see if you could find any oversight on what they were doing at Hydra. From what you could tell, they were determined to make their serum permanent. By Friday both Steve and Bucky were grumpy and going stir crazy wanting to get back on missions again. Steve started working in his office, and Bucky spent most of his time on the compound grounds with the wolves, even working with the Shadow wolf pack. You wanted to tell Bucky everything was going to be okay, but he wasn't used to being on the backburner. Most of the time he and Steve were the go to for missions. One thing that changed was the pups now wanted up on the bed at night, so there was even less room than there was previously for the two of you to sleep, and you almost asked Tony for a bigger bed. You knew it was getting closer to when the pups would go to their forever homes, but you hadn't had the time to talk to Clint or the boys about the other three pups yet.
Each evening in your suite Steve and Bucky would sit with you in the living room, or go outside to look through the telescope and talk amongst themselves. You didn't mind, you knew they were both feeling left out. When they would go off on their own, you would take the time to go over more of the wedding plans, knowing that it was coming up in three weeks. You did manage to get a hold of Uncle Brad, and he readily agreed to be your officiant and said he would make it for the wedding. You were over the moon that things were going to plan. You knew this weekend you were going out shopping and you would also have to go see about your wedding dress. Something that you and Bucky had spoken about very briefly, and he had grumbled he had wanted to go with you for your clothes shopping. Tony had offered to bring in a tailor to do that gentlemen's suits, and you readily agreed. It seemed like the offer of a lifetime for you, and he promised he would have his personal tailor there on Saturday.
Friday you took the time away from the lab, and cooked another home cooked meal, making steaks, perogies, and spinach salad for the main meal, with of course a few loaves of bread and a blueberry cheesecake for dessert. You set the table with candles, and brought out the wine glasses, giving yourself just some apple juice instead. Everyone seemed to enjoy it thoroughly, and you decided you wanted to add the perogies to the wedding meal, as well as the spinach salad. Bucky mentioned he liked the asparagus you normally made, so you added it to the wedding book.

"That was the perfect meal doll" Bucky came to bed after spending a good portion of his evening sitting down and playing cards with Steve. They had asked you to join, but you had decided to do some reading instead. You had gone out to your swing for the night, just enjoying your love songs while the wolves played out on the grounds together.
"I'm glad you liked it" you gave him a soft smile as he slipped in bed beside you. All the wolves were on the bed and Cloud was gently snoring already, having been working hard in the gym all week as well as playing even harder in the evening with the pups. He seemed to be getting excited for parenthood.
"I loved it" he reassured you. "I know I've been a pain this week, but I appreciate you being so patient with me" he pulled you in to lay your head on his chest.
"You might be grumpy, but you're my grumpy man" you sighed happily.
"I was thinking we could go for a walk tomorrow on the grounds" he asked, seeming to hesitate for a moment before asking.
"You and I both can't. The tailor is coming to do your measurements for your suit for you and Steve, and I'm going to see about my wedding dress. Uncle Brad already promised to be here for the wedding date, and so is his family. Mama is threatening to come early as well" you warned him.
"Fine, maybe Sunday then" he sighed. "Thank you for the plum pie," he added quickly.
"You sniffed it out already?" you giggled.
"Steve and I ate it while we played cards," he admitted. "How did I get so lucky?"
"You helped me take care of Blue" you kissed his chest and Blue came crawling over your side to lay on Bucky's chest beside your face and whimpered as he snuggled in.
"I love you doll" he murmured, kissing the top of your head, and you nuzzled into him before closing your eyes.

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