Attacked in plain sight

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Arriving at the Farmer's market, Blue excitedly howled from the backseat of the SUV while Cloud and Melody wagged their tails happily.
"I get a new toy, right mama?" Blue asked happily.
"Yes, you get a new toy today baby boy" you called back to him as Bucky slipped out of the car. You went to grab the door, but Bucky was outside your door in a flash and opened it for you. You slipped out and leaned up to give him a soft kiss on the cheek in response. He purposely pulled you in for a hug, and nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck and took a deep inhale. "We have to get the wolves," you giggled, holding him close. It was always so comforting when he was close to you like this.
"I just needed to hold you for a minute before people start recognizing us again" he pulled back with a grin. You raked your eyes over his body, pulling back, taking in his dark blue jeans, the red long sleeved henley, and the black leather jacket and wanted to purr with contentment. "Keep looking at me like that, and we are turning this car around" he gave a side smirk and you felt the heat rise up in your cheeks automatically.
"I'm just thinking I'm one lucky dame" you recovered quickly.
"And I'm one lucky guy" he quickly countered before pulling fully away to open the back door. Bucky clipped the leashes on each wolf as they came close, before they jumped out of the back of the SUV and he handed you Cloud's leash, seeming content to take on Melody and Blue for himself today. Cloud quickly came to your side, leaving a lot of wiggle room on the leash for when you started walking. Blue immediately started pulling on the leash with Bucky, but he wasn't getting far with Bucky's super strength.
"Calm down Blue, we will be going through the market soon enough Melody chastised him.
"There's just so much to see! We haven't come in forever!" Blue gave another howl, causing people to stop and look over at the five of you.
"You need to calm down Blue, or else we are going to sit in the car for five minutes for a time out" Bucky warned him. Blue instantly calmed down and sat back giving a soft whine in response.
"Come on, let's get going" you reached into the backseat for the reusable bags.
"What is my dame craving for fruits this week?" Bucky arched a single eyebrow and you gave a small smile.
"I'm thinking strawberries and peaches" you licked your lips just thinking about it. "I don't know if they'll have it though. We also need some plums" you added quickly.
"We can always stop by the grocery store on the way home to pick some up if they don't have it at one of the vendors" he promised and put a hand in the small of your back to lead you into the crowd. You had a large smile on your face as you walked through, just enjoying being lost in the sea of people. You could feel the small hairs on the back of your neck standing up, feeling like someone was watching you, but you dismissed it that it was people recognizing the pair of you.
"Something doesn't smell right" Cloud suddenly announced as you got towards some of the food vendors.
"I agree with Cloud" Melody chimed in.
"Baby, the wolves say something doesn't smell right" you whispered to Bucky.
"Yeah, it feels like someone is watching us" Bucky looked around with a sharp eye. "I'll keep an eye out, if something happens, I want you to grab the wolves and run" he warned you.
"I doubt it will come down to that" you tried to reassure him, but you had a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. You had no intention of running, but the memory of the boys saying Hydra was in the city made you feel sick to your stomach. You reached back to Bucky's hand in the small of your back, and held it tightly. You found a few fresh fruit vendors and picked out some plums, strawberries, and peaches to bring home. Bucky pulled you to the food truck and picked out some of the fresh doughnuts that he likes so much. You were starting to relax a little bit regardless of the apprehension in your stomach as you strolled along the city streets. Blue seemed carefree as he started pulling on the leash again as you got close to the vendor that sold the dog toys.
"Well, welcome back! Long time no see!" they called to you and Bucky and you quickly made your way over.
"I was away for work" you admitted as you got closer. "We need to pick up a few new toys today" you started looking at his wares more closely.
"Mama, this one, and this one" Bucky nosed at two new stuffies. You picked them up while Melody and Cloud each picked out a new ball in different colors. You passed them to the vendor while you picked out a few more toys for the pups, Jasper and Snow. Bucky quickly paid as you put all the toys into the last reusable bag that the pair of you had brought. You noticed that it suddenly felt like someone was behind you and you turned around while Bucky was taking the bag, and you saw four men standing behind you. One of them was holding out a gun and pointing it straight at you. Without thinking you punched him in the throat, letting out a scream while Bucky nearly dropped all of his packages and turned quickly. There was no mistaking it, it was Hydra, and it was also their new soldiers. Bucky let the bags fall to the ground as he let go of the leashes and he let out a yell, giving a punch to the man closest to you.
"Run" he commanded, but you were a little busy. You had dropped Cloud's leash and the pair of you were fighting two of the Hydra agents. Blue started barking, not understanding what was going on, but Melody herded him under the toy vendor's table trying to get him to safety. She grabbed his leash between her teeth to stop him from sneaking back out while the crowd of people started screaming as a gunshot went off. You looked quickly behind you to check Bucky but he was holding the bullet with his vibranium fist and dropped it to the ground. You called on your fire abilities as you continued to fight the two soldiers in front of you and they started to back off a bit, while you noticed Bucky was being pushed away from you in the opposite direction.
"James!" you called out to Bucky and you heard him growl menacingly as he reached forward and smashed the two soldiers that he was fighting head's together giving a sickening crack in response. With you being temporarily distracted, one of the soldiers you had been fighting punched you hard in the stomach making you fall back. You hit the ground with a yelp and Cloud went for their throats. Bucky ran over and started attacking them, leading them away from you, Melody, and Blue. Cloud fought in tandem beside him with a deadly growl on his lips. They disappeared from your view and you grabbed your cell phone out of your pocket and speed dialed Tony.
"What is it?" Tony picked up the phone, sounding a little annoyed.
"We are being attacked at the farmers market. I got hit, Bucky's still fighting but I can't see him" you wheezed into the phone, holding your side where you had gotten hit.
"On our way" Tony hung up quickly. You let go of your fire abilities and started looking around for something to secure the two soldiers' hands that were not that far from you, but you came up with no idea on what to use.
"Mama!" Blue whined from his spot not that far from you.
"Stay hidden" you barked at him. You saw leashes for sale at the toy vendor and grabbed two, heading to the fallen soldiers and tied up their hands quickly, as tightly as you could before you went back to the vendor and put down a fifty dollar bill. You held your hand to your side, feeling like you might have bruised ribs with how much it hurt and the only thing you could think about was the baby. You felt a pain in for right arm, and knew it was Cloud who was likely still fighting by Bucky's side.
"Are you okay?" the vendor came out from hiding.
"Keep hidden, please, I don't know if there are any more" you looked over worriedly. They nodded and went back into hiding. You saw them reach for Blue and pull them into hiding with them. Melody came out of hiding and came to your side before growling at the two hydra agents. You were barely waiting ten minutes, looking worriedly for Bucky and Cloud or at least a sign of them. Tony suddenly landed beside you in his Ironman suit and he let his mask come up as he came to you quickly.
"Did they hurt you?" he asked, looking at your stomach worriedly.
"I got hit with a good kick, but I think I'm okay" you tried to reassure him and yourself at the same time. You noticed in his hand there were a few syringes. You took two of them and went and dosed the two soldiers that had been fighting with Bucky.
"Steve, Sam, Wanda, and Nat are on their way" Tony looked to the sky to see Sam flew by both of you, headed in the direction that Bucky had disappeared in. "Do me a favor, and sit back down. Let me look at your side" Tony gestured to you, and you huffed before pulling up the side of your shirt and Tony could see the clear outline of a boot coming out on your skin. "You're heading for the regeneration machine after Cho takes a look at you" Tony put his mask back on and you heard him making calls. You heard one of the jets and looked over to see it landing on the of the apartment building rooftops and out came Natasha, Wanda and Steve. Natasha and Steve went in the same direction as Sam had, however Wanda made her way down to you quickly and put her hand over your stomach.
"They're okay" she reassured you after a quick assessment. "Are these our prisoners?" she asked, her voice dripping in venom.
"Bucky knocked them out," you nodded.
"Too bad, I'd love to get into their heads" she had a dark look on her face. "Loki, Thor and Vision are watching the wolves" she let you know softly.
"Where's Blue?" Tony came back over, clearly done with his calls.
"Right over there, there's still civilians here on the ground" you gestured to where your bags lay nearly forgotten on the ground.
"Grab your stuff, I'm walking you back to the car and you are headed home" Tony ordered.
"Not without my Cloud and my James" you shook your head vehemently.
"It's a direct order, you are wounded and you have more pressing matters. I'll bring Bucky and Cloud home to you" Tony's voice became very firm. Melody gave a loud whine seeing your face waiver as you glared at Tony. You didn't want to leave without your Bucky or Cloud.
"You know he's right," Wanda said in a soft whisper.
"Blue, come to mommy" you finally gave in. He came running out from under the table, whining worriedly and you picked him up. Tony picked up your bags and started following you back to the SUV. You kept your pace slow, continuously looking back to see if Bucky was coming. The pain in your side was also a hindrance to you. When you got to the SUV you saw the parking lot was nearly deserted, people had all left the farmers market. You huffed slightly to yourself, and wanted to know why they attacked and to what end? Tony put all the packages in the back seat while Melody and Blue got in the passenger seat.
"I don't have the keys" you looked at Tony.
"Friday, take Y/N home. Protective protocol one" Tony called out before slamming the door and waving to you. You suddenly heard the car start up and it started driving on its own. You yelped and reached for Blue to hold while the car drove itself.

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