Strawberry Applesauce

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"Hey doll" Bucky stood in the middle of the room with a slight smirk on his face, knowing he had given you a fright. A mischievous chuckle erupted from his chest as he watched you clutch your chest in surprise.
"I thought..." you started, your face turning red from embarrassment. You had honestly thought for a moment that one of the Hydra soldiers had gotten into your suite. You admittedly never locked the balcony doors, but that was going to be a habit that would quickly change after Brutus' news this morning. You saw Bucky's face suddenly go somber, and regret flashed across it.
"I'm sorry, I could smell the pie's and knew you were coming so I was waiting on you. I didn't think about... you know" he seemed extremely apologetic.
"It's okay. You got me though" you sighed and gave a relieved chuckle. You walked into the room, still holding the pie with one hand, and you started to head to the kitchenette. Bucky quickly grabbed his plum pie from you and gave an appreciative sniff before placing it on the small cupboard.
"Thank you" he turned to you and pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you in a bear hug.
"How long were you waiting for me?" you asked, cuddling into his embrace, taking in his pine scent.
"A couple of minutes. I heard you talking on the phone with your mama from the upstairs hallway, so I took the balcony stairs to come down to the room. I wanted a hug where we aren't interrupted" he kissed the top of your head. You nuzzled your face into his firm chest and sighed contentedly. "Is anyone waiting for you?" he asked softly, his voice a scant whisper in the room.
"Wanda" you kissed his chest and rolled your head from side to side for a moment.
"She can wait" he chuckled and grabbed you by the hips before picking you up. You held onto him as he pulled you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He made his way to the couch and he sat down, but far enough ahead so your legs wouldn't feel trapped. You quickly folded your legs so you were on your knees on either side of his lap, and he scooted backwards until his back was touching the couch and he visibly relaxed.
"We need to start locking the balcony doors I think" you sat more on his knees, and ran your hands up and down his arms.
"I've been thinking about that for a while, but I know you like easy access for the pack," he nodded in quick agreement.
"I need you safe more" you pouted visibly.
"I'm safe with you, and with the team. I don't think they'll try again any time soon with the way you guys brought them down last week" he rubbed his hands up and down your sides, seeming to really be paying attention to your curves. You saw a smirk on his face moments before he brought his hands to your baby bump and he rubbed his flesh hand over it easily. "Such a miracle" he mused softly.
"You are my miracle man" you cooed to him. "Somehow you kept up with my heat" you giggled.
"I can't wait to do it again" he chuckled in response.
"February we should find out from my research" you bit your bottom lip and Bucky's gaze went immediately to your lips.
"I'll mark it in our calendar, we aren't on missions for a bit that month" he gave a sexy half smile, then licked his top lip seeming to still be focused on your lips. You finally released your bottom lip from your teeth, and parted them slightly while knowing exactly what you were doing to him. "We don't have enough time for what I want to do to you" he groaned. He went to lean forward to kiss you, but a thump sounded in the room and the pad of little paws made their way over to the couch. You both paused and you saw the expression on Bucky's face of resignation as Alpine crawled up in between the two of you and purred loudly.
"I'd better get back to Wanda" you smirked, giving Alpine a few scratches behind the ears.
"Come with papa Alpine, we are going out to the kitchen" Bucky picked him up and put him on his left shoulder. Alpine rewarded his hand with a small lick as you slipped off of Bucky's lap. He stood up carefully before he followed you out of the room.

Wanda gave a giggle as you came back into the kitchen with a bit more of a bounce in your step.
"I reheated your tea" she advised you with an impish smile. "I'll make Bucky a tea since he's here now, and the water is still hot" she slid off of her stool and made herself busy. You went over and sat down in your previously vacated seat and hummed happily as you took a sip of your tea. Wanda had sweetened and cooled it to perfection. Bucky took one of the other stools and put it beside yours before sitting down. Alpine gave a small meow as he watched the chef and one of their assistants in the kitchen.He was definitely being a curious kitten this afternoon. You looked over your shoulder and saw they were making fish and chips for supper, with a side of homemade coleslaw and homemade tartar sauce. You were getting excited for the meal, and felt eyes on you. You turned back to look forward and saw Bucky looking at you with an endearing smile and you quickly mirrored it. You leaned ahead and slightly to the side, and kissed him softly on the lips. He hummed happily and lingered for a moment before he pulled back.
"For the groom" Wanda slid the cup of tea in front of Bucky who broke out into another smile.
"Thanks Wanda" he quickly thanked her.
"I can't wait for the boys to get home, we made so many treats" she sat back on her stool and giggled with mirth. She pulled out her phone and sent off a quick text message. You only had time to take another sip of tea before her phone dinged and she proudly showed you a text message from Pietro that both he and Peter were on their way home.
"Are they still spending a lot of time in the city?" you asked softly, a small swell of doubt filling your chest.
"No, a little bit after school, but that's about it. They are more focused on Cedar and Koa. They truly love their pups" Wanda shook her head and gave a soft smile. "I'm proud of my brother taking on the additional responsibility so easily. I knew he wanted a pup of his own after he saw what it was like for me and my Zora. He takes being a fur daddy very seriously. Last week the boys were outside doing leash training after supper."
"I'm glad they are taking this seriously" you bit at your bottom lip slightly. "I'll have to make a point to see if they need any help with anything."
"They were there when you were learning with Blue, they will be fine" Wanda gave a slight giggle. "How was your day, Bucky?"
"It was pretty good. I was going to go to the car dealership, but I ended up going up to help out Nat and Bruce. I think I'm going to go tomorrow. Do you want a blue SUV, to match your truck?" Bucky flicked his attention back to you.
"Well, it is your favorite color" you quickly pointed out.
"We can also customize it if we don't like the shade of blue it is" he smirked.
"We shall see. Get the blue one, but bring Loki or Thor with you, for my peace of mind" you added softly.
"I'll bring Steve and Sam," Bucky nodded.
"Bring a prince as well" you frowned. "Loki is good with a dagger, and Thor is literally the god of thunder"
"I'll bring them Thor if you promise to stay with Loki" he relented.
"Deal" you gave a full smile.
"Tony's getting the hall cleaned this week, and it won't be ready for two days to be decorated. We already hired a team to come in and decorate. But maybe we could go take a look at the space tomorrow and make any alterations to the floor plan if you want" Wanda offered.
"I'd like that" you nodded in agreement.
"I'm sure Loki will approve as long as we have tea afterwards" she giggled.
"Approve of what?" Loki came into the room looking curious. "I heard my name mentioned a few times, I'd like to know what is being planned"
"Bucky is going to look at a new car tomorrow, and I asked him to bring either you or Thor" you started to explain.
"Better to bring the oaf" Loki gave a small smile.
"That's what I said, just didn't call him an oaf" Bucky nodded and finished his cup of tea. "I asked Y/N to stay with you in return"
"Of course, I'd be delighted. We will rest in the living room, perhaps go for a small walk" Loki seemed delighted by the prospect.
"I thought we might go look at Compound A's space to see if there's anything we need to modify for the wedding" Wanda suggested.
"We can do that as well," Loki quickly agreed. "Have you been eating enough? You are a little pale" he frowned, turning his attention back to you.
"It's almost supper," you shrugged.
"Yes, but you are hungry" Loki huffed slightly and reached across the counter and grabbed two cookies and put them in front of you and waited. You bit your bottom lip for a moment before taking one of the cookies and eating it. You had been hungry for a while, but were waiting for mealtime to eat. You slowly ate, and finished your cup of tea while Loki stood close by and watched. You felt a little awkward being under close scrutiny. Bucky got up and went to the fridge and grabbed a small container of strawberry flavored applesauce that he had ordered in for you and took a spoon out of the drawer. He came back to you and proudly sat it down in front of you. You squealed happily and stood up long enough to give him a kiss on the cheek before happily eating the small container. "Good, now that you've eaten something I'll go advise the oaf he's on guard duty, and also remind him it's almost meal time" Loki seemed pleased with himself.
"Thank you Loki" you smiled happily.
"As always, my pleasure lady Y/N" he inclined his head regally and stepped out of the room again.
"How did you get this ordered in?" you asked Bucky, still in shock there was something stored in the fridge that was strawberry flavored.
"I called in a favor, I'm supposed to put it in our room tonight" Bucky admitted. "I'll actually run this to our room now. You stay here with Wanda, and I'll give you another one tonight" he gave you a kiss on the cheek and went back to the fridge to grab the rest of the box and rushed from the room. Both you and Wanda shared a giggle, and Wanda took the mugs to put in the sink. You sighed happily, thinking today turned out better than expected.

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