Uncle Brad's request

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Bucky really wasn't letting it fly that you were suddenly feeling a bit faint, and stayed in bed with you while Steve and Sam took both packs for a walk through the woods. They promised to come up to visit once they were done. You were happy with your pregnancy pillow and Alpine, but it certainly felt nice to have Bucky holding you from behind. He pulled away, busy on his phone and went back to cuddling you until his phone pinged again.
"Okay, time to get up," Bucky said after only an hour of resting. You groaned in response, and he rolled out of bed. He came around to stand in front of you and he took the pregnancy pillow away slowly and you gave him a soft glare. Alpine jumped up onto the pillows and Bucky scooped you up in his arms, carrying you like a bride again. You just wrapped your arms around him defeatedly, not understanding what was going on but you figured he was a man on a mission and as long as you didn't have to stand up, you were fine with it. That is until he walked into the medical bay and you groaned again.
"Hey Y/N" Doctor Cho said in a chipper voice. You gave a small smile in response.
"Hello" you finally said as Bucky laid you down on the uncomfortable hospital bed. "What am I doing here?" you asked.
"Bucky, we are going to have to work on your communication skills" she sassed him and he just nodded. "We are checking your hemoglobin levels" she explained coming towards you with a blood drawing kit.
"Why?" you almost demanded.
"Can I ask you a few questions?' she countered quickly with a question of her own. You nodded in consent. "Are you feeling light headed?" she asked and you nodded. "Have you been tired a lot?" she continued. You hesitated before nodding again. "How long has it been going on for?" she asked.
"The tiredness for a few weeks" Bucky answered for you when you didn't want to answer. "The light headedness is new."
"We are checking for anemia" Doctor Cho explained as she started taking blood work. "You sighed and turned your head away while she took a few vials of blood. "Just doing a few random checks as well" she promised as she went. Once she was done she put a cotton swab on the needle area and applied pressure. Once she was satisfied after a few minutes she added a long piece of tape to the cotton swab to hold it to your skin and she grabbed her kit, heading into the medical bay lab.
"Do we leave?" you called to her as she started to close the door behind her.
"No, you stay right there" she ordered and closed the door. You looked at Bucky and reached for the sleeve of his shirt. He looked at you curiously and you gave a small tug. He nodded and you moved over in the bed and he gingerly slipped in beside you. He wrapped his arm around you and you laid your head on his chest. He started humming one of your favorite love songs and you drifted off to a place in your head. Not quite asleep, but day dreaming of the day you would finally meet your Rebecca Rose. You were there for a while when Doctor Cho came out and she seemed to be all business.
"Your iron is low," she advised. "You have anemia. We will treat it with oral supplements of iron daily, but I also want you to start eating some more iron rich foods like meat, chicken, fish and eggs."
"We eat eggs almost every day," you sighed.
"Which may be one of the reasons we didn't notice until now" she countered quickly. "I'm going to do a few more tests, but I do have to warn you this can mean a preterm birth" she warned you.
"A premie baby?" you asked in surprise. "Is that going to be dangerous?" you asked worriedly.
"It can be, but your baby is very strong and healthy right now. I have no doubts she would pull through" Doctor Cho said kindly.
"I'll look it up online" Bucky played with your hair as you had a mini panic attack on his chest. "Shh doll, you and Rebecca Rose are going to be fine" he reassured you. "Come on, doll" he kissed the top of your head and he untangled himself from your limbs and got off the bed. You barely moved and he chuckled, picking you up again and carrying you out of the room. You cuddled into him and you saw Uncle Brad standing outside your suite door unsurely with Soren on his arm. Bucky quickly invited him in and he opened the door for the two of you to pass by before the three of you settled in the living room.

"Hi Uncle Brad" you said a little tiredly.
"Where did you go, Songbird?" he asked.
"We were checking in with the doctor, someone's not been feeling well" Bucky sat down with you on his lap, and brushed the hair out of your face lovingly.
"Is everything okay?" he asked, immediately concerned.
"She's got anemia" Bucky said after a small hesitation.
"Her mama had that too, it's alright. Your daughter will be fine" he assured the two of you.
"What brings you by?" you asked, after digesting that information.
"I just miss my mate," he admitted. "I was lonely, so I stopped by. I called her just before I came down. She's busy with the kids" he sighed.
"He wants to go home," Soren said suddenly.
"Then he should" you answered internally.
"What did he say?" Bucky asked, not missing out on that small communication.
"I want to go home," Uncle Brad said hesitantly.
"As you should" you said at the same time as Bucky.
"Listen, don't stay on our account. We won't be able to finish our honeymoon until after we have the baby. I know this is a tradition in your family, but being away from your mate is painful. You should go home to your wife and kids. Too much time was already missed" Bucky said with a sigh.
"I agree with Bucky" you said, sitting up on his lap and leaning forward. "We will have Clint bring you home tonight" you said, grabbing your phone and sending Clint a text.
"I just, don't feel like I'm complete without your aunt" he said, obviously torn with the decision.
"Mama is taking good care of us, you need to go be with your family" you reassured him.
"Yeah?" he asked.
"Yes" both you and Bucky said at the same time.
"I'll go pack" he said, sounding elated that he was going home. You smiled and he came over and hugged the both of you before he retreated out of the room again.
"I'm going to put you on the couch, doll" Bucky went to pick you up again, and you stood up on your own two feet on your own. You tried not to show that you were feeling lightheaded still, and you moved forward to sit on the couch. Bucky grumbled that you are too stubborn for your own good, and got up himself. He grabbed the dark blue throw blanket and put it over your shoulders before he disappeared in the wolf nursery.
You really wanted to redecorate it properly. Make sure that there were plenty of toys and things for the wolves to play with as pups and as adults. Cloud loved playing ball for example, and Blue loved his stuffed toys.
You heard a knock on the door and both Bucky and Cloud popped their heads out the door before the door fell open with both your pack and the shadow wolf pack, and an energetic Blue who was in no way, shape, or form tired from his long walk. Behind them walked in both Steve, Sam, and Wanda with Seraphina and Zora.
"Welcome" you said happily while Bucky and Cloud popped back into the wolf nursery. Alpine jumped from the top of his cat tree and ran to you to sit in your lap protectively, but his fur flared as though he was scared. You wrapped your arms around him reassuringly and whispered your thanks to him in your mind.
"Mama!" Blue vaulted onto the couch and you yelped in surprise. Bucky quickly came out and pinched the bridge of his nose between his eyes as though he was asking for a bit of patience.
"There's my Blue" you cooed to him.
"We went for a walk, and we sniffed everything and I chased a raccoon!" Blue told you proudly.
"You shouldn't chase the poor raccoon, he's probably hungry" you said with a bit of sass.
"He called me a bunch of names and Brutus chased him even further away" he advised you quickly. "Then we found some squirrels and they ran up the trees" he continued and you nodded. He kept talking, but your brain was in overdrive with all the voices since Zora and Seraphina chimed in.
"You're looking a bit pale, sister" Wanda picked up Blue and sat down beside you.
"They are quite excited about chasing the wildlife" you said, still feeling exhausted.
"Oh! You must be so worried about having anemia" she said as she read your mind. Both Steve and Sam paused, and waited for you to confirm.
"We will get through it" Bucky said, and he came over to pick up Blue who was still jabbering away on Wanda's lap. "Mama needs her rest" he told Blue who promptly stopped talking and whined.
"Mama?" Blue asked you with his ears down.
"Baby, hand me Blue please" you said, and Alpine jumped up on your shoulders and laid down. Bucky seemed at a loss, but handed you Blue and he wrapped himself around your baby bump and quieted down.
"Wait, Blue! We didn't tell her the best part" Zora said quickly.
"I'm being a good big brother," Blue said with a bit of a whimper.
"Tell me what's the best part of your day" you prompted him.
"I got to come home to my family," he said. You pulled him up and kissed him softly on the end of his muzzle and he licked your lips. As soon as you set him back down he wrapped himself around your stomach again as Rebecca Rose moved in your stomach.
"No, the best part was that there were no strange smells" Zora said with a bit of a huff.
"We were checking for you," Brutus assured you.
"Thank you" you gave a grateful smile. You repeated what was said to everyone else, and Bucky let out a sigh of relief as he sat on the arm of the couch, and put his arm up behind Alpine so he was still close to you.
"What brings you here?" you asked curiously.
"We are going out!" Wanda said excitedly and you couldn't help yourself.
"Where?" you asked.
"She won't tell us," Steve and Sam said at the same time.
"Come on, just us girls" she prompted you and you couldn't help yourself.
"I'd love to" you finally said and Bucky looked like he was very against the idea. You rubbed your hand on his thigh to tell him it was okay and he respectfully didn't say a word. .

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