Bucky's anxiety

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"Doll?" Bucky came into the room, after having been gone for a while. Jasper was on his feet and seemed a lot more limber, no longer with a cast on his leg. You were still in the tub with Cloud by your side. The bubbles were mostly gone, and you looked up at him in confusion when he came into the room. "You've been in there long enough" he chuckled as he went to grab you a large pink towel and you pulled the plug before using the spray nozzle to rinse yourself off. Cloud remained unmoved, even as you finished up and stepped out onto the rug, his fur grazing against your soaked leg.
"We have to talk" you cleared your throat, knowing that Cloud wanted to hear you say it.
"What's going on?" Bucky asked as he started drying you off. He seemed so focused on what he was doing, you didn't have the heart to tell him you could finish it yourself. You waited patiently, and when he was satisfied he wrapped the towel around your body and tied it closed. "Is it something bad?" he asked finally, having waited patiently.
"We aren't going back to the cabin for a bit," you said finally.
"Good, I'm glad you decided. I didn't want to chance you going back" he gave a wan smile and you looked at him confused for a moment. "I didn't want you to be in danger doll, here is the safest place for you and our pack" he put his hands on your shoulders and you nodded, wondering if he would have brought it up to you regardless. "I'm also going to make one of the bedroom's to be a nursery for the wolves, since we are here. Set it up nice for Melody and Cloud for tonight" he gave you a kiss on the tip of your nose and you smiled at him lovingly.
"You're okay with this?" you asked him, while both Cloud and Jasper gave a soft bark that they were happy with the decision.
"I was going to ask you if we could stay. Kinda puts a damper on the honeymoon, but we won't be in danger forever and we can eventually have a real honeymoon" he smiled broadly. "I'll even go out and get your favorite strawberries" he saw you were a little bothered.
"No, not you" you reached out and pinched his shirt between your index finger and thumb.
"I'll ask Stevie to go out and get us lots of strawberries and nutella" Bucky smiled and closed the distance between the two of you and held you close.
"And pickles?" you asked hopefully.
"And pickles" he nodded, with a soft chuckle emanating from his chest.
"And whipped cream" you added and you looked up at him while batting your eyelashes.
"Make me a list" he chuckled and kissed you softly on the lips.
"Okay" you giggled and went to rush to the bedroom to grab your phone. You didn't witness Bucky get down on the bathroom floor and whisper his thanks to Cloud, but you heard the soft bark before both Cloud and Jasper came out, with Bucky walking behind them. You saw your clothes were already set out on the bed, and it was a plum sweater dress with black leggings and your beige uggs for your feet. He had also put in your navy blue matching lace panties and bra and you suddenly had a feeling they wouldn't survive the night. You quickly dressed and sat down to text Bucky your list of the foods you wanted in your suite so you wouldn't have to make frequent trips to the kitchen. The strawberries were especially needed since that's the main thing you were craving. You liked dipping them in Nutella at night. You had been spoiled living at the cabin. You sent the list and you heard Bucky's phone go off in the living room. You walked out to see him carrying the lesser used blankets and dog beds and carrying them in the bedroom closest to the front of the suite. You went to check on Alpine who was still hiding in his cat tree. You reached in a hand and picked him up and held him close to your body. It took him a couple of minutes, but he started purring. You knew the one that he really wanted this from was Bucky, and the moment you saw he was done with setting up the bedroom you walked over to Bucky and he stopped to look at you.
"I need to get this list to Steve, doll" Bucky told you softly.
"You need to comfort your companion" you told him, looking down at Alpine lovingly. "I'll go ask Steve" you said.
"No, I want to ask him" Bucky shook his head and he took Alpine from you, and snuggled him close to his neck. "You stay here, okay? Maybe lay on the couch" he gestured to the inviting couch. You nodded and walked over and sat down. Snow and Jasper jumped up on the couch beside you and you giggled as you laid down and they made room for your body before finding room for themselves to lay down. Bucky seemed satisfied and he put a blanket over your shoulders and stomach before leaving the room. You closed your eyes in contentment and steadied out your breathing as you took a quick nap.

"Hey jerk" Steve opened his suite door with Seraphina dancing at his feet. Bucky looked in and saw that Sam, Clint, and Uncle Brad were in the room with him and Bucky frowned a little. "Get in here" he invited him in.
The record player was playing softly and it took a moment for Bucky to realize the entire Shadow Wolf pack was in the room as well, seeming to be looking from one to the other as he entered. Seraphina didn't seem bothered at all, however excited. Alpine dug in his claws in worry, but Bucky soothed him before he went and took an empty seat.
"What brings you here?" Steve asked, sitting back down in his seat.
"A favor" Bucky flushed a little under all the men's intense scrutiny. "Y/N doesn't want me to leave the compound, but she needs a few things for our suite from the house and the grocery store."
"Anything you need, let me see the list" Steve held out his hand expecting paper, but Bucky handed him his phone instead.
"I also wanted her prenatal vitamins from the house and a bouquet of flowers. Roses and sunflowers, she would love it" Bucky explained.
"I'll go get it after lunch," Steve nodded.
"Brutus wants to know if you are headed back to your other den?" Uncle Brad asked.
"No, I think Cloud took care of that. We will be staying here for a while" Bucky gave a soft smile. "Which is exactly what I wanted after what happened earlier" he admitted.
"Where is our songbird?" Uncle Brad asked.
"She's napping I think, back in our suite. I told her to lay down, but her eyes were closed when I left. I just want her to get some rest before lunch" Bucky looked at him with a small spark in his eyes. "She has Snow and Jasper with her," he added.
"Both are very brave wolves," Uncle Brad commented. "Everyone needs to be groomed again," he added with a chuckle.
"Cloud loves it," Bucky smirked.
"The Shadow wolf pack needs it" he looked at the pack of black wolves and Bucky could tell he was having a conversation with them internally. All of them waited patiently for him to finish and he looked back at them. "They agreed, but they want Y/N and Sam there" he advised.
"I'll talk to Tony" Clint took out his phone. "He's pretty busy ordering the camera's. He thinks he needs it done yesterday, but I don't think Hydra is going to take another shot at us for a while. They would be stupid to try" he shook his head as he typed in his phone. He got a message back almost right away and he chuckled. "Yeah, he said he would call, once he is done with what he's working on."
"You know in all the time I've known her I've never seen her fire singe her clothes" Sam commented.
"She was pretty mad," Bucky nodded. "When it comes to do with anything with wolves, the pack or me... she seems to lose focus" he commented.
"That's to be expected," Uncle Brad nodded. "When it comes to mates or my companion, even I lose any rational thought" he admitted. Soren squawked and moved a little on his perch from Uncle Brad's shoulder. "Yes, I do love you too, Soren," he chuckled.
"Was that all you needed?" Steve asked, looking a little worried.
"I just need a minute," Bucky said softly. "She scared me," he admitted. "My entire life is in the palm of her hands, and she keeps meeting danger head on" he shook his head.
"I think it was the thought of you getting hurt, or her pack getting hurt... really got to her. She's tired of running. First it was Shawn after her. Now Hydra is after you, it's a never ending cycle. I don't think they are stupid enough to try anything again anytime soon. We have the serums to change them back to humans, we have enough artillery in the building to take down an army. We are the Avenger's for goodness sake. You're safe here now" Clint said wisely. "She's going to be safe," he assured him.
Bucky nodded, but inside he was still shaking. It was like Alpine could tell, and he purred louder, moving onto his shoulder and nuzzling in more and licking him on his temple. Bucky reached up and pet him softly, just paying attention to the feeling of his soft fur under his fingers. He didn't want to admit he was shaken, but he was. You were the air he breathed, and to see you in a field with just wolves, facing down the creatures that were built like werewolves with super soldier serum in their veins. Your stomach protruding slightly from your clothes. If those creatures would have gotten back to base, the fact that you are pregnant would no longer be a secret, and that's why he said the two of you would take down the big guy. His heart had been in his throat since he faced down with the Alpha of that pack. You seemed so at peace, but he was shaken. He couldn't lose you and your little Rebecca Rose.
"You okay?" Sam asked him worriedly.
"Yeah, I just needed a minute. I want her to get some rest" Bucky finally found words.
"Kick up your feet" Steve gestured to the coffee table. "And forward me that message" he said with a chuckle, handing Bucky back his phone. Bucky nodded and forwarded the text message, and then added a second text message of his own for the items he was requesting. He leaned back, putting his feet up on the coffee table, and Alpine came around and laid in front of his neck and settled in like he was going to go to sleep.
"That kitten of your's is special," Uncle Brad said softly. "He says he's a companion too" he chuckled.
"He is. He's my companion" Bucky said with pride. "He chose me" he gave Alpine a soft kiss on his shoulder.
"I'm glad you have a companion too" he nodded with a twinkle in his eyes. Bucky closed his eyes and focused on the music while he let his nerves calm down.

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