Alone time

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As soon as breakfast was over, Steve and Sam collected all of the wolves and brought them back to Steve's place, while Alpine insisted on going back to your suite with you. You whispered to Bucky that Alpine was nervous being left alone, and he had no choice but to give in and allow him to follow you both in.
When you entered your suite, you felt Bucky's hands reach down to your hips and he pulled you back against him, peppering the sides of your neck with kisses.
"Just wait a moment," you giggled, dancing away from his hold. You went to the washer and threw in a load of laundry, while Bucky turned on the record player and let Alpine jump up into his cat tree again. You quickly came back and Bucky grabbed you by your waist and hand, pulling you into a slow dance around the living room. You leaned against his firm chest and sighed happily, regardless of the apprehension of this coming week's separation was causing you.
"If life was just every day of waking up to you and spending the day with you, I'd want to live forever" he whispered into your ear.
"I'd want that too" you whispered back. "It seems a day without you is a day wasted" you reached up and touched the side of his face and he smiled softly down at you.
"I don't want to be separated from you for another week" he got a pained look on his face.
"Listen to me. You need to be careful this week. I can't afford to have anything happen to you. I wouldn't be able to bear it. I can't live without you" you pulled his face so he was looking you in the eyes.
"I'll be careful," he vowed softly. "I'll video call you every night," he added quickly.
"And if you bring in prisoners, come visit me in the lab?" you asked a little hopefully.
"Wild horses couldn't keep me away" he promised, leaning down to brush his lips against yours. "I can't wait for tomorrow" he pulled back with a bright smile.
"Me either" you beamed, thinking about how you both would hear the baby's heartbeat again. "The wedding is two weeks away" you felt a pulse of insecurity hit you.
"I'm looking forward to the honeymoon" he chuckled. "Just us for two whole weeks, and the cabin. I've already pre-ordered all of our groceries while we are there, and they are being delivered the day before the wedding. I'm headed to the cabin to put them away and get everything set up" he gave a proud smile.
"We will have the internet while we are there if we need to order more. Did you remember strawberries?" you asked hopefully.
"And peaches, and of course your pickles. I also ordered lots of plums too, in case you feel so inclined to make some pie" he nipped at your bottom lip and you gave another soft giggle.
"Well Mister Barnes, you have plenty of pie in your future" you gave him a soft kiss.
"Well, future Mrs Barnes, I am looking forward to it" he chuckled.
"There's a lot we need to do to legally change my name" you brushed your nose up against his softly.
"It will be worth every second. First thing we are doing is changing your nameplate at Shield to be just Barnes" he gave a soft growl.
"You don't like Y/L/N - Barnes?" you asked, a little breathless.
"You know what I mean. I don't want any punk kid to think the hot lab tech is up for grabs" he brought both hands to squeeze on either side of the cheeks of your ass.
"You made that quite clear with all these hickeys on my neck and collarbone" you rolled your eyes. "Besides Cloud chases most people away with his glares."
"I love that wolf," he pulled you up against his body, and his head dipped down with his lips searching out yours again in a lingering kiss. You brought your hands up to pulled slightly on his hair and he hummed against your lips. "You know what else I love?" he asked with a flirty smile, pulling back from the kiss.
"What's that?" you asked, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
"How responsive you are to me" he chuckled, his erection pressing up against you and you could feel the heat in your core expanding. You felt a familiar blush creep up on your skin and you had to look away. He used his right hand to capture your chin, and he tilted your face back to him. "I love this bond," he whispered softly, and leaned down to brush his lips against yours again, lingering and giving you a moment to open your lips to him. He swept his tongue across your bottom lip, and plunged past your lips the moment you granted him access. You both gave gentle moans and his left hand pulled more on your hips so you knew he was ready to take you in every way possible.

Lovers to Parents (Bucky x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ