Relaxed evening

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When you went to the bedroom, you both quickly changed into some lounge clothes to sit around in the living room after. You went with black leggings and one of Bucky's black t-shirts, while Bucky went with black sweatpants and another one of his black t-shirts. You both walked hand in hand back to the dining room which was already filling up. You took your spot beside Clint, who was leaving after supper, and Bucky took Pietro's normal spot since the boys had already left with Happy for the weekend.
"We could smell it in the gym" Nat chuckled at your look of surprise seeing so many people in the room already.
"Tony tried to sneak a bite already" Pepper ratted him out, and you giggled in response.
"Is this on the menu for the wedding?" Wanda asked quickly as the food started getting passed around.
"It's a possibility" you nodded, filling your plate and passing it to Bucky.
"I'm looking forward to this, I told Laura I was going to be late" Clint looked at you, seeming to pause for a moment. "Do you think it would be okay if I brought Zephyr with me this weekend?"
"Snow?" you reached out to her with your mind.
"It's okay, we know he has to get used to his new pack eventually. As long as he brings him back, we aren't ready to let them go yet" Jasper answered for both of them.
"Yes, just bring him back on Sunday" you nodded, giving a quick smile. "Don't forget he eats three times a day" you reminded him.
"Don't worry, the kids and Laura are going to be so excited. I can't wait to see the look on their faces that we have another addition to the family" he took a large bite of his chicken and he hummed happily.
"I like the dill carrots" Wanda advised you, and you nodded in agreement.
"I think these are the winner," Bucky was focused on eating all of his carrots.
"We can have two vegetables. I wanted to have asparagus too" you admitted softly.
"Sounds perfect," Steve grinned. "Can I babysit tonight?"
"You just want some alone time with Seraphina" you giggled and his face broke out in a full smile. "She can go over, it's okay" you nodded.
"We could use a babysitter for a few hours," Bucky whispered to you.
"I'll take Melody and Cloud up to my room" Sam immediately offered.
"What is in this chicken, it is delightful" Loki asked after a few minutes.
"Just a bit of rosemary and some herbs and spices" you said after you finished swallowing what you were eating.
"Your food is always wonderful to taste, Lady Y/N" Thor gave a smile.
"Bucky helped today" you leaned over and kissed Bucky on the cheek and he grinned from ear to ear.
"We made some extra pies for you too Clint, they are in the freezer" Bucky looked at him, still smiling from ear to ear looking particularly proud of himself.
"Perfect, lots of treats for the weekend" Clint seemed pleased.
"Did you make any peach?" Sam asked a little hopefully.
"We had enough for one peach pie for supper, and we made Bucky's plum pie but I'm pretty sure he brought that one straight to our suite" you giggled. "I need to put in a grocery order again" you grabbed some pickles from the center of the table, and you struggled to open the lid. Bucky quickly took it from you and opened it for you before handing you back the jar. You whispered a thank you and took some pickles for yourself before putting them back in the center of the table.
"We will need to add pickles to the menu," Bucky chuckled.
"Any special requests for breakfast?" Pepper asked you, knowing you were getting hit with a lot of cravings lately.
"French toast, eggs, and sausages. Do we have nutella?" you asked without missing a beat.
"I'll make sure we have nutella," she promised.
"Thank you" you gave a happy sigh and focused on the food on your plate.
"Where are you planning on spending your evening? I thought it would be nice to have tea again" Loki asked softly.
"We can stay out here in the main living room, there's more room" you decided after thinking about it for a moment.
"I'll go grab our books" Bucky whispered to you as soon as you decided.
"Oh, I'm going to miss another music night?" Clint looked a little put out.
"We can have another one next week, Papa Clint" you giggled. "That way Scott can join too"
"Good, we miss hanging out, and I know Scott's been pouting you haven't gone out of your way to invite him to your room" Clint nodded in approval.
"I should have thought of it" you sighed, feeling badly you had forgotten to ask him to come over more often. He must have been feeling left out lately.

You found yourself with most of the team in the living room after suppertime. Clint had quickly grabbed Zephyr and his pies and made his way out after the meal. He seemed overly excited to get home to his family. The seven remaining pups in the compound were playing happily on the floor with yourself, Nat, Pepper and Wanda sitting in the center. Snow seemed to be enjoying a little bit of freedom and had gotten up on the couch to lay across Bucky's lap however keeping a watchful eye on the pups on the floor. Loki brought in tea for all the ladies and himself, and seemed to think about it for a moment before he went and grabbed one of the large overstuffed chairs. You quickly thanked Loki who nodded with a small smile on his face, and you sipped your tea. He had made it perfectly for you, and you hummed in appreciation. Blue seemed to be the most territorial over you, and kept pushing all the other pups away when they came to you. You sassed him a few times, but he just sat on your lap and stopped playing all together, not wanting to lose out on any time he could with you. Steve ended up getting down on the floor with your small group and started playing with Seraphina, while Sam sat up on one of the long couches with Melody on his lap. Conversation went easily around the room, and everyone seemed at ease.
Loki refilled your tea a couple of times, not taking no for an answer. You had to excuse yourself a few times to go empty your bladder. When you came back the last time, Snow had jumped back down on the floor with all the pups and Bucky grabbed your hand on your way by and pulled you onto his lap with a mischievous grin. You sat sideways on his lap, and immediately nuzzled into the crook of his neck, while he rubbed your back in slow circles and you hummed happily to yourself. The pups all started falling asleep, so everyone started grabbing their pups. Thor offered to help bring all of the pups back to Steve's room for the night, since he had asked to babysit for the night. Sam called Cloud and Melody to follow him, while Jasper and Snow both went with Steve and Thor.
"Now it's just us" Bucky whispered since you were both still snuggling on the couch together.
"We need to update the wedding book" you sighed softly.
"We should," he quickly agreed. "I saw in one of your recipe books there was a recipe for salmon. Can we try that next week? I think your Uncle Brad would like that for the wedding"
"Yeah, I'm not sure how he would feel about eating chicken" you scrunched your nose thinking about it.
"Probably a bad idea" he chuckled, thinking of Soren. "Come on, let's head back to our suite"
"I'm too relaxed to move," you pouted with a slight whine. "You're comfortable," you added softly. Bucky gave a good natured chuckle and put one arm under your knees and the other on your lower back and picked you up as he stood up. You just wrapped your arms around his shoulders and he carried you back to the suite. You heard Steve's record player playing while passing by his room, and you gave Bucky a kiss on his cheek in response.
"That punk has some good ideas" Bucky smirked as he got to the suite door. He kicked it open with his toe, since the door was still partially open, and closed it firmly shut behind him with his foot.
"What kind of ideas?" you asked as he went and set you down on the loveseat.
"Music" he went to the record player, and turned on some old love songs from the forties. You finally stood up and went to grab the wedding book to put in the vegetables you had decided on for the wedding meal.
"Ribs" Bucky sat down beside you and pointed at the book. "And your perogies"
"Are you sure people didn't like the mashed potatoes more?" you asked, hesitating to write it down.
"I'm sure of it doll" he reassured you. You diligently wrote them down for one of the options you wanted to have out. You added a note of it being buffet style so everyone could get what they wanted and Bucky nodded over your shoulder, giving your cheek a quick kiss. "At last" by Ella Fitzgerald came on the record player and Bucky quickly stood up and held out his hand to you. You gave a soft smile and stood up, taking his hand. He quickly pulled you in the dancing position and started to slow dance you around the living room. You giggled as both of your feet would brush or step on dog toys as you went, but Bucky didn't seem to mind. He had one focus, and that was you. You laid your head on his chest as he moved you around the room, and you listened to the sound of his heartbeat as he swayed you back and forth.
"Are you still my grumpy soldier?" you asked a little coyly.
"I'm not grumpy when you are in my arms" he whispered. "Which is exactly where you belong," he added with an impish smile.
"You know once the baby comes, we won't be able to get this much alone time anymore. We are lucky Steve and Sam are so willing for us to have private time" you murmured into his chest.
"We will find a way" he assured you, seeming so confident. "Once you are ready at least" he added in a hushed whisper.

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