The reveal

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The following day you woke up in Bucky's strong hold with Blue licking your face trying to wake you up.
"Good morning Blue" you giggled.
"Mama, I need to use the grass," Blue told you with some urgency.
"Baby" you wriggled in Bucky's grasp. "Wake up" you said after trying and failing to get out of his hold. "James" you finally said sharply and he snorted himself awake.
"What happened?" he asked, still not letting go.
"Blue needs the grass," you told him.
"I'll run him out, you stay here" he nodded and got up in just his boxers and opened the balcony door. Blue, Jasper and Snow rushed out and Bucky put on his slippers before following them out. You weren't one to defy orders usually, but he was forgetting two very important wolves that likely were chomping at the bit to go outside as well. You slipped out of bed and went to the wolf nursery and looked in. Both Melody and Cloud looked at you expectantly.
"Finally" Melody said and stood up, nosing her sleeping babies.
"Sorry, Blue just woke me up" you admitted.
"Bucky is usually up before you, not to worry" she came padding towards you. You ran your fingers through her soft fur and walked to the balcony door off the small kitchenette and opened it only to see Bucky giving you a glare. Melody ran out and down the steps.
"Doll, I said to stay in bed" he sassed you.
"You were forgetting two very important wolves!" you pointed out.
"I was getting them next, get back inside before you catch a cold" he sassed you. You looked down at your bare feet and considered momentarily that he may have a point, but you didn't want to admit it. "I'll stand by the door and let Cloud out once Melody comes back in" he promised. You nodded and closed the door, walking away. You went back into the nursery and Cloud was vigilantly watching his sleeping pups. You got down on the floor and laid on your side. Rebecca Rose was already moving around this morning.
"You shouldn't be on the floor, pup" Cloud warned you.
"I want to watch your babies," you whispered.
"They are the most beautiful things I have ever seen," he admitted.
"You're biased," you giggled.
"Are you feeling better today?" he asked, gently probing you.
"Not as grumpy" you nodded seeing the pups were starting to move around. Cloud nosed at the babies and laid down beside them to give them more warmth.
"Good" he sighed with relief. You reached out and pet one of the pups that was awake and it gave a soft whine, but didn't make much more noise. You laid in silence for a few minutes when Melody came back. She nosed her pups to wake them up and she took Cloud's spot on the blanket . The four little pups went to her automatically to drink her milk. Cloud quickly left and you heard Bucky close the door again. Melody seemed content to just let you lay there beside her, and you pet her and the babies once in a while. Cloud came back in and laid into your back to try to keep you warm, although he was cold and wet from the snow outside. When you heard Blue come in with Snow and Jasper behind him you knew your time was almost up.
"Doll, what are you doing?" Bucky demanded from the doorway. "Cloud, how could you let her? You know she gets sick easy" he sassed coming into the room. Cloud moved quickly and Bucky picked you up off of the floor and held you easily.
"I wanted to spend time with the babies" you pouted, and wrapped your arms around his shoulders once you were settled.
"Come on, let's get you to the bed and warm you up" Bucky gave a resigned sigh.
"I need to pee," you said quickly. He huffed but set you down on your feet. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and you went to the bedroom quickly to do your business, wash up and brush your teeth. When you came out again, Bucky was already dressed in a pair of acid wash jeans, and a cream crew neck sweater with a black t-shirt underneath. He had set aside some clothes for you to wear. You looked at it, and wrinkled your nose before grabbing your red satin undergarments, black leggings, one of Bucky's t-shirts and one of his black hoodies. You looked down at the baby bump and could swear she had grown a little overnight. The stretch marks were evident on your skin as well due to the continuous growth. You put on a pair of slippers and came out of the closet to see Bucky waiting. He gave a patient smile and you closed the distance between the two of you and he wrapped his arms around you. His smile broadened to the point that the crows feet were evident at the sides of his eyes.
"Hungry?" he asked, kissing the top of your head.
"Maybe" you pouted.
"Let's get our baby fed" he said, taking your hand and leading you out.

Bucky left you for all of five minutes to go and feed both Cloud and Melody, however remained very attentive while you were at breakfast. Tony seemed to be worried about something, and at the end of the meal you finally had enough.
"What is it Tony?" you asked.
"You're in the news," he said.
"Again?!" you demanded.
"I approved a few pictures from the wedding, none where you look pregnant, and they ran a story" he admitted.
"You did what?!" you almost yelled. "I haven't even seen them yet" you said, exasperated.
"These are the ones that Pietro and Peter took" he said, handing you his tablet and you saw your fairy tale wedding pictures. You almost cooed seeing them, but then remembered you were mad at him.
"Happy" Tony said, taking advantage of your silence.
"Got it" Happy handed you the newspaper and you saw both you and Bucky were front page news. It was a close up of the two of you kissing at the altar.
"I'm framing that," Bucky said with a huge smile on his face. "The boys took these?" he asked, admiring the photo's. He opened the paper and took a look. Happy handed you a second newspaper and you read the article after looking at the pictures. It only reported that you and Bucky had gotten married in a fairy tale wedding with a close friends and family only venue. There wasn't much to the article, but you figured Tony was controlling that. The pictures were beautiful. "Proof that you are completely off the market now" Bucky said proudly to you.
"I was never on the market to begin with," you rolled your eyes.
"They didn't know the extent of our relationship, so now they know you're completely off the market and all mine," he stated proudly and looked at you with a grin on his face.
"You just love to be possessive don't you mister?" you asked with a coy smile.
"Don't you know it!" he chuckled.
"Did you buy extra copies of those newspapers?" Mama asked.
"I bought several copies, I'll make sure some are brought up to your suite" Tony gave a kind smile.
"Can you email me these pictures the boys took?" you asked, handing Tony back his tablet.
"Of course," he promised.
"I've been thinking, I'd like to move closer" she said and you looked at her in surprise.
"But you love your condo," you said in surprise.
"But I love you and this place even more. It's closer to my brother, and it would be closer to my grandbaby when she's born" mama said with a shrug.
"Wonderful. I have several houses I was going to demolish since I bought so much land and didn't want neighbors besides Y/N. How about I take you for a drive and we will decide on a house for you. Free of charge, we will even renovate it for you and Billy" Tony said with a broad smile on his face.
"I'd love that" mama eagerly agreed.
"Great, we will go out after breakfast" Tony nodded to himself. "And if you don't like what we have, we will build you one here near the compound since that's where these two will spend a majority of their time" he offered to your mama.
"I wouldn't want to impose on everyone. You all need your own space as well as I need my own, plus Grammie wants to be in a different location for her grandbabies to see some place new when they visit," Mama calmly said.
"May I get a newspaper too?" Uncle Brad asked.
"Of course you may!" Tony nodded. "Did you want to head out now, mama?" he asked.
"Oh, I'll go grab my purse real quick." she said and stood up and left the room. The table slowly started clearing up, leaving you with Bucky alone at the end. You grimaced as Rebecca Rose was moving inside your body. You moved back from the table and Bucky put his right hand on your stomach in a loving manner.
"Did you need anything?" Bucky asked you softly.
"My pregnancy pillow" you groaned. "But I need to take the wolves for a walk," you said softly.
"I'll send them out with Stevie, let me just come lay down with you on the couch. We will watch some movies, maybe read a book together" Bucky suggested.
"Maybe" you gave a slight pout.
"Mama, I want uppy" Blue came around the corner. He started to jump up onto your lap and Bucky caught him in the nick of time.
"Come see papa" Bucky chuckled. "Come on doll, let's go back to our room" he stood up. You took a moment to get to your feet and felt a little bit faint. You took a moment to get your bearings, and Snow came over and stood on one side of you while Jasper took the other. Bucky looked at you worriedly, but you gave a small smile as you started walking.
You made it as far as the hallway and had to take a small break. Bucky quickly put Blue down beside Alpine on the floor and started to walk back towards you.
"I'm fine," you assured him. "Really, just a little faint," you admitted.
"You're pale," he frowned. "Let me carry you," he said, his voice laced with concern. You hesitantly nodded and as soon as he got close, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders as he picked you up. You didn't know what was going on, but you decided you didn't want to know yet. 

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