A secret surprise

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Waking up in the morning, your body felt heavy and you peeked your eyes open as you felt something wriggle on your chest. The first thing you saw was Blue, and he whined as soon as you opened your eyes. You immediately felt your eyes start to well up with tears at the waterline.
"Mama" Blue whined and licked your face. You felt a hand lightly twitch on your lower stomach.
"Baby?" you finally found the words as the first tear fell down your face.
"You're finally awake" Bucky's voice filled the room and you turned slightly in the bed to see him lying beside you half naked on the bed.
"James!" you exclaimed happily, wrapping your arms around Blue, holding him close. "How long have you been here?" you cooed to him softly.
"Since five in the morning, just a couple of hours" he gave a proud smile. "I brought Blue and Melody with me," he gestured to Melody sleeping with Cloud behind him. "Interesting thing I noticed while you were sleeping"
"What's that?" you arched an eyebrow, trying to to giggle as Blue squirmed and wriggled, trying to lick your face more.
"I can feel a small difference in your stomach, there's a tiny bump forming." he grinned like a school boy.
"I just look a little bloated" you shook your head and turned completely so you were facing him and gave him an enthusiastic kiss and he happily kissed you back. It felt like time hadn't even passed, but you knew it had been over three weeks since your lips had last touched his. If it wasn't for the nausea, you wouldn't pull away. You hastily backed away and handed Blue to Bucky before rolling out of bed and running to the bathroom. You heard Bucky heave a bit of a sigh as the bathroom door slammed behind you.
"Mama!!!" you heard Blue yelling for you and you cringed as you were violently ill into the toilet.
"Y/N?" Bucky stood outside the door. You dry heaved and finally rested your head on the toilet seat. He cracked open the door and Blue forced his way in.
"Mama, I miss you" Blue ran to your lap starting to bark and whine.
"Oh baby, I miss you too" you cooed to him.
"I should warn you baby doll, the whole team is here" Bucky stood at the doorway, watching as you flushed the toilet and pulled Blue into your arms.
"The whole team?" you croaked.
"Even Loki and Thor. Fury had to pull a bunch of extra rooms out of nowhere" Bucky chuckled as he walked towards you with a smile on his face. You swore the room had just gotten brighter alone with just his presence. He held out his hands expectantly and you handed him Blue. He took Blue with one arm, and held out his right arm to help you up off of the floor. "Nat, Pepper and I were conspiring against Fury for the last two weeks. We figured since you couldn't come home, we would bring home to you" Bucky grinned proudly.
"Wait, who's taking care of Jasper, Snow and the pups?" you asked in surprise.
"They are in Stevie's room. I didn't want the pup's to wake you up. They are a noisy bunch, now that they know how to howl" he grinned as you took his hand and he helped you up onto your feet.
"Mama, hold me!" Blue demanded quickly.
"Just a moment baby boy" you hobbled over to the bathroom sink and started brushing your teeth quickly. Bucky stood back and to the side while you went about your business. Once you were done, you took Blue back and cooed to him. Bucky meanwhile reached his arms around you and held you close for a moment. His hands started at your lower back, but slowly made their way down to cup your ass under your long t-shirt.
"I love that you are still wearing my shirts," Bucky chuckled.
"It's one of my only comforts I have with me" you admitted. "I read all my books"
"I brought all your Amazon orders with me, they are just inside the bedroom door. I went through some of the wedding books, and made notes for you on those little sticky notes that you had in the lab at your desk" Bucky gave a proud smile. "I wanted to give you something to look over, and think about for our wedding"
"Mama and Papa are getting married" Blue howled and you couldn't help but giggle.
"I can't wait to see the pups" you sighed happily.
"Let's get you dressed" Bucky squeezed your cheeks and you giggled again. "How's the nausea?"
"My excitement is over running it" you shrugged. "It's been forever since I've seen you in person" you sighed, and you kissed Blue on top of the head.
"Three and a half weeks is too long" Bucky groaned. He brought his hand around to your front and cupped the lower part of your stomach again and he got a giddy look on his face. You couldn't help but smile in response to him. You thought you just looked bloated, but he looked over the moon about the small development.
"Did you bring a change of clothes?" you looked at Bucky expectantly.
"Enough for a week. I'm leaving some of my clothes here, because until this serum business is over with, I'm coming here on the weekends. I don't care about the extra missions. I miss my fiance" Bucky whispered gently to you.
"I miss my fiance too" you leaned up and gave Bucky a quick and chaste kiss on the lips. "You must be exhausted, did you sleep?"
"I was too excited," he shook his head.
"Why don't you get some sleep, and I'll take the wolves outside" you suggested quickly, not wanting to see Bucky suffer and stay awake all day.
"Pass, I'm spending the day with my dame" he shook his head. "I'll be taking the wolves out, and you get changed"
"How about we take them out together?" you cocked your head to the side.
"Let me take care of my dame," he chuckled. "Come on, you have boxes to go through" he pulled back from the embrace. You followed him back into the bedroom where you saw indeed, there was a suitcase as well as four large boxes there waiting for you. Bucky went straight to his suitcase and brought it to your dresser and opened it up. He pulled out a pair of black jeans, boxers, and t-shirt and quickly got changed. You hummed appreciatively as you watched his muscles flex under his skin. He wiggled his eyebrows at you and flexed his arm on purpose and you bit your bottom lip making him groan in response
"Okay, kiss me before I go" he finished putting on his combat boots. You happily closed the distance between the two of you and puckered your lips leaning up to him. He chuckled and quickly claimed your lips in response. He pulled back and took Blue immediately from you.
"No! MAMA!" Blue immediately exclaimed upon being pulled away from you.
"Calm down Blue, we are just going to the bathroom" Melody jumped down off of the bed and came over. "Mama is going to be here as soon as we get back," she promised.
"I want to stay with mama," Blue pouted.
"He's certainly gotten more of a vocabulary" you commented to Bucky.
"Why's that?" Bucky asked with his one hand on the door.
"Full sentences, well formed" you pouted a little. "I missed it all"
"You won't on the next one" he chuckled. "That I can guarantee," he added. "Come on you two" he called to Melody and Cloud. Cloud groaned as he got out of bed and jumped out and came to the door. "I'll be right back, doll" Bucky promised and slipped out the door with the three wolves in front.
You went to your dresser and started picking out a pair of jeans to wear for the day, deciding to match Bucky you slipped on a pair of black jeans, and dark blue lace undergarments. You then pulled a black t-shirt from his suitcase and slipped it on proudly before going over to make the bed. Once you were done with your task, you went about opening the boxes and found that most of the bridal and wedding books had sticky notes sticking out of all of them. You giggled softly to yourself before putting them away onto your bookshelf. You then pulled out the satin sheets and blanket that you ordered and put them to the side to be washed as soon as possible so you could sleep in actual comfort for a change. The last thing you unpacked were the picture frames and they all already had pictures in them. You saw a note stuck to the back of one of the frames and it was from Bucky. It said "Printed some new ones for you, so it feels more like home. XXX OOO ~ James". You cooed at it, and immediately started looking for places to put up your new pictures. You saw there were new ones of each of the pack, and one of Bucky holding Blue. There was a picture from your first date together, and one from when you got engaged. He even managed to get a new picture of your mom and uncle Brad in one of the frames. You felt so blessed to have such an amazing man in your life.

"Honey?" Bucky came back into the room while you were putting tac's into the wall.
"Mama!" Blue exclaimed and Bucky came right over and took the tac out of your hand and put it into the wall for you.
"Let me get that, doll" Bucky gave you a kiss on top of the head while Blue was jumping at your feet.
"I just wanted to put them up before breakfast. You picked perfectly, my James" you cooed to him. He gave you his flirty smile and started putting up the pictures for you. You liked the way he was arranging the pictures, and it was directly in your line of sight for when you got up in the morning. You bent over and picked up Blue and he sighed happily in your arms.
"Papa gives me candy," Blue told you quickly.
"Papa gives you candy huh?" you repeated out loud.
"He has to eat his meals first" Bucky grinned, not bothering to deny it.
"What kind of candy?" you raised an eyebrow.
"You're so sexy when you do that" Bucky gave his flirty smile making you blush. "It's these liver treats. The whole pack likes them. I brought some with me, so we can see if Cloud likes them too. I've been buying them in bulk. I've been using candy to bribe Blue to do tricks"
"You didn't?!" you exclaimed in surprise.
"He's pretty smart," Bucky shrugged.
"How are the shadow wolf pack?" you asked curiously, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"They are letting us feed them. Sam goes out at meal time and puts out some dishes for them. They come like clockwork for it. We are hoping they will come inside soon, maybe see what they think of what it's like inside" Bucky put up the last picture. He took out his phone and checked it. "That was Stevie, he just brought out Jasper, Snow and the pups. He brought them some food from the cafeteria, so you can go visit them after breakfast"
"I can't wait to see them" you bit at your bottom lip.
"They can't wait to see you, I imagine" Bucky grinned. "I've never seen Jasper and Snow move so fast to get the pups prepped to go for their first jet ride"
"You guys took the jet?" you asked in surprise.
"It was the fastest way to get us all here to be honest" he shrugged. "Are you ready to eat? Loki and Thor are looking forward to seeing you. And Wanda sounded like she was going to hurt someone pretty bad if she didn't see you soon"
"What about the boys, did they make it?" you asked, excited to see Wanda.
"Of course they did. So did Clint. The whole team is here, of that I can assure you. Now come on. They've waited long enough" Bucky put his hand in the small of your back and started to lead you out. 

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