Welcome home

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The following morning, after sleeping cuddled into Bucky and the wolves all night, you and Bucky had a repeat performance in the bathroom after you took a shower together. You couldn't exactly see one another in the mirror again, since it was all steamed up, but it didn't make it any less delightful. By the time you had come out the wolves were begging to go outside, so you and Bucky picked up the pups and took them outside with the rest of the pack. Breakfast was fairly quiet, although Nat chuckled when she saw all the love bites Bucky had placed all over your neck. She made a point to ask what the pair of you had been up to, and you didn't lie when you told her wedding planning. When you got back to the lab, it was the same routine. You checked on the serum, and then worked on the weapons again. By lunch you had finished the scepter between the three of you with Bucky still in the room watching the hydra agent, and you sent it off to be created. After lunch Bucky had grabbed the hydra agent and took him for processing, since both you and Bruce felt satisfied that the counter serum had taken full effect. He was still under high security for now, and would be until he got to the raft. That afternoon, the lab felt a little empty with Bucky gone, but you had brought the four pups in again to run around the lab. The three of you were working mainly on more weapons, something you could work on from home. The modifications that Tony had sent off the day before to the failed weaponry had been shipped and the team had been quick to go and test it. For sure this time, it all worked thank goodness.
"I have moving trucks that are going to be here in the next hour. Whatever isn't packed will be packed by them" Tony announced at supper.
"Wait, you said yesterday we might be staying longer?" you asked in surprise.
"The weapons came back, they work. We all miss home, that's where we are headed. I've had enough of this cafeteria food to last me a lifetime" he shrugged in response. "Fury is keeping our rooms here, just in case we need to come back. I figured we can pack what we need if the need arose for us to come back"
"What in the world would they need us to come back for? We gave the serum formula, and the weapons work" Bruce seemed a little surprised.
"You never know. I'm not sure what's going on with the man to be honest. He's like the king of spies and plays everything close to the chest. I'm just glad we get to go home" Tony took Pepper's hand and kissed her knuckles.
"I have to admit, we've been a bit spoiled by having a chef on site. This cafeteria food isn't what it's cracked up to be," Happy admitted softly.
"I've been dying to cook a full meal" you sighed.
"Done, you promised" Tony pointed at you. "You all heard her"
"I didn't say when" you giggled, shaking your head.
"Don't leave us hanging, doll" Bucky gave a soft whine and you leaned over in your seat and kissed his cheek.
"Tomorrow it is," you sighed happily. You loved that they enjoyed your cooking so much, and looked forward to having the kitchen to yourself again. You wanted to make some pie while you were at it. It had been a while since you made Bucky his plum pie, and it was due time to make a reappearance. You also decided on making some apple pies while you were at it, since it was autumn. "But that means I'm not in the lab much tomorrow" you warned, halfway through already planning the menu.
"Whatever you need," Tony offered quickly.
"Did you want homemade bread again?" you asked, taking a bite of your food which felt almost tasteless to you.
"Yes please" Peter looked up hopefully.
"Sounds like an all day affair" you decided out loud.
"I can't wait to have you at home" Bucky sighed happily.
"We are taking the jet, the moving truck will be at the compound by tonight. I would grab anything that might spoil" Tony warned you.
"I do have some fruit in my little fridge, I'll pack that and my roses" you started making a mental list of what was coming on the jet.
"I'll get you some fresh roses," Bucky promised. "Those ones are wilting already," he added.
"I still want to bring them home until I get some new ones," you shrugged.
"Can you please make your ribs again?" Happy asked hopefully, still looking forward to the home cooked meal.
"I think that sounds like a great idea, I'll take them out tonight" you hummed to yourself, thinking about ribs. "I am taking a break from cooking at lunch, and I won't be in attendance" you looked at Tony who looked curious. "I honestly need a bacon cheeseburger from fifth street" you added with a slight flush on your cheeks. "With the extra pickles"
"I'll order it in, and make sure yours has extra pickles," Tony chuckled.
"Thank you" you danced a little in your seat. Tony started typing into his phone and asking everyone what they wanted from the diner tomorrow. Most people went with the bacon cheeseburger like you had ordered. Bucky asked for a double, and gave you a shy smile but you giggled and kissed his cheek in response. You loved that he had a hearty appetite. Steve seconded that motion, while Thor said his interest was in the same thing. Tony just finished typing in the order and put this phone away.
"Dad" Edwin was at his feet, pawing at his leg. "I want uppy" Edwin gave a bark. Tony looked at him in surprise. You didn't have to tell Tony what he wanted, Tony just picked him up and continued eating his meal around him, feeding him little bits of meat once in a while.
"Mama, we are going home again? Is it all of us this time?" Blue came over with his ears perked up hopefully.
"Yes, all of us this time" you smiled and picked him up and put him on your lap. You fed him a few pieces of meat and ate silently while still planning tomorrow's supper. "I'd better text mama, and let her know I'm leaving Shield" you took out your phone thinking about it. "She's been worried they want to re-recruit me"
"How has she been?" Sam asked what Bucky was thinking.
"She's good. She's been busy with Billy being social. We've mainly just been texting or having a quick phone call during the week for the last month. She keeps asking for details on the wedding, but I haven't really been able to update her yet" you responded easily.
"How is uncle Brad?" Bucky asked before anyone else had the chance.
"Hating the amount of technology in his house" you giggled. "The kids are happy, and so is his wife, so he's not complaining too much. Soren is getting used to having more companions around, and doesn't seem to mind them. He's been putting out feelers for the wedding plans too, but I haven't had anything to tell him until now" you flushed a bit.
"Did you decide on wedding colors?" Wanda asked excitedly.
"We both did. Navy blue and powder blue" Bucky chipped in.
"What about the menu?" Pietro asked quickly.
"We might work on that later, maybe tomorrow after supper" you finished eating and gave Blue your last piece of meat. He happily ate it and whined when he saw there was no more to share.
"Yeah, tonight we are going to be busy moving you back home" Bucky leaned over and gave you a loud kiss on the cheek. You turned your head and waited expectantly for him to kiss you on the lips, and he didn't disappoint. He barely pulled away, and came back in for a proper kiss, lingering at your lips for a few moments longer than appropriate. You couldn't help but giggle again.
"How big is the wedding going to be?" Pepper asked, a little excited for more details.
"Small, we just want one witness each since all the companions will be up there with us" Bucky answered for you. "Otherwise the entire team would be up there, and we wouldn't have anyone in the rows besides Y/N's family" he added with a bit of a flush.
"Yes, I can see how that would be a bit awkward for them" Thor nodded, seeming content with the answers.
"What kind of flowers did you decide on?" Loki asked politely.
"Roses" you smiled and bit your bottom lip. You knew it was kind of cliché, however you really did love them with all your heart, and felt that they would suit the wedding.
"Excellent choice" he smiled at you warmly in response.
"Did you have enough to eat, sugar?" Bucky looked at you worriedly.
"I'm pretty full," you admitted.
"What about dessert?" he wiggled his eyebrows.
"There's always room for dessert" you giggled and he got up quickly to go get it.

The rest of the night was a flurry of excitement. You had finished your dessert and rushed back to your room to get your blankets, sheets and pillowcases off the bed packed to go back, along with everything else in a rush. Both you and Bucky worked in tandem putting all the clothes into suitcases and boxes. The dirty clothes got their own box that you quickly closed up and labeled, promising yourself you would work on it tomorrow between cooking. Bucky took the time to bring the suitcases, fruit, and roses out to the jet, as well as the dog bed. The dish for water he just poured down the sink and gave it a quick wash before you packed up all of your toiletries. You didn't want the movers to take too long in your room since you knew Tony's would likely take most of the night for them. You knew he had been working low key on new suit designs in his room, and likely had parts strewn about everywhere before Pepper and Edwin showed up. Bucky neatly stacked the boxes while you finished packing, making sure nothing of yours was left behind. You didn't want to come back unless you had to. Bucky helped you make the bed back to the shield standard, before you both stood back and paused for a moment. There was a quick knock at the door, and you both grabbed the pups before coming out. Bucky took a moment to lock the door before you went to the jet. Blue seemed excited to be heading back home, and was quick on both your heels as you rushed to the jet.
Most of the team had piled in and helped strap in the adult wolves, while Steve held his little Seraphina, Clint held Zephyr, Pietro had Cedar, and Peter had Koa. When you finally got seated and strapped in, Natasha was already closing up the back of the jet and ready to head home. Blue waited patiently in your arms, but you could feel his tense muscles as the jet took off. Everyone seemed content with their own thoughts, and the jet ride was pretty quiet since everyone was eager to get home.
As soon as the jet landed, Sam was quick to start unstrapping the wolves while Nat opened the back hatch. Clint was pretty hesitant to hand you back Zephyr now that he had a moment to actually spend with the pup, and you could tell he really wanted a wolf of his own. Peter and Pietro insisted on bringing the pups to your room for you, and you didn't have the heart to refuse them. You honestly couldn't wait to be back in your own suite again, or to make a day visit to the cabin. You had been gone so long, it felt like forever. Steve insisted on carrying Seraphina back to your room as well, and both you and Bucky shrugged. You handed Zephyr back to Clint and his face broke out into a smile and he cuddled him close. Bucky grabbed the suitcases while Blue had a case of the zoomies again and started running all over the tarmac. You wondered where he got all the energy, but remembered that he had a lot of extra meat for supper. You saw the shadow wolf pack come over to the tree line and look on curiously, and you had to wonder if anyone had been feeding them while you were gone. You followed Bucky inside while Snow, Jasper, Melody, Cloud and Blue went to use the bathroom. You had faith they knew how to get back inside, and promised yourself that you would open both balcony doors as soon as you got inside. You walked down the hallway to your suite and gave a sigh of relief as you got to the last door and Bucky opened the door. You followed him in, and he went straight to the back door of the living room and opened the door quickly. A few of the autumn leaves rushed into the room with the wind and you gave a small shiver.
Peter, Pietro, Steve and Clint came in a few minutes later after dropping off their own suitcases and you guided them to the dog bed that was on the floor, but instead they just sat on the couches and cuddled their respective pups. Snow and Jasper waltzed into the room shortly after they sat down, and looked on with a bit of pride. You could hear Bucky in the bedroom putting your clothes away, and you set your roses into one of the vases in the living room.
"All set?" Clint looked up with a smile on his face.
"I hope so," you sighed happily. "I missed it here so much," you admitted.
"They are so good with our pups" Snow cooed.
"Of course they are, they are adorable" you smiled, speaking through your mind. You heard some music turn on in the bedroom, and it came on the speakers suddenly. It was some of your favorite love songs. You sat down on the couch beside Clint who chuckled at Zephyr who was gnawing on his fingers.
"I think your fiancée has other plans tonight" Clint looked at you with a grin. "We better go gentlemen"
"You don't have to leave" you tried to protest, a slight flush on your cheeks.
"Not with that music" Steve chuckled, putting Seraphina into the dog bed with her mom.
"We have to unpack anyways" Pietro spoke up for him and Peter as they put Cedar and Koa back with their mom. Zephyr was last to be put in the dog bed and the four men quickly left, and Steve closed the door behind him.
Bucky came out a few minutes later with a large smile on his face, doing a small dance as he made his way to you.
"Smooth moves" you giggled and he held out his hand to you. You quickly took his hand and he pulled you to your feet and flush against his body. He put you into the dancing position quickly and started slow dancing you around the room.
"There's only two words for this" Bucky kissed the tip of your nose, looking at you with a loving gaze.
"And what's that?" you gazed at him adoringly.
"Welcome home" 

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