Bucky's home

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Bucky's lips massaged into yours, and his tongue delved past your lips. He seemed intent on checking every crevice that laid beyond your lips, and your toes nearly curled at the sensations. You barely felt the small wiggle of Blue's body trapped between the pair of you, and you let out a moan. You leaned more into the kiss and Blue let out a small whine, bringing you both back to present. Bucky stepped back barely half a step, staying in your bubble and smiled down at you adoringly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't take any breaks while I was gone. I just stepped out of the room to text you. I didn't even sleep" he admitted. You took in his appearance, and he looked a bit more haggard. You could tell he was exhausted, but was trying to keep up a positive front.
"Baby, you should have slept or taken breaks. Did you stop to eat?" you demanded, ready to slap him for not taking care of himself. He could see the temptation evident on your face.
"I ate in the office" he leaned forward and kissed you softly on the cheek.
"How did the interrogations go?" you asked, wondering if you should be escorting him to bed or not.
"We broke all three of them. They made more than a hundred of those things" he growled slightly. "They also know we made a counter serum, now that we've taken a few out in the field so our job is going to get a little harder"
"I just got back from being with the boys, they think Hydra is in the city" you frowned slightly.
"That's not good," he frowned. You finally set Blue back down on the floor and he ran for the balcony door, wanting to go outside for a bit. The wind blew in, and you gave a slight shiver. "Come on, let's sit on the couch for a bit" he pulled on your hand and brought you around the couch. He sat down and tapped on his lap and you automatically sat on his lap and he wrapped a blanket around both of you. You nuzzled into the side of his neck and felt his muscles slowly starting to relax. "I'll keep you safe at the farmer's market tomorrow" he promised softly.
"I'll keep you safe too" you promised. "Cloud and Melody are doing a run tonight" you whispered, watching his face as his eyes slowly started closing. His hands running up and down your sides rhythmically.
"Just give me ten minutes, and I'll get a babysitter" he yawned. You chuckled softly, having no intention of waking him up. If he wanted to make love when he woke up in the morning, you would be more than accommodating, but for now you wanted your fiance to sleep. You got more comfortable on his lap and he reclined back onto the couch more. You made sure both of you were completely covered by the blanket and you rested your head on his chest, looking out the balcony door to see the wind blowing the leaves into the room. It was a bit early for you to be going to bed, but you didn't want to move and risk waking him up. You closed your eyes and focused on his steady breaths under your head, and the sound of his heartbeat in his chest.

"It's just me, sugar" Bucky's voice vibrated from beside your head. You knew he had picked you up and slowly opened your eyes to see it was early morning already. He still had you swaddled in the blanket, almost as though you were too precious for the nip in the morning air. You could see that he looked a little more rested now, and you brought up a hand to trace along his jaw. "I'm just putting you in bed while I go grab a shower" he whispered, trying not to take you out of your full sleep.
"Did you want some company?" you whispered, still half asleep.
"Maybe next time when you are fully awake" he chuckled. "I need to get this grime off of me" he went into the bedroom and laid you down in the center of the bed gracefully. You hummed happily as you felt the crisp pillows beneath your head and started to close your eyes again automatically. You felt another blanket cover you and you felt Cloud and Melody jump onto the bed behind you and let out soft groans as they cuddled into you. You heard the shower running shortly after, and you went back to sleep.
When you woke up again, Bucky was tucking himself back in beside you in bed. You turned away from Cloud, Melody and Blue and wrapped your arms around him. You took a deep inhale and gave a soft giggle.
"You smell like my soap" you pointed out, smelling the Japanese Cherry Blossoms permeating off of his skin.
"I left my soap at Shield" Bucky admitted a little sheepishly. "I was in a rush to come home, so was Natasha. I think she left a few things behind too"
"What else did you leave?" you cocked an eyebrow, putting your head on his bare chest.
"My clean clothes, I just grabbed the dirty and threw it in the suitcase, just in case they call us back again" his voice was a little gravelly. You could tell he wasn't looking forward to going back.
"You have a mission this week" you rubbed your hand up and down his chest.
"Russia, I saw it's an overnight mission. I'm not looking forward to it" he gave the ceiling a slight glare.
"It's your only mission for the week at least, then you'll be home with me. Monday Doctor Cho is coming for us to hear the baby's heartbeat" you added with an upward lilt in your tone. Bucky quickly kissed the top of your head and gave a happy sigh.
"Good, I can't wait to hear it" he pulled you in a little closer.
"Me either" you sighed, just enjoying the morning cuddles. "Is it almost breakfast time?" you asked, raising your head a little to look at the time.
"Unfortunately. I was looking for more than a cuddle, but I took too long in the shower" he chuckled under you.
"We can later if we can find a babysitter for Blue" you gave his chest a quick kiss and sat up. You noticed you were still dressed in yesterday's clothes and slipped out of bed. You made your way to the closet and quickly changed into a pair of black jeans and your new dark blue sweater before coming back out again.
"Your shoes are in the living room" Bucky reminded you as you looked around the room a little lost for a moment. He was clad in his boxers and chuckled, giving your rear a soft slap. You went to the bathroom to do your business before coming back and heading to the living room to grab your shoes and put them on. The door had been open all night and you saw that Snow, Jasper and the pups were just coming back inside. By the time you had your shoes on, Bucky came out in a pair of black jeans and a long sleeved navy blue henley and a grin on his face.
"What are you so happy about?" you asked a little curious.
"I get to go out with my dame, what isn't there to be excited about?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Is it just Blue joining us today?"
"We are coming" Cloud announced, coming out of the bedroom.
"Melody and Cloud want to come" you quickly updated him.
"We want more toys," Melody admitted with a bit of excitement in her voice.
"We are definitely hitting the toy vendor again" you gave a soft giggle.
"No complaints here, we need to get more toys for the pups. Almost all of the ones we have are nearly destroyed. We are going to have to start throwing some of them out" Bucky picked up one that was shredded and put it in the trash can.
"Mama, I'm hungry," Blue announced.
"We are going, come on" you went to the door and opened it up. All of the pack made their way out the door, along with the pups. Bucky came up beside you and took your hand to slowly lead you to the breakfast table.

"Tony, did you read the boy's report from their time in the city?" you asked halfway through breakfast.
"What am I looking for?" Tony asked quickly.
"They said last night that they think Hydra is in the city lately" you looked over at Peter and Pietro who nodded in confirmation.
"Is it the wolf soldiers?" Bruce asked, seeming invested in the conversation.
"We don't know,'' Peter shook his head. "We can't tell"
"Keep me apprised" Tony nodded to both of them. "Is there anything else I should know about?" he asked and both boys shook their heads. "Y/N?" he looked at you and you flushed a little.
"Not really, I was just thinking we need pickles on the table" you got up and headed into the kitchen.
"Any other cravings?" Bruce called to you, taking out his phone.
"Just the burger's from the diner" you called back, coming back in a few minutes later and putting the jar of pickles on the table. You sat down and went to try to open it and couldn't. Bucky wordlessly reached over and took it from you and screwed off the lid before handing it back to you. You reached in and added a few pickles to your plate to go with your eggs.
"And where are you off to today, pet?" Loki gave a soft smile.
"Bucky and I have an ongoing date at the farmers market. It's going to close for the season soon, so we are going while we still can" you gave an easy smile.
"What all is at a farmer's market?" He seemed genuinely interested.
"A lot of food mainly, but there are craft's and stuff too," Bucky offered. "Did you want to come?"
"No, I think not. Not today at least" Loki shook his head.
You quickly finished your breakfast and hummed as you took a few extra pickles and ate them down quickly. Bucky chuckled and gazed at you lovingly.
"Eat some more for our baby" he whispered to you, leaning over and giving you a soft kiss on the cheek.
"I'm actually getting full" you admitted with a sheepish smile. "Besides, I need to leave room for those fresh donuts you get us every time we go"
"I'll pick them up before we go to the toy vendor this time, so it's a straight shot back to the car" Bucky grinned. "I wanted to hurry it up today"
"What are you in a hurry for?" Nat raised an eyebrow looking at him with a smirk on her face.
"The same thing you were in a hurry for last night" he didn't mince words, and you saw Bruce's face get a little red. "Are you ready, beautiful?" he turned his attention to you.
"Always ready to spend the day with you" you cooed to him. He grabbed your plate and his own, and brought them into the kitchen before coming back out and giving you a big smile. You stood up quickly and went to him.
"We will keep an eye on the pack for you" Steve called over.
"Thank you Stevie" Bucky grinned at him and he started quickly leading you away, and out to the parking lot.

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