Heart to heart with Wanda

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You enjoyed your movie day with the team, while Steve had opened up the balcony door off of the living room for the wolves to come and go as they pleased. The pups excitedly kept coming back in to update you on the shadow wolf pack, and Cloud gave you reassurances that he guarded them to make sure there weren't too many shenanigans. Snow was sticking close to her little Seraphina, even though she lived with Steve now, she seemed to still want to take care of her. Even Jasper was keeping a watchful eye over her. Melody spent most of the day laying on Sam, with Cloud laying on Sam's legs since he was laying on one of the couches. He never complained once about the combined weight of two full size wolves on top of him.
Wanda was curled up on one of the loveseats with Vision who had his hand protectively over her lower stomach, mirroring Bucky who was doing the same thing. You were in Heaven with all of your pillows and the large teddy bear on the floor. Your pregnancy pillow ended up being perfect for cuddling with, but Bucky didn't seem to appreciate it much, since he couldn't pull you flat against his body any longer. He finally got tired of the lack of skin to skin contact, and he pulled up the bottom of your shirt and splayed his hand across your abdomen.
When you went for supper, Tony had ordered in pizza and proudly produced a pickle pizza just for you. A few people looked a little unsettled by your cheese and pickle pizza, but you were excited and ate the entire thing by yourself. You had offered to share, but no one really seemed to be interested in your offer. You couldn't help yourself, and added some hot sauce to it for a little extra kick.
After supper Wanda kept you busy while Steve, Bucky, and Sam cleaned up all of the pillows, and dog beds, putting them all away to their respective rooms. Loki had left the room briefly, but he suddenly reappeared with two cups of tea, one for you and Wanda each. He left for a moment, then came back with his own cup and sat down in the chair next to the couch the two of you were sharing. You both quickly thanked him, and he nodded regalally. Your hopes for girl talk were quickly extinguished when Bucky came back into the room with Sam and Steve behind him. He smirked seeing you were enjoying an evening tea with Loki and Wanda, and sat down next to you.
"Mama, I want to use the grass, but the shadow wolves told us about these big monsters that walk through the woods at night and I'm scared to go by myself" Blue whimpered, coming over to you.
"Big monsters in the woods at night?" you echoed speaking out loud.
"Big rawr" Seraphina said and barked at the same time.
"Steve..." you turned slightly in your seat to look at him.
"I'll have Tony check the camera's" he nodded in quick agreement. None of you liked the idea of "monsters" being in the woods at night. You wondered if it was just a story to tell the pups or if it was Hydra soldiers out in the woods in their wolf form. They admittedly would look like a monster. Steve quickly left the room to head to Tony's suite, and you cuddled more into Bucky feeling worried about him.
"Did he have to go to the bathroom?" Sam asked, and you nodded, trying to sip your tea a little quicker.
"I'll finish this and take him out" you advised.
"I shall take them, I'll bring storm breaker" Thor offered.
"No, I should talk to the shadow wolf pack" you shook your head.
"During the day, yes. But not in the evening like this" Thor disagreed. "I will take them, and guard them with my life"
"Thank you, Thor" Bucky answered for you, keeping a strong hold on your shoulders.
"I'll go with him" Loki stood up abruptly. "Two sets of eyes are better than one" he added quickly. You looked at Bucky and he was gazing at you pleadingly not to argue. You gave a soft sigh and a nod.
"Thank you gentlemen. I'll make sure to take a walk in the morning with the pack like I used to, since most of the snow is gone. I'd like to speak to the pack" you gave in.
"I'll go with you," Bucky quickly replied. "You don't pay attention to your surroundings when you are focused on the wolves," he added, rubbing your shoulders. You knew he was right, but didn't completely agree with him coming outside for a walk if there was a chance there were Hydra werewolf soldiers in the woods outside the compound. You watched as both Loki and Thor took the wolves outside and Wanda gave you a soft smile.
"Finish your tea" she reminded you. You nodded and took a sip of your quickly cooling tea. "I wanted to ask, have you looked at getting a new vehicle yet?"
"Not really" you shook your head.
"I've looked online at some SUVs and minivans," Bucky offered. "I'm looking for a newer model, but I want to make sure they have a good safety rating."
"I've been researching what would be best for our growing family as well. Shall we go for a walk and discuss it? I'm sure Wanda and Y/N have much to catch up on" Vision offered.
"Sure, sounds like something up my alley," Bucky quickly agreed and the two of them got up and headed out of the room. Wanda waited patiently for them to leave so it was just the two of you in the room, and she put down her mug and gestured to the spot in front of her on the floor.
"I haven't played with your hair in forever" she said with a small smile. You quickly got up and went to sit down in front of her, still holding your tea close to your body. She quickly pulled your hair out of its tie and began running her fingers through it.
"Are you excited for the wedding?" you asked as you closed your eyes and leaned your head back a little.
"Very much so. We have Clint going on Thursday to pick up your mama and Billy, and then he's stopping at your uncle's place to pick up him and his family and their companions. Then Friday afternoon we are leaving for an overnight stay at the Michaelangelo hotel. You'll see, it's going to go perfectly" Wanda assured you as she started to braid your hair.
"If Hydra doesn't ruin anything" you hummed, thinking out loud.
"They wouldn't dare, besides, the wedding wasn't even advertised" she reminded you.
"Do you think Bucky will like my dress?" you asked in a soft whisper.
"He's going to love it" she whispered back with a hint of excitement. "I have it stashed in my room, in the back of the closet. You'll be borrowing my rose broach that my Vision bought me"
"Thank you for that" you smiled happily. "Can I ask you a personal question?" you asked softly.
"Of course, we are sisters at heart," she continued with her task.
"Why didn't you go back to school with Pietro?" you opened your eyes, however continued to look forward.
"Pietro always wanted to further his education. I wanted to stay in the field and fight against Hydra. He grew close with Peter and I guess we just found our place in the world. I always wanted to start my own family too, and my life with Vision is going to give me that. Pietro has found his niche helping Peter in the city, and going to school almost every day" she answered honestly. "We both got our high school diplomas officially after joining the team, and after a few years we just found our way in the world" she gave a soft sigh. "I still worry about him being in the city and going to school, that he's spreading himself too thin. But after this school year is over he is going to start apprenticing in the lab with Tony alongside Peter, and they will have to start going on missions more too."
"Do you think they will still insist on working in the city too?" you asked after a brief pause.
"Of that, I have no doubt" she gave a slight giggle.
"I can't imagine them taking it easy for a while" you mused.
"They like to take care of people" Wanda gave a slight shrug. "They like giving people visibility on the Avengers, even though Peter's name stays out of the paper, Pietro isn't as fond of people knowing who he is. He prefers to try to stay anonymous."
"I know he's talked about the pretty girls at school, but it must be hard not to know if they are interested in him or his position" you frowned slightly at the thought. "He's such a good student too," you added softly.
"Did you notice they've been putting their tests up on the fridge on their own now?" Wanda gave a soft giggle. "I think they are hinting at needing their treats again."
"I'll have to do that tomorrow, they work so hard" you gave a soft sigh and felt her finish the braid. You felt her nimble fingers go to your shoulders and she started to give you a slight massage. You hummed happily, feeling sufficiently spoiled for today.
"Tony's going to start renovations next week, beginning with the main floor and then moving to the second floor. I peeked in his mind, he's been working with a contractor and architect to add more space to our suites, and give both you and I a nursery in our suites" she said a little excitedly. "I can't wait to decorate a nursery. We will have to start with your's first of course, but then you'll have to help me with mine" she gave a bright smile and you tipped your head up to look at her face. She was glowing with excitement.
"Are you going to have biweekly appointments to check on the status of your baby too?" you asked curiously.
"Yes, we are going to be the appointment after you going forward. She confirmed that I'm indeed pregnant, although it's a mystery how it happened. My Vision has certainly evolved in every aspect that he can. I think it's also a bit of magic on my end" she admitted, a small smile still toying at her lips. "I'm not ashamed of it. If that's what it took to have babies of my own, with the man I consider to be my soulmate then so be it" she shrugged.
"I know there's going to be a lot of babies in my future" you giggled. "With two wolves going into heat? I'm going to wear out poor Bucky at one point."
"He doesn't seem to mind," she giggled as well. "Although this time we are making sure you are off missions for the duration of your heat, you both will have to be. You might end up working in the lab full time" she hinted.
"I don't like being on the back burner to be honest, I miss my missions. But for now, this will do" you took a sip of your tea.
"I start in the lab this week, although I don't know what I'll be doing. Being on the sidelines is hard after all this time" Wanda frowned slightly.
"It's probably going to be working on the incoming data to be honest. That's what Tony sends me when I'm done for the day" you got up on the couch to sit beside her.
"At least we are in this together" she gave a bright smile and you nodded in agreement.

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