Mama's meal

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When you woke up it was to Bucky giving your forehead a soft kiss. You moaned happily, feeling fully relaxed, just tired. Your sweet baby girl seemed to be resting now, and you wondered if it had anything to do with Alpine and his sweet purrs as he rested on your belly. His purring was working its magic on you at least. Clint was still sitting under your feet, but the TV was on playing animal planet. All the pups were on the floor watching with rapt attention while Cloud was snuggling with Melody on one of the dog beds, and both Snow and Jasper were up on the couch watching all the pups. Sam was sitting in a relaxed state with Uncle Brad and Steve playing a game of cards. The smell of bar-b-que ribs, dill carrots, and garlic mashed potatoes filled your senses. You sniffed appreciatively and hummed as you gazed up at Bucky lovingly.
"There you are" Bucky smiled almost from ear to ear. "How are you doing, my little mama?" he asked in a husky voice.
"I'm tired, but also hungry" you said as your stomach growled.
"Your mama made supper for us, and then we are headed home for a nice hot bubble bath and unwrapping all our gifts" he touched your cheek lovingly.
"A bubble bath?" you asked hopefully.
"Uh huh, with your favorite bubble bath, and some rose petals. I'll make you some hot chocolate, and you can read one of your steamy novels. I'll take care of the pack while you relax" he wiggled his eyebrows
"Really?" you asked hopefully.
"I promise" he gave your cheek a scratchy kiss. You automatically kissed his bearded cheek back and he stood back far enough to offer you his hand to help you up. You squirmed slightly on the couch while Alpine jumped down, and Clint had the good grace to give you a hand before Bucky took it and helped you fully sit up. You got to your feet and Bucky let go of your hand long enough to sweep you off of your feet and carry you like the new bride you technically were. You squealed from surprise, then wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and he gave his sexy smirk. "Gotta make sure you make it to the table" he winked.
"I can walk" you burst out laughing.
"Let me take care of my wife" he said with determination in his eyes. You kissed his cheek again and he headed into the dining room with the pack following. Sam, Loki, Steve, Uncle Brad and Clint not too far behind. Bucky set you down in your normal chair and pushed his chair closer to yours before sitting down beside you. He put his arm around your shoulders and the table slowly filled up. You could hear all of the wolves eating happily in the next room, along with Soren and Alpine. Mama put her fresh buns on the table and you were already salivating. Bucky chuckled and reached for one and he generously buttered it before handing it to you. He watched you as you took a large bite and he smiled proudly and reached for another roll.
"Don't ruin your meal" mama warned you as she continued to bring out all the food that she had cooked.
"Oh this smells so good mama" Wanda cooed and rubbed her hand over her stomach.
"I wish I had the ability to eat, this is a feast" Vision quickly agreed.
"I'll fatten all of you up before I leave here, I can promise you that" mama giggled and headed back into the kitchen. Bucky snuck you another roll once you finished your first one and you hummed happily as you ate it. Wanda snuck a roll as well, and you were so pleased.
Once the table was set, everyone was seated by that point, mama came out and sat on the other side of you and she gestured to Tony to start. Tony first filled Peppers dish with the carrots, then moved on to the mashed potatoes, and then finally to the ribs before he served himself. He passed the food around the table and there was enough for at least three plates each. Bucky didn't seem pleased with the amount of food on your plate and added extra ribs to it for good measure. You couldn't but giggle, but started eating anyway.
"So when are you two headed back?" mama asked after you had already started eating. Since your mouth was full, Bucky decided to answer for both of you.
"Right after supper mama, we are all packed up" Bucky took a large bite of his mashed potatoes.
"And we have you on speed dial if Melody goes into labor" you promised. "Sam first though, she wants him there" you added quickly.
"We are starting on construction tomorrow, but it should be done by the time you get back" Tony advised you. "Do you mind a few extra visitors while you are on your honeymoon?" he asked politely.
"No, we don't mind" you gave a smile and you saw Bucky look at you imploringly. "Maybe give us a call first?" you asked as a follow up. Bucky nodded and smiled at that comment.
"Of course, we just miss you at the compound," Pepper assured you.
"It's been a hectic year, that's for sure" you nodded.
"Did I tell you that Tony has me in the lab now?" Wanda asked you.
"What?!" you asked in surprise and looked at her in shock.
"Starting tomorrow, so it's still new. Since we are expecting, he has me on data entry for now" she nodded.
"Which is where you are headed too, no more serums" Tony advised.
"What about the equations? Can I do that?" you asked, understanding they wanted to keep you away from the chemicals.
"We can do that," Tony nodded in confirmation.
"I'll just do the experiments," Bruce offered.
"Thank you Bruce, she would appreciate that" mama said for you and you nodded eagerly.
"Thank you kindly Bruce" you did honestly appreciate the offer.
"That's one thing off my worry list," Bucky sighed.
"You have a list?" you asked him with an arched eyebrow.
"Doll, when it comes to you? I have several lists" he chuckled.
"First list is for the bedroom" Sam chuckled and you flushed. Uncle Brad and mama both burst out laughing at the comment.
"Well, they didn't get in this predicament without that first list" Uncle Brad chuckled.
"I am excited to see how it goes with a baby growing at such an accelerated rate. How does it affect your body?" Bruce asked you and you had to think about it for a moment.
"I'm hungry more, and I'm tired a lot" you admitted.
"She does snack more often" Bucky agreed. "But she loves her strawberries and hot drink at bedtime" he smirked.
"Who wouldn't, besides Pepper" Wanda hummed as she ate.
"How long has the Shadow wolf pack been gone?" you asked Sam.
"Well, they haven't touched their food for two days, but I keep putting it out there just in case. I was going to ask you if you had seen them in your neck of the woods" Sam replied.
"No, but is the fence down that far yet?" you asked.
"No, but it will be tomorrow, so the pack might notice someone out on the property if they are outside" Tony shook his head. "I have them working overtime to get all the fencing in before the ground freezes"
"Thank you, Tony" Bucky gave a soft smile.
"What are you kids up to tomorrow?" Clint asked.
"Resting and doing thank you cards" you decided.
"Yeah, we are opening the gifts tonight" Bucky nodded.
"We already brought it all over" Steve advised.
"Good to know. Keep an eye on your phone, you might get a text from an old man looking to check up on his eldest adopted daughter" Clint winked and you giggled.
"Okay papa Clint" you smiled happily.
"How does your family nail these ribs every single time?" Happy asked as he licked his fingers.
"The old family cookbook. You should try it for your girlfriend" mama smiled at him.
"I might have to borrow it, she'd love it" he sighed and took another helping.
Conversation flowed around the table, but you were focused on eating. The baby kicked a few times, but otherwise behaved herself. You were very pleased when it was time for dessert. Mama had made more than enough for everyone to have three slices. Bucky put two slices on your plate right away, and did the same for himself. He gave a cheeky smile, and you giggled but dug right in. Peter and Pietro seemed to be enjoying themselves thoroughly and you felt like doing some baking when you got home instead.
When it came to the goodbyes, there were tears but you kept assuring everyone that you weren't really that far away and that you would be back next week for your next ultrasound appointment. Alpine seemed excited for his first car ride and jumped into the car as soon as the door was opened, with Blue right on his heels. Bucky and Steve had left the back seats down so there was room for all of them to fit comfortably. Sam came over to help put Melody in the back hatch since she was struggling a little bit. Clint cryptically hinted that he might stop by sometime soon, and you had a feeling he was going to make good on that promise.
For the drive home, Bucky stopped at Starbucks to get you one of their caffeine free drinks and himself a coffee. He played your favorite music playlist and you sang to each song with both Alpine and Blue sitting on your lap proudly.
As soon as you got home, Bucky helped the pack out of the SUV including Melody who he had to help down. He then helped you out of the car and he led you to the front door where he opened it up and you were shocked to say the least when you saw all of the gifts that filled the living room and a portion of the dining room. Bucky kissed you on the lips and promised that the two of you would get through it together either later tonight or tomorrow. He then went straight to the bathroom to make good on his promise to pour you a bath. Alpine started investigating while the pack took a look around, but ended up congregating in your bedroom either on the bed or the dog bed that was on the floor. You joined them in the bedroom for a moment to get undressed and to just put a robe on. You stopped to look at yourself in the mirror and Cloud didn't miss a beat to remind you that you were beautiful and that he was proud of you. 

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