58: 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞

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The crowd clapped for the man who walked in

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The crowd clapped for the man who walked in. My life flashed before my eyes as I saw him. He looked the same, tall, large, and deadly. Everything was going well for him, he grabbed the microphone and smiled, many teeth missing.

"I'm so happy to be out here. I'd like to thank you all. Now the auction may resume." This is our time. The music began playing and people stood up. Javier and Scarlett walked into a hallway at the back while Damien and I walked over to Ivan in the front.

We stayed near him, keeping an eye out for whoever hewas talking to. Most of them seemed to be Russian businessmen until the ex-French mafia consigliere walked in. Damien and I gave each other a look then I thought back to Pierre.

The both of them walked into a hallway alone and Damien and I followed. We made silent movements when they strode towards the exit of the building. As they pushed the door open, the both of them were strangled and thrown into a car.

Damien and I turned around to two security guards holding up their guns. It was pointing directly at us and before they got the chance to budge, one of Damien's men shot them both. The sound of the gun caused things to erupt in the hall. The door behind us closed and we were left with no choice but to take the front exit. I ran with Damien but my stupid dress was slowing me down, security was getting in our way and I was fed up.

I took one of my blades and cut my dress, the material now went to my mid-thigh and I was free to run. I brought out my gun and kept it at my side. Damien and I hurried around the panicked people, trying to reach the exit.

Eventually, we made our way to the front and got into his car. We sped along the truck with Ivan when we heard shots behind us. I reloaded my gun and rolled down the window, sending a few bullets flying at the car behind us.

They lost control and regained it just as fast, the men in the car were a part of the Russian mafia which meant trouble. I looked at Damien who was driving sluggishly, "If I knew these fuckers were following us I would've driven." I sighed and reloaded another one of my guns.

"I can handle this Naomi, are they still on our tail?" I turned around and shot at the car a few times more, sighing deeply.

"Yes Damien, and if you don't swerve into a forest right now, I'm taking over." I threaten, pulling a different type of gun from the back, and checking the clip. "It's been nearly five minutes, we should've lost them by now.

As soon as I extended my hand to shoot them again, a bullet went flying past me. I quickly retracted my hand and whipped my head around, looking at the car at my back. People in the vehicle were now bringing out their guns, and shooting at our car.

I was fed up with Damien and I grabbed the steering wheel. "Get to the back, quick before we fucking crash." The car was swerving at an erratic pace and we nearly crashed into three people. He remained his foot on the gas pedal as I moved into the seat, replacing my foot with his as quickly as possible. We managed to successfully switch seating, continuing the chase that was going on.

With my hands on the wheel, I swerve off the highway and into a forest next to us. The forests in Russia were incredibly large so I was only going to drive alongside the road. Damien took a breather and began reloading the clips of the guns. He rolled down the video and shot at the car trying to cross into the forest.

He repeated this action a few times until we finally got rid of them. I slowed down a bit when we entered Damien's neighbourhood, catching a breather. He looked at me and sighed, "you have major issues, we're never doing that again."

I chuckle loudly, "you're acting like we had a choice. Besides, you should be thanking me." I leaned into him and kissed his lips softly, "now let's go inside."


I took off my ripped clothing and changed into something comfortable and clean. Javier had notified me that Ivan was downstairs in the basement and I sat down on the edge of my bed, contemplating whether or not to go.

Damien walked in and sat next to me, he wrapped his arm around me. "You're going down there." He started, not taking his eyes off the floor he was looking at. "This is what you've been waiting for and no way you're just going to sit down on this bed and think. Remember everything he's done Naomi, be strong."

I sigh deeply and stand up, cleaning the imaginary tears from my face. "I want the sharper knife you have, I'd also like a blow torch and some bleach," I say as I walked down the stairs and into the basement, preparing to meet Ivan again.

A sudden burst of energy flows through me when I walk into the basement. At first, I don't notice anything until I catch a large man tied up to a chair, his arms and legs are also chained to the sides of the wall. I send a thumbs-up Javier's way.

Ivan looked defeated, he was looking down and not aware of his surroundings. Damien passed me a blade and I held it between my fingers, slowly stalking up to the bastard, getting ready to look him in the eye again.

Unexpectedly, he looks up and we immediately make eye contact. He doesn't remember, of course, I'm just one of his many victims right?

Then what he says next scares the shit out of me.

"If it isn't Harris's daughter."

 Moment we've been waiting for, so proud of Naomi and how far she's come! Not edited, goodnight, ♥️♥️♥️

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Moment we've been waiting for, so proud of Naomi and how far she's come! Not edited, goodnight, ♥️♥️♥️

𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥 | 𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 Where stories live. Discover now