46: 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬

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I've decided to finally talk to my father about the accident

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I've decided to finally talk to my father about the accident. Sure, the evidence was against Naomi but that might not be the full truth. A part of me believes that my father knows too much about the situation.

I parked my car in front of my mother's house and walked in. My parents have been on great terms since Amelie's awakening and it's unlocking a sense of annoyance within me.

As I open the front door, Javier and Scarlett are in the foyer. They're both talking and they turn to me with a smile. I frown, "what are you guys doing here?"

Javier speaks up, "we've been blowing up your phone, Damien. Besides, Scarlett wanted to try out her dress for the gala. Your mom is sewing it."

I nod, "my phone has been off, my bad." I haven't seen Scarlett in a while so I turned to her. "How are things?" The question was double-sided, yeah I wanted to know how she was doing but I was itching for some information about Naomi. It has been hard to find things on her recently and I've been scared that she's doing something dangerous.

She squints then folds her arms, "I'm great Damien. Naomi is also great. Thanks for asking."

To avoid an awkward reply, I simply nod. Walking out of the foyer and leaving the couple alone. I find my mother in the living room and sit next to her, "Bonjour maman, comment vas-tu?"

(Hello mother, how are you?)

She pauses the show she's watching, "I'm fine Damien. How are you? I'm worried."

I frown slightly, "worried because...?"

"Because I haven't seen you in nearly 2 months. And when I do, you're barely smiling. If this is about Naomi, I've talked to your father... he needs to leave that girl and her family alone. He's already done enough damage with her father." The last part she whispered to herself. Fortunately, I'm able to catch it.

"What damage are you talking about? And what about Naomi's father?" Now I'm on full alert. My mother notices my change in behaviour and sighs.

"Mon fils your father has some major jealousy issues. He and another man did some terrible things, things I cannot and will not say. To fix your relationship with this girl, you need to talk to your father. I'm afraid if she finds out she will never want anything to do with our family." She sighs deeply and reaches out for my hand.

I pause, "I'm not understanding. What does my father know about Naomi's family?"

She frowns, "too much son. Ask him if you want her, fight for answers."

In one quick motion, I'm standing up and ready to hunt my father down. The first place I stop by is his office and luckily, he's there. The dark aura of the room fuels my anger.

He greets me, "Alexandre, my son."

"Pierre, my father." I greet him back, standing by the chairs in front of him. Anger settling down my system.

"What brings you here? I mean you rarely see me. What's the occasion?" He pushes away from his desk a bit, setting his pen and paperwork down.

I scoff, "there's a reason I don't see you. Besides, I want to know everything you know about Naomi's family."

He scratches his chin, "I don't know a Naomi son. Refresh my memory."

"The woman I came to your event with. Naomi Harris. Assassin for the Italian mafia." The woman I also cannot get out of my head.

He hums, "ahh Naomi Harris. Well, I suppose I knew her father. Before his unfortunate passing of course."

My eyebrow raises in confusion, "her father was shot in front of her, right?" I asked, to confirm the suspicions I've been having after Kade's announcement.

"Well, Ivan didn't know that she was going to be there. You're making it seem like it was intentional." My father leans back in his chair.

I pause, "what do you mean Ivan? Ivan Orlov? And intentional? Do you have something to do with this?" I ask my father, seriousness now underlying my tone.

"Naomi's father wasn't a good man. He stole so much from us, from our mafia. We needed to get rid of him before he did more damage. When I found out that Naomi stole from our mafia last year, I set up a driver to hit her. Things backfired son, your sister got hit."


Not only was my father involved with Naomi's biological father's passing but she and Amelie's accident two years ago. I stopped breathing for a second and regained my breath.

"You're so fucking evil. So fucking evil. Don't you think that was enough? I mean the woman witnessed her own father's death for fucks sake! Then you went to crash her motorcycle, nearly killing my sister. Your daughter!" My head is running in different places, anger fuelling within me.

"She's not my daughter, Damien. We both know this." He slams his fist on the table in annoyance.

"She sees you as her father! She's called you dad for so fucking long and this is how you repay her? If you had a problem come for me, not Amélie, not Naomi." I walk closer to the front of my father's desk.

My father shook his head, "you're defending the wrong person, my son. Naomi is no good. She's only close to you to get revenge on me. She doesn't love you."

I tried my best to tune out all negativity coming from my father. "Pierre I don't want to do something I'll regret. I want you to tell me everything you know about the Harris family. Starting at Naomi's father."

With that, my father began speaking. As he was explaining, all I could think about was the way I'd get Naomi back. I missed her in my arms.

Not edited Y'all can go check out my latest book, Intoxication

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Y'all can go check out my latest book, Intoxication. Chapters won't be available until your kill is completed which is sometime beginning next year!!

𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥 | 𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 Where stories live. Discover now