07: 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐫

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Blood rushed down my throat as he finally released his hold

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Blood rushed down my throat as he finally released his hold. His large brittle hands were now soaked with tears. My tears. The salty liquid ran down my face, landing all over my body.

My sobs didn't flatten, my heart rate picked up as he snarled at me. The dark walls around me were missing the irradiance they retained beforehand. I feel like a flock of wild birds flying in the opposite direction of the booming sounds.

The same man in my line of vision, his dirty brown hair and thick eyebrows, forming in a uni. His lips were crusty and tampered with drippings of blood. I felt my throat close up as he stared right at me, with the same lustful eyes he used to look at me earlier.

I looked down at my emoji pyjamas now realizing that I'm in my six-year-old body. As I turned my head to the woods behind me, the man's gun clicked.

The sound brought memories flooding into my mind. I immediately turned into a dear in headlights running away from the same man who took my father's life. Who took a piece of my sanity the day he entered my humble abode.

My legs took a boost of confidence and I began dashing through the forest. I'm not fast as a six-year-old, I can barely run without feeling like I'm about to go into a cardiac arrest. My tiny feet stepped on so many branches leaving open cuts and scares for me to treat later.

The only thing in my mind right now is the man following me. Hunting me down with the same gun he used to kill my father. I looked back to see the same silver metal placed on top, glistening in the full moonlight.

Broken branches, footsteps, and beads are the only thing filling my small ears. The sound of my fast-beating heart also erupted within my eardrums, adding to the unexpected suspense.

Then, a bright light stunned my eyes. The heat generated from the light feels warm, safe, and triumphant. I feel like I've finally reached my destination. Close to the victory I've been striving for.

All of a sudden, I felt my body fall to the ground. A hard object stabbed into my foot, causing me to fall over a tree and stump onto the muddy forest ground.

He caught up to me, grabbed me, and ran his fingers all over my body. "I told you I'd come back Naomi, why didn't you listen?" He asks.

The familiar voice of Ivan rings in my ear. He chuckles when I don't respond, dropping me on the floor and bending to my level, "you're just as hard-headed as your father huh? I guess I'll have to kill you too?" My sobs are uncontrolled.

"Please, Mr leave me alone." I wiped the tears pooling from my eyes, staining my once pair of favourite pyjamas. "Leave me alone."

He cocked his gun and put his finger on the trigger, putting it at my chest. The same place he shot my father. "Rest in peace." The loud sound of a gunshot rose to my ears.

"SHIT!" I immediately get up from my bed and clutch onto my body, drenched in sweat from my nightmare. Tears stain my face and my fingers tremble.

Panic rises throughout my veins and I clench onto the bed sheets, to feel something. This is the reason why I don't go to bed without my pills, I try to stay away from them but without them, things like this happen.

I can't control my sobs as I run a hand through my hair, trying to calm myself down. I escape out of my bed and shudder to my bathroom. Wincing when the luminous lights hit my face.

I look in the mirror to see tears all over my face, my shoulders still shivering and my lips quivering in pure fear. The thoughts running through my head consist of the man who took my father's life. Ever since the day he died, I haven't been able to sleep properly. The only people who are aware of my sleeping problem are Scarlett and my parents, they've tried to help me numerous times but it all fails in the end.

I pick up my phone on the counter and dial the first number on my call list. I put the phone to my ear and try my best to quiet down my sobs, my heart still beating erratically fast in my chest.

The phone rings a few times before I hear someone's voice. Music booming and partying in the background. "Hello, Charles?"

He laughs in the back. "Hey dumbass! Why are you calling at..." He slurs a little bit, "fucking 4:02 am?"

My nose scrunches as I wipe the tears on my face with the back of my hand. "Are you at the club?"

"Hell yeah! I was going to invite you but you looked tired so I didn't. I'm sorry dumbass!" I roll my eyes.

"I just wanted to hear someone's voice." I quietly speak, trying to force a smile on my face in the mirror. "I put my house on the market yesterday, and do you have a ride home?"

He laughs, "don't worry about me Ni! Anya and I are calling a driver." I silently nod and smile.

Anya is some random girl that Charles has been messing with. I don't know if they have feelings for each other but whenever I ask, they just reply with the same - were just friends - bullshit. She's beautiful, with light blonde hair and striking blue eyes. She has a beautiful Russian accent too.

"Okay, when you get home call me okay? I need to know if you're okay." I calmly ended the phone call before he could reply, opening my drawer and taking out my things to roll a joint.

When I was finished I lit it up and put the paper to my lips, letting it sit in my mouth for a few seconds before exhaling deeply. I instantly smiled and walked over to my balcony, enjoying the chilly weather.

I love marijuana more than Snoop Dogg himself.

  A/N Abnormally short chapter! I just wanted to go in-depth about Naomi's struggle with sleep and what she does to cope

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Abnormally short chapter! I just wanted to go in-depth about Naomi's struggle with sleep and what she does to cope. Vote vote vote & vote!

𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥 | 𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 Where stories live. Discover now