50: 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬

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Words cannot describe how I'm feeling right now

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Words cannot describe how I'm feeling right now. The moment I saw the love of my life walk in with another man, everything in me flipped. I was confused, what could I have done wrong?

And the fact that she walked in with Reid. It could've been any other man but Reid. He was known for taking everything that was mine. He wanted my business, my mafia, and now he wanted my woman. Amélie hates him even more than I do, every time I looked at her, her eyes were glaring into his back.

A few moments after her arrival she began speaking to the Marino's and I continued to watch her. The way she smiled brought joy to my face, I haven't seen her in a while but fuck did she look good. The braids in her hair and the dress on her body all emphasized her beauty.

She began talking to Valentina Marino, she opened her mouth to laugh and I swear I could hear the sweet melody. She looked happy, so full of joy and life. That's all I wanted her to look like, but I needed her in my life. I needed her to be beside me, I needed to be beside her.

As I stared at the woman many feet away from me, I realized that I was utterly in love with her. I was in love with every part of her, good, bad, gross, and annoying. I wanted all of her, all I need to do now is tell her.

For a brief moment, she looked over her shoulder. The moment her eyes connected with mine, something in her shifted. It didn't take her a minute before she was racing out of the hall.

I chased her, I took the exact pathway as her and followed her to wherever she went. I ended up outside, a garden surrounding us and fountains of water was spilling throughout the area.

She was seated on a bench, all her hair sitting on one shoulder. A cigarette was between her beautiful lips and I inwardly sighed at her actions. It doesn't take too much to realize Naomi isn't okay. I could feel her eye-bags under the layer of makeup she was wearing and that alone made my heart tug.

I approached her, slowly. Sitting next to her on the bench and resting my arms on my knees. She kept to herself, crossing her legs and moving slightly over. "Naomi..." I started.

She replied almost immediately, "Damien..." The smoke left her lips as she delivered the message.

"How are things? How are you?" I turned to look at her but she didn't look back. She was staring up ahead with the cigarette still between her fingers. I reached for it, "I told you to stop smoking th-"

"Don't just come here and tell me what to do. What are you here for Damien?" She finally looked at me again, her eyes glossy from tear's threatening to fall.

I sigh, "I'm sorry Naomi. I'm sorry for everything, truly. I mean the evidence was against you, I missed my sister, everything was a mess and I'm sorry. I should've given you the benefit of the doubt but I didn't. I let you go and I regret it."

She smiles slightly, "Damien I understand you're sorry, I do. But I don't think I want anything to do with you."


The words that spilled from her lips brought me into a daze of agony. "What?" I asked, still trying to process her previous words. I stare at Naomi and realize how much of a mistake I made. She looks so different, thinner, paler, and her eye bags were so prominent.

"Damien. You made me blame myself for your sister's crash for four months. Four fucking months Damien. And I told you." Her voice began to crack and my gut twisted. A single tear left her eye while she tried to compose herself. "I told you that there was another car but you didn't listen. You called me evil Damien. So excuse me for not wanting anything to do with you."

She stood up and adjusted her dress. As she began to walk away I followed her, taking ahold of her hand gently. She turned back to me, "Touch me one more fucking time and I will stab you." Her eyes held complete hatred and fear washed over me. "I'm capable of doing it so don't underestimate me."

Because I loved Naomi, I let go of her. She didn't turn back as she ran out of the garden and eventually, Amélie told me that she went home. I sat outside and put my head in my hands, thinking of what to do to get my girl back.

 I sat outside and put my head in my hands, thinking of what to do to get my girl back

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The last update for a while... Not edited
Remade chapter - August 15 2023

𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥 | 𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora