41: 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧

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Sweat dripped down my face as I continued punching the bag in front of me

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Sweat dripped down my face as I continued punching the bag in front of me. My arms ached but I kept moving, I had needed to let off some steam and finally found some time to do so.

My phone buzzed in the pocket of my shorts and I sighed. This had been the third time and I finally decided to pick the damn call. The leather gloves slipped off my hands and onto the ground beneath me. I pulled my phone out of my hand and sighed when I saw the number of my sister's doctor.

"Doctor, is everything alright?" I held the phone close to my ear as I descended the stairs and into my room.

The doctor on the other end of the line sounded joyous, "We have great news, Damien." My face didn't light up, I've heard this several times to no avail. "Amelie has been responsive. She's moved her fingers and we think she'll be awake soon."

My mouth ran dry.

All the sweat dripping from my face felt as if it was now dry. My heart dropped to places with no measure. I tried my best to find the words to answer the doctor, "I'll be there- there in a few. Thanks, thank you. Doctor."

With speed like never before, I took a shower and began my journey to her hospital. It was now the end of April and the France weather was clearing up. I tried to occupy myself with work, just to stop the thoughts of a certain woman flowing through my head.

She isn't a good person. She's a liar, a deceiver. I reminded myself, trying to stop the aching in my chest. For the past four months, I've had to repeat these words to myself. I missed her, more than I should and it's killing me every day.

Eventually, I got out of my car and took a very deep breath. It had been more than a year since she slipped into a coma. More than a year since our daily phone calls, and weekly trips to the movie theatre.

To say the least, I missed my best friend more than anything. I gathered myself and walked towards her room. My hand grasped the doorknob as I opened it, staring at my sister laying in her bed.

She looked better today so I decided to sit next to her. My hand reached out to grab hers and I rested my arms on the bed, breathing in and out. I don't know when I started talking, but once I did, the words didn't stop spewing. "Amélie, please it's been too fucking long. I need your advice and your criticism. I miss your trash-ass style-"

I felt my hand squeeze, my head shot up immediately. To my surprise, her eyelids were slightly moving, as if she was attempting to move her eyes. My legs got a mind of their own and immediately ran to call the doctor.

I excused both of them and immediately called Charles. As the phone drops to my side, I only hope and pray that this is the moment I've been waiting for.



I have never experienced this much happiness in my life before. Amélie was awake. We were finally able to see her and Charles was about to open the door. To say I was happy was a complete understatement.

On the other side of the door was my sister staring back. Her bright green eyes glanced between the both of us and squinted into a smile. "Are you guys going to stand there or give your favourite person a hug?"

Charles and I broke character and immediately walked up to the small bed and engulfed our sister in a large hug. She was digging her fingernails into my skin but I accepted it just this once, missing everything about her.

"Jesus, I don't even know what to say..." Charles started, he looked at his watch then at me, and finally at Amélie.

She smiled weakly, "maybe we can start with what you're wearing. The pants are two sizes too small Charles. Did u forget everything while I was asleep?"

We both burst into laughter and Charles rolled his eyes. "I know someone who didn't just wake up from a coma is talking to me like that. I was going to say something heartfelt."

She sighs, "you know I hate that cute shit. I hope you guys didn't watch any new movies without me."

I check my phone and smile, "I didn't even touch the movie theatre while you were gone. Can't say the same about Charles though."

Her laugh erupts throughout the room, "I know Charles is a little bitch who can't keep his promises. You're still friends with Anya?"

"We're dating, thanks for asking." He sass's back.

She weakly claps, "didn't think Jose could get a girlfriend, excelente. What about you Alexandre?"

Blood drains from my face and I look away. "That's a story for another day. Is there anything you're in the mood to eat? Chips? Those nasty ass cupcakes from Fleur's?"

"Disrespect those cupcakes again and you're going to be the one in the hospital bed." She threatens, playing with the plastic fork next to her.

I try to hide the smile on my face when I realize that my life might be getting better. Amelies awake.

Hell ya, my girl is woke!! Short chapter sorry y'all

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Hell ya, my girl is woke!! Short chapter sorry y'all...

𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥 | 𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 Where stories live. Discover now