04: 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐚𝐫

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Charles has been blowing up my phone since I got back yesterday

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Charles has been blowing up my phone since I got back yesterday. I ended up walking back home, not giving a damn about Damien or his shitty ass car.

As I'm putting my pasta into my plate, another call from Charles comes in. This is his fourth call in 10 minutes, I'm thinking about blocking him very soon.

I grab my pasta off the counter and walk over to my couch. My fingers land on the television remote next to me and I turn it on. Selecting one of my favourite 2000s chick flicks; Legally Blonde.

My legs cross and I settle into the couch, carefully draping the duvet cover over my body. Taking giant bites of my meal.


My favourite part of the movie was about to come up when a call came in. I was planning on ignoring the call - thinking it was Charles - when my mother's contact displayed on the screen.

I abruptly dropped my bowl of pasta and picked up my mother's call. Stuffing a few pieces in my mouth before greeting her. "Hey, mom."

"Naomi, how are you doing? I miss you so much, Marcus has been a pain in the ass!" I hear her huff from the other side of the line and laugh. My dad's complaining in the background makes me smile even more.

"I miss you more mom. This isn't even the first time I've been on a mission, why do you miss me so much?" I complained into the microphone. I started going on missions at 17 years old. It's been 3 years since then and I've been in and out of the house, nonstop.

She groans, "yeah but you're my best friend! I miss having brunch with you." My mother and I would normally go for brunch twice a week. We've been doing it since she and Marcus adopted me, unless I was out of the state, we would never skip it.

My laugh fills up the room. "Same, mom. I can't wait to get rid of Ivan so I can come back home. How's dad?" I called out, grabbing my remote and pausing the television.

She then starts yelling. "Marcus! Marcus! You're daughter, who abandoned us, wants to speak to you!" I hear footsteps coming from the speaker and a voice coming closer. My dad then begins to speak, "Hey best friend! How's life in Russia?"

I smile at his voice. He's always been my best friend, even when my biological father was still alive. "Hey dad, Russia is great. Scarlett is supposed to come in 2 weeks so I'm excited to see her."

"That's great, Ni. Stay safe okay? Your mother and I love you so much. We're going cliff jumping in the Bahamas tomorrow!" I can hear the enthusiasm in his voice as they narrate what they're going to do in the Caribbean.

I roll my eyes, "I swear you guys just came back from a trip to Boracay?" I question, referring to the photos my mother posted on her Instagram.

He laughs, "it's called retirement dumbass! We're having the time of our lives!" He and my mother proceeded to tease me about how I'm in Russia for work. While they're going to the Bahamas the following day.

"You guys are 37! What do you mean by retirement?" I question. Marcus and Laura adopted me when I was 8 years old, they were 25 and just getting married. A ring at my doorbell brings me out of my thoughts. "I have to go, there is someone at my door."

They heavily sigh, "we'll talk to you later Ni. I love you."

I get up from the couch and look out the window. "Yeah, bye." My heart suddenly aches when I realize I forgot to tell them I love them back. "Shit."

My eye gazes at the security cameras on my phone to see Charles. He looks pissed with his hair ruffled up and a scowl on his face. "Naomi open up your goddamn door."

I roll my eyes and tie up my hair, twisting the doorknob and revealing the familiar brown-haired boy who I call my best friend. "What do you want Charles?"

He laughs, "we're going to the mechanic, right now." He demands, not bothering to take off his shoes as he walks into my home.

"I'm not going to the filthy mechanic with you Charles. Why though?" I let him into my house, sitting back on the large couch and picking up my pasta, throwing it into my mouth.

He takes my remote and turns off the television. "You're staying with Damien and I until he gets his car fixed. I heard you destroyed it last night."

I roll my eyes, "he deserves it. If it wasn't for that threat you made yesterday I would've killed him."

"When are you and Damien going to learn to grow up? It's annoying! Now get up and get dressed." He takes the bowl of pasta from my hands and walks over to my counter, setting it on the marble surface.

I get out of my duvet. "This is bullshit. I can't believe you're choosing him over me." I begin walking up my stairs, flashing my middle finger at Charles. "I hope you fall down the stairs."

Charles laughs in reply and I run up the stairs, I take the corner to the double doors and walk into my closet room. I pull out a tank top that ends right above my belly button. My fingers then skim over a pair of grey sweatpants and I grab those.

I quickly put my clothes on and put on a pair of basic white running shoes. The mechanic was a really dirty place so my outfit wasn't the best. However, Charles was waiting for me downstairs and I don't want to hold him up.

I grab my hair and put the curls into a ponytail, keeping out a few loose strands to frame my face. I wipe off the oil stains around my lips from the pasta and apply chapstick.

The sounds of keys juggling make me hurry up. I grab my phone and a gun, sticking both of my most prized possessions into my pocket. I begin walking downstairs to meet up with Charles. "Let's go, and make this quick. I have a movie to watch."

Charles opens the door for me, "after you." He says then laughs. "I can't promise anything. You fucked up his car."

  A/NThis was kinda a short chapter

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This was kinda a short chapter. Make sure to leave your thoughts by commenting and voting! It helps a lot.

𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥 | 𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 Where stories live. Discover now