Chapter 79: DG Worker and the Gossipers

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"No, it's fine. I shouldn't have picked a fight with a guy twice my height."

"Hey, pretty sure after I was done with him he dropped a few inches."

A knock on our door was heard, and Tom groaned. "Are they back again?"

I rushed over to the door and unlocked it. An exhausted Steve was behind the door.

"We're stayin here another night. Do what ye want, I'll be sleeping in me room." He left back into his room without a second glance.

I guess Steve was too hungover to function. I closed the door back and joined back with Tom in bed.

"What'd he want?" Tom asked sleepily.

"Apparently, we're staying here another night. I think Steve's really hungover."

"I am too...god my head hurts. Guess I'm stuck in bed all day."

"Darn...I really wanted to explore the city some more." I knew even if Tom wasn't hungover, he wouldn't want to see the city. People stared and pointed at him like he was a freak. It made both of us angry.

Another knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. I stood up once again and answered it.
Tiff and Lola stood at the door, their smiles wider than their actual faces.

"Jordan! We found a house!" Tiff squealed and clapped her hands together.

"Already? You left twenty minutes ago." I opened the door wider and let them in.

"She pointed at a house and claimed it. When I started talking about the price and bills and furniture, she spaced out and wanted to come back here so she could watch TV. So no, we haven't found a house yet." Lola rolled her eyes.

"You figure out bills and stuff, I'll stick to cartoons. Sound good? Kay." Tiff turned on the TV and sat cross legged on the floor, eating an apple that she'd brought in with her.

"Hey, this chicks got the right idea." Tom rested his hands behind his head and watched the cartoons.

Lola sighed and turned to me. "So you what are you guys planning to do today?"

"Nothing really. I wanted to see the city some more, but Toms way too hungover."

"Oh, well I can show you. I know this place pretty well. I have some errnads to run anyway. You can come if Tom doesn't mind me stealing you."

"Don't care, do what you want." Tom drew the covers up further and kept his eyes on the cartoons. He was such a kid.

"Alright, I guess I'm free."
After we made a short stop to the club where Lola gathered the rest of her and Tiffs things and changed her her ruined shirt into a clean one, we headed off to explore the city.

"This is the market place where all the trading stuff and selling happens. But I'd watch who you run into. Most of these people are only here to snatch money and pick pocket."

The market place was huge. Stands stretched out for miles with people bustling in and out of them and rushing back and forth between them. I stuck close to Lola. I felt like if I miss-stepped once I'd be lost in the crowd of people. She stopped in front of a stand, causing me to run into her.

"Nervous much?" She laughed. I laughed awkwardly and stood by her side as she handed the merchant in behind of the stand a gold nugget. He nodded and handed her two small bags of seeds, which she placed in her bag.

"Alrighty, next stop is the plantations. Stick close and don't bump into anyone." She treaded back down the path we came, her red hair trailing behind her like wild fire.

Mianite: A Syndisparklez StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora