Chapter 40: My OCD Seems to Love Him.

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Toms P.o.v
Sparklez whined again as Ianite continued to brew the herbal tea.

He was worse than when I met him no less than an hour ago in the forest.

Ianite was trying to get rid of the illness he had, using her potion brewing book. Sparklez was in a ball on the couch, covered with several blankets, and shivering like he'd just been in a full on blizzard storm.

He would not let me touch him, or get anywhere near him, or he would start whining and moaning and complaining. Which I understood, he was in pain and I said horrible things to him, but I really just wanted to help him. We always cuddled or hugged eachother when we were sick. I guess not this time.

"Come on, I said I didn't mean it! What else do you want me to do?!"
I was sitting in a chair, farthest away from the couch, with Martha standing beside me.

"Go away..." He moaned in pain.

"I'm sure he doesn't mean what he says Syn, he's just very ill," Martha assured me.

"Yeah I know...I hope he's not like this tomorrow...where's the others?" I asked.

"They left a couple moments before Jordan arrived. Here Jordan, drink up." Ianite poured the pot of liquid into small glass and walked over to Sparklez couch. She propped his head up gently and pressed the glass to his lips.

"How long do you think it might take?" Martha asked curious.

"Oh I don't know..five minutes?" Ianite responded, pulling the glass away from Sparklez.

He slumped back into his couch and covered back up.

"Five minutes? You're kidding right?"

"No, I would heal him myself, but my energy is still really low from the last time I healed him. I feel like I wouldn't be able to do anything but make him even more uncomfortable."

"Tom?" I heard his tired voice call.

I walked up quickly to where he laid, he was smiling like a doofus.

Wow. What was in that tea?

"What is it?" I asked nervously.

"I'm sorry I fell on you...and wouldn't get up," he laughed while closing his eyes and smiling.

"Wait what? Do you not remember what I said?"

"No...what did you say?" His expression grew serious as he opened his eyes again.

"Oh that reminds me! Tom dear, what does the phrase gay homo mean? Is sounds very oppressive..."

"Mother, shh!" Martha tried to quiet her, but I knew he had heard it.

" called me a gay homo?" He asked in an indifferent voice.

"Yeah...but I didn't mean to-"

"Tom, you're a gay homo too, I don't see why you called me that," he laughed nervously. "We're together aren't we? So we're gay...homo basically means doesn't bother me that you said that."

"Oh..." Actually, that did make sense. "Well, can you get up?"

"My head feels like it's about to explode and my throat feels like it's been ripped of its vocal chords, but other than that I think I'm fine. Ill try to stand."

He peeled off his covers and slowly raised up from the couch. He stood for a moment and looked down at himself, examining his legs and arms.

"Is something wrong?" Lady Ianite asked.

"I feel...dizzy."

"But you can walk, right? You're okay?" I pressed.

"I don't..." His voice faltered.

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