Chapter 41: The Rescue Mission

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"This rapier is so dull...I can't even kill a spider with it anymore..." I groaned.

My rapier was dulling, and I didn't have time to sharpen it.

We were about to leave in a few moments, off to save Andor and Steve from the inertia. The RV that Tom had showed me ages ago, was flying. Large balloons were holding it up, keeping it from touching the ground. Martha was piling iron and other storage into the empty chest on top of the RV. Everyone was putting on their disguises, hiding their armor underneath. We were going to pose as merchants carrying storage into the prison. We had gone over the plans many many times, just so we didn't mess the plan up. As soon as we got there, they would check our I.Ds and the storage. While they checked, we would sneak into the lower parts of the prison. There we would free Steve, then go to a lower building and retrieve Andor.

We were all at Tucker's dojo, packing everything up into the floating RV in the yard. Tom was helping Martha lack, Tucker was putting on his Mage armor, and Sonja and Wag were polishing and cleaning everything up. I sat beside a cherry tree, examining my rapier.

"Do you want to borrow one of my old diamond swords?" Sonja suggested. She was polishing her blade of choice, which was also a rapier.

"'s fine. I don't think it will be any better," I sighed disappointingly.

"Sorry man, I'd give you one but I don't think I have any better weapons," Tucker stated.

'Perhaps I can be of assistance?' A gruff voice asked in my mind.

What?! Am I going nuts?!

'No no, it is just Dianite. I apologize for my rudeness in meeting you, other Spark. My sister has asked me to aid you in your time of need, since she is in a time of rest. If you need a weapon, simply check your bag. I have placed something you might enjoy using to avenge my grand nephew and my loyal follower. I must go now, my sister longs for comfort. I wish you luck, other spark.'

Oh yeah. Ianite had told Martha that she couldn't come today, and I think it was because of Tom. But he didn't have time to go all the way to the end and apologize, we were leaving soon.
He'd have to do it when they got back.

The voice disappeared, and suddenly my bag felt heavier. He really had given me a weapon.

I opened the bag, making sure no one was looking, and felt of the weapon in my hand. Not a rapier, but a scythe? Just as

I was about to pull it out and examine it, when Martha called out to everyone.

"Okay everyone! I think we've packed up most things that we require, is everyone ready?"

Our shouts of excitement filled the air as we boarded the RV ship. Tom and I sat in the back, Tucker and Sonja in the middle, and Martha driving while Wag was in the passenger side.

"Wait, I think I forgot my angel ring..." Wag admitted.

"Angel rings and flying contraptions do not work in the inertia, me and Stevie already tried. I would recommend tucking in your wings heroes, or you might just give us away!"
We all tucked our wings into our cloaks and buckled in.

We began our journey.

Never had I imagined the inertia being this huge.

It was a whole island, covered all the way to the edges with steel floors, buildings, guards, and a gigantic statue of Mianite in the center.

This place was definitely a prison.

We pulled into the docking lane, guards covered both lanes side by side. I didn't realize how much protection was in the inertia. Dagrun had not near as many as this place did.
As Martha parked the RV, she let out a deep breath.

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