Chapter eight five

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Natasha's POV

"' Natasha that is no way to speak to your mother" she scolded me and I smiled " it's okay you don't mind" an dhse gave in with a smile. She's always been a good mother figure but she knows she's our ' mother' liek she doesn't push it if Taht makes sense. Alexi on the other hand will not let you say anything but what he thinks and anything else is a waste of breath. That man can talk and talk for hours on end about nothing but himself.

" what brings you here?" She asked me as we walked back into the house and I smiled " well I needed a break" and she nodded " from what?" And I sighed " Me and Ali I had a fight" and she rolled her eyes " are you still being a. Idiot natalia" and I spoke " no no I fixed up we've been doing good but I found outs he's retiring and we'll I kind of just lost it. And I said things I didn't mean and she said things I hope she doesn't mean" and melina nodded " you upset her so she hurt you back?" And I nodded " sounds like she's your daughter natalia" ans I rolled my eyes she really thinks she's funny. " so you came here to hide?" Ans I nodded because yeh I did but also I just wanna learn how to be a mom the way melina was to me and yelena.

Speaking of yelena her and Alexi just walked through the door talking about how he and captain America are worst enemies like tahts true at all. Poor setve has no clue but Alexi can't let anything go. " I told you I could beat him if I wanted" and I rolled my eyes but then. They came into view and Alexi smiled " my little Natasha has come to visit!" And he came and picked me up into a hug. I wanted to hug him but I just let him hug me. The man is too much way too much actually but I can let it go.

I don't wanna deal with tha real world so I forgot I turned my phone off. " and why are you here?" Yelena asked and I smiled " to visit" ans she shook her head " no you wouldn't come without Ali so what's going on" and I sighed. "She wants to retire and I flipped out a little and then she said some things that are true but still really hurt so I just wanted some time away" and yelena nodded " she spoke about the red room didn't she" ans I saw melina and Alexi still and look at me " she did but I won't say what she said because she didn't mean it" I have no clue if she did or didn't but I'll defend her till I'm blue in the face even against my own family's nd especially against the world and that's why I don't know why I reacted the way I did. I should eneve have hurt her the way I did but I did. " have you stand? You look like you've not eaten for days? What do those avengers feed you? Stark can afford food" and I groaned it's the same every time I come. " I eat just fine" and she shook her head and the next thing I knew a bowl of Stu wa spit infornt of me and that's when yelena and Alexi stayed up whine " get up and use your hands. I am not a servent" and yelena pouted at her " but you did nats" and she sighed and put a bowl for yelena in but spoke " because she is a guest" and then Alexi pouted but melina wants going for it l" no get up and get yourself it" and he nodded na shot uonfo out his own food in. " when will we get to see ali?" And I sighed " I can ask Wanda to bring her?" And melina hit Alexi and then shook her head " you came here for some time to think so do that we can see our grand baby another time" and I think she knows something I don't because she smiekd while saying that I don't get it's maybe I'm slow? Nobody me I ain't dense. I'm oblivious most of the time but I'm not dumb. We all ate and I remembered what it was like when we were kids and how we ate just like this. How tahsta look it was back then just so simple no extra anything just what we knew. This is all yelena knew and then we went a k to the redroom where as I knew it was fake. I know melina wanted to protect us and she did in the end and even Alexi did. He wasn't the best but he wasn't the worst he cares in his own way and welll he live a good revenge plan.

He also loves being a papa as he makes Ali call him. Wanda thinks it's cute I think he's stupid but melina makes her call her mama melina too. I think it's very sweet.

" Natasha i presume you will be staying a few nights then?" Ans I nodded " I will set the guest room for you" and I nodded and thanked her for that Alis got her own room here tahts how pecten she came to stay over yeh years but I don't come over much only because I can't get here Whne I have missions and so much to do. Melina and Alexi never held it against me but they did hold how I reacted ali over me. I just never realised or listened which is so dumb because now I look back it would of helped to have known and just sorted it before I did so much damage.

I Think that's why I stayed away so much because melina is blunt she called me out when she saw me do something or if Ali was sad. Even with my crush on wnada she knew before me.


Remember to drink water

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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