Chapter sixty three

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Emorys POV

" I have trouble with asking for help" and they nodded letting me talk more and I just had to take a breath. I had to really think and then to speak " the support, the cuddles, the love that you guys give me it's not something I'm familiar with. And it's hard to even say that. Admitting that it's hard and I know I feel safe when I'm around you both because I know you're gonna protect me or try to form anything but I still feel scared. I just I don't know how to tell you that I'm scared. I mean I just did. It it's hard. I don't know how to say I want a hug without scolding myself for thinking it. I can't take any compliments because I think that if you're complimenting me then it's the opposite and you don't want me to know. U just it's such a back wards way to think but it's been drilled into my head that I can't even see whne I do it. I know I'm good at keeping things to myself but it's hard and trusting and I don't wanna" and they nodded " you're right t and it's not gonna change over night darling. We're gonna help you and there is nothing wrong with any of that okay? You know about it that's the first step but now it's helping to unlearn it all. And that's what we're here for. And we don't need you to tell us okay teh sometimes it may be nice but I'm a physical touch kind of person and I'll probably never let you go unles you tell em you want me to. And we'll I'll probably embarrass you infront of you're future wife or husband" she said smiling very wide and Colin spoke " I'm gonna let you both have you're mother daughter time. I'll go in and distract them all. Take you're time I love you both" and he kissed my head and Scarlett's. I didn't except him to do that but he did because he loves me.

" anything else you wanna talk about with me" and I nodded but she laid down next to me and put her arms around me so my head was laying in her chest. " this is so yoi don't get cold" she said and i nodded " ofcourse" I said and she smiled back at me " you didn't want a party did you?" She asked me and I nodded " I'm sorry" she whispered but I looked up at her " don't be sorry. It was just loads of people but they are my family now. I think I can get over it" and she nodded " you don't need to rush okay we're gonna take it one step at a time and I'll be right by you're side" and I nodded " we have filing soon how do you feel bak ut that?" Ans I smiled but I sighed " ims scared of how people will look at me" and she nodded " you're a amazing actress which you got from me clearly" and I chuckled " I've got you're backs nd so does Lizzie ans eveyone knows you're amazing so don't stress" she said again and I sighed she's right I did get the role on my own I can say that atleast..

Natasha's POV

She locked eyes with me and I looked at her with. Soft Emile: but what I didn't expect was her to look down at my hand that was holding hers and sheet her grip go. I was holding it now she hasn't moved her arm from mine but she's not holding my hand anymore. " detka?" Wanda said from behind me and I saw her yes move to Wanda. She still had a tube in her mouth " I'll go get someone" I saw her try to speak but I shook my head " don't try to talk yet" I said and she stopped she was looking at me and I was loooking at her. I tried to comfort her by caressing her hand but she's looking at me and not blinking. I then saw her eyes roll backs sn she started to shake. " shit" I said and I got up and moved her to her side. She's having a seizure and I need Bruce to get in here. " alia" I heard wnada say and I couldn't comfort her when I have to keep Ali on her side. " Wanda hold her head" I said and she moved around and held her head but she played with her hair and was whispering to her. I'm glad she's doing this with me right now.

I heard the door open and I saw Brice and yelena walk in " okay I'm here" he said nd she stopped na sis ive he thank god. He moved he rover na distracted to check her. Her heart face balanced out and I watched her chest rise and fall. And then her eyes opened again and I saw her looking at Bruce " you gave us a scare young lady" Bruce said and I sighed in relief. He took teh tube out of her mouth and I saw her strat to cough so I grabbed her a bottle of water and she drank it. " thanks" she rasped out and I smiled " I think she reacted to the medicine but I'm gonna lower her dose and see how she goes." And  nodded her turned back to ali and spoke " you were shot I the shoulder and you're muscles are weaker as a result do you'll need to do a lot of push I am therapy's but you should be fine" he said and she nodded " thanks Bruce" she rasped out an she nodded and left.

Ali's POV

The way I feel right now it's like I got hit by a truck. I didn't feel like that before. And I can't move properly it hurts too much. Wait how have I been going to the toilet right that's not what's important right now I think. No it's not I've been in a coma therw sntter things to be thinking about. Like why Wanda ns my mom ante holding hands.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open.

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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