Chapter eighty six

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Natasha's POV

" would you like to talk Nat?" Yelena asked me as I put my clothes away and I shook my head " I've got a few days off and I mens i havbt bene here in so long I just wish Ali was with me" and she smiled " what?" And she smiled wider " you love that kid" ans I nodddd " she's literally me how can I not love her." And yelena nodded " you know she probably feels really bad" and I nodded " that's another reason I wish she was here but coming from her mouth it hurt even if I know she didn't mean jg. Like the fact she said it she stgought about it's nd knowing that makes me wanna curl into a ball and cry. But I can't and that's the sad reality but I cba be sad and get served soup." And yelena scoffed " wow that's unfair" ans. i smiled " shut up you're still their favourite child because you live with them" and she nodded smugly " I didn't run away to become a fancy avenger did I?" Ans I rolled my eyes buts he's right. Melina did want me to move back egged when we found Ali. She wante sme to leave Ali with her too. She said that it was a normal ish childhood for her and it would be good for her to be realised here and i could se eher when I wanted but wnada looend after her so well and I coudnt care to let her go that far. Atleast with her in the compound I can keep my eyes on her. I even knew when the kid sneaks out but I don't say anything she's beings. Kid. I trust her to know the limit and not to be stood in what she does. I also know she has drank while out with friend ls and also at those stupid steak partys he makes us all go to. But I don't say anything again because she takes a sip and never gets drink enough or tipsy to make us tell. Wnada would kill her if she knew. She's kill me if she knew that I knew our kid drinks and smokes. But again Taht was a one time thing I think she wa shaky trying it and that was it but a after that I didn't smell it in her.

Yelena helped me unpack all my clothes that I had brang with me. I even brought wellies for helping melina. I did but then at the airport but still I did get them.

" Girls it's time for a movie" and I groaned Great it's really gonna be like our childhood right now. Alexi will take all the space of the couch and then we have to sit on the floor.

Ali's POV

Why can't we go now" I asked the sheiks agent and she shrugged " there a storm which we can't fly through so you are stuck with us until the whole thing clears now wait" and I groaned I'd suggest driving but I can't leav got yet ish I do only for missions if it's neeeded anyways. Usually i wounding be aloud but since fury has decided I was old about for a hir colour I can drive. A car. I technically don't have a bury h certificate Taht is form the day I was brown. So getting into school was hard enough but tnanks to Tony's money they let me into that. I would struggle a lot more to get my own license that is why I may go for a fake but that is braa wa just the law and ima avengers I don't do that although t I would.

I checked my app and well we have a few hour sof waiting for it to go away. We can't go back because the boys will tell Natasha no doubt that we are coming to see her na di don't wanna spook her I just wanna talk to her because she's really sweet.

I do not know how I'm gonna get through this whole thing but even I know I can. I am tired but movies are a must here in this household and I don't wanna oiss melina off so she send a pig in here to chew my hair or chuck water down the my bed. Because that's things she's done before it poor me. I don't know why she would do that I think it was for her own amusement and I just ignore it kow if it doe shappenZ

Emorys POV

" so what are you planning on wearing to the party?" Lizzie asked me she's coke in here about 10 minutes ago and just laid down when she should be getting ready to. She's also coming to this party even robbies getting a ready! " shoudnt you go look for your own?" Ans she shook her head " I chose yesterday and my makeup and hairs done so I'm free to annoy you" she scrunched her face at me with a smile and I rolled my eyes in return. " why don't you just leave me alone?" Ans she shook her head.

I found Carmel tailored flared trousers that I decided to wear with a brown under top and the matching caramel blazer. I think this is cute? And I'll wear my Nikes. " wow maybe I'll rethink my outfit" and I rolled my eyes " yeh go ahead" and she smiled " why are you so mean to me my dear god daughter" and I rolled my eyes at her while she smiled happily in return. She's really jokes.

Scarlett and Colin are gonan be there obviously and so I think I'm gonna have to act like we're okay. I Emma we are but like okay that I'm living with them and that we have a great relationship which that isn't true. It's being built and Scarlett and Colin text me every hour to check in if I need anything but it's still taking time to trust them.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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