Chapter fifty five

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Natasha's POV

Ofcouse se he knows how she felt. " how did she feel Steve" and he shook his head " No I'm not making you feel worse" and I shook my head back " I'm a big girl tell me"

Emorys POV

" right you get up!" And I rolled my eyes I'm not getting out of my warm bed " I don't have to listen to you" and I
She smiled l" well I'm you're mother so yes you do" and I groaned " wow never gonna live that down" and she rolled her eyes " I really just got the grumpy teenage years" which made me scoff she's sat on my bed at 7am on a Saturday " Scarlett you are waking me up at such a ungodly time just shush lay down and sleep please" and she actually considered what I was saying. " 10 minutes and we have to get up okay i wnana spend teh day together" and I nodded and turned over while she laid down next to me. I fell asleep again fast.

Wandas POV

" Bruce how is she?" Ans he smiled " she's stable again and she's in recovery you can go in and see her bene you're ready. But before you do she's in a medically induced coma. I need her body to heal more and then I can try to bring her out of it. But right now she needs this time to rest. She's hooked up to wired and a breathing tube but she's gonna be able to hear you. Wanda maybe you can sue you're powers I don't know how that works but it's worth a shot" and I nodded he's right she's always worth it. " where's Nat?" And I saw him look around but I looked at eye lab is this cruel of us? Like she's her mom and she doesn't know she's made it off fo surgery okay. " erm I'll be back" yelena said and she left befriend i coudk day anyhung " coke on" Bruce said. I have to prepare myself for what ima bout to see.

Yelenas POV

" Friday where is my sister" and she told me nats just in the other room. I walked in and i coudk see her sat on the floor with tears rolling down her face. Oh so she does care. " well that's a lot of tears" and she looked at me " yelena" she whispered " she's out of surgery and she's stable. She's ina medically induced coma Wanda is with her and that's all I know for now" and I turned to walk back out but bay spoke " I didn't know I'd missed it. I swear I didn't know. I was trying I am trying but it's like everything just goes wrong. But please let me see her yelena" ans I dropped my head "'if anything changed with her I'll let you know. But I can't stop you from going to see her while she's asleep. But if she's awake I don't want you near her unless she says it okay" I said all of that's ithiut having to turn around and then I left.

Wandas POV

I walked in and I knew it wasn't gonna be easy to see her like that but that's our Ali. She's so small laying there and the wires are everywhere. " anything goes off we'll be here" ans I nodded and he left. I walked to teb seat ans I took her hand "
Hey detka. Gave me quite teh scare" ans I chuckled but I've got tears falling  " I can feel you which is good. But I can't hear you like normal ans it's scaring me. But I know you can hear me. So I guess it's like our normal conversation huh where I just talk and you listen. I love you okay please don't leva me" ans I started to cry more but the door
Opened and yelena walked in " oh" she said and I nodded " hey kiddo had to be a hero didn't you" she said na di chuckled " she has to get into danger cabt just sit down ans let Steve or Bucky run out there" and yelena nodded " can you hear her" she alspee ans I shook my head " No I can feel her though and that's enough" and yelena hummed and got comfy in her chair. "
We're gonna be here for a long while may aswell get comfy" ans I nodded she's right " I'm so tired" I said ans she nodded " I know it's not fair she gets yeh bed" ans I knows she's joking but that's a joke ali would laugh at " she's definitely laughing at that"
And yelena smiled " I'm glad she can stay entertained while we sit here" ans I chickled again she's funny when she stressing out."
What did nat say?" And yelena sighed " she's just in the othe room. She's been crying for a long time her eyes are puffy. I feel bad she's her mom ands she's scared Wanda but she hurt her so many times I don't know what to do or feel like poor ali didn't ask for any of this but nat just treats her like crap, and I hate that I'm defending her but she's her mom and she should be sat here with her little girl holding her hand but it's us. Ans maybe she needs her mom.

And Nat needs her. But until ali can speak for herlsef I don't wanna do any risks. Yelena ans I both seem to Be on the same wave Lehigh because I can read her mind . And I don't mean too but when my emotions get high like this isn't what happens. I lose control and it's not bad as it coudk be but I can hear everyone walking around and it's making my head spin. I wish I could just hear silence sometimes instead of alm this talking. And all anyone can think about is ali right now which isn't helping me because I don't wanna hear about how sad the rest are for her when they are sat watching a movie.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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