Chapter sixteen

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Scarlett's POV

I can see she's in awe as we walked aorund and the fact cos I can't  let go of her since she's been holding him is so out of the ordinary. Rose has been walking along with us quitely letting me show her everything she didn't speak  again isn't like her but o won't complain because it's hard or have her sighs tagbegst.

It feels like she apart of my family alreafy and she hasn't even stayed here a night but she means a lot  to us all. I knew Colin went to the place in person to make sure he gets everything she wants because if he orders sometimes they forget stuff and he don't like taking risks when it comes to a guest staying and asking. I know it's strange but I think it's sweet. My moms food never shows up one time and Colin I wasted of eating or sharing he gave my mom the whole things sn then went to get his melt food. They'd ordered the same just Colin hates onions that how I knew it was his. My mom gets extra but she never even noticed that day or maybe she did and didn't say.

I think I'm obsessed with how emi looks at my kids. She takes such good care of the two of them and they only just met and  I'm very lucky most parents aren't as lucky as I am. But most parents don't what vteen to live with them and their family for a few months. She's apart of our family while she stays I don't wanna  hear from her that she isn't because that seems to be all she says. She has a hard time accepting we want her I've noticed which is sad but also makes me determinatives to make sure she gets all the love and can see she is love siwth out me having to make sure she's okay every two second.

I think I've gotten reading her done to be fair I think I'm doing very well there but with the rest it could use some work. Like I know she won't yawn is she stored she's gonna hide it or she would start play with her ring if she's nervous. Or id she is uncomfortable she tends to focus on one thing at a time to make it easier on her leg and no harder. I mean I get that but she has her own ways of helping Helene out of situations but I wanna learn how she helps herself so I can help her. What I also wanna know is why she is struggling with the fact we want her to be at home here. She wasn't used to the big house I know I have alot don't get me wrong but she Didn't even hide her surprise when she walks into one of the rooms.

Eating with us all I mean Colin and Ellet are laughing at their own jokes which makes me think I have two of them now. Colin is a big child and meow is start with him now. Even rose is more mature then these two. " okay okay you bed" I said pointing at emory rose had gone to brush her won teeth and I saw hee eyes widen " me?!" Ans I nodded " you may be a guest but you're now family and that mean stories in bed by 10" and she looked at me stunned I mean I know I'm taking a leap here but let me see how far she'll go. " is she serious?" She whispered to Colin's. So had to hide my smirk " she is" and Emory's nodde dna dthe stood up I was holding my breath she could yell at me and remind me I'm nothing to her and then leave which would hurt me more then I'm willing to admit " okay" she said ans put her plate in the sink and went up. Now I'm the stunned one. " did I just-" and Colin nodded " you just patented her" ans I blinked wow. " I should go see if she's actually okay  right?" And he nodded " I doing that's a a good thing to do. And if you decide to stay in her room I won't be mad" ans I rolled my eyes " you just like hanging the whole duvet" and he nodded " yes because you take it all" he defended himself ans I nodded ans smiled " I'll see" and I went up to see her.

I wakes up and I heard a. Sight but no crying so theres that. " emory?" I asked knocking on the door " yes?" She answered and j walked in " hey I'm sorry for that" ans she now looked more confused " because you told me to go bed?" And I nodded " Scarlett I'd I was upset or hurt I'd have made sure you knew. I don't mind it's nice to have someone care actually" she said in a small voice I could se eher cheeks turn pink " what's you're normal bed fime?" I asked her taking a seat on her bed next to her and she looked down " I never had one" and I tilted my head " but on school nights?" And she shook her head " whenever I wanted really aslong a s I didn't show my face downstairs they didn't care" and that one sentence sounded alarm bells on my head. She doesn't tell me much or even speak to her parents but I'd never thought about how bad there relationship could really be. " well we care" I said and she looked at me " why?" And I smiled l you remind me of myself at that's her. And I loved affection and being cared for so" an sshe smiled a little " I don't know but that sounds nice" she said ans I smiled na skidded her forehead " well how about i sleep in here and we watch a movie?" And she shook her head " no no you and Colin probably miss each other" ans I chuckled " we always do but we don't need to share a bed to make our marriage work. He likes his space and I like mine but we love each other. He also kicks me in his sleep ans it's better if I don't sleep there" ans I heard a giggle and I smiled she's adorable.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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