Chapter ninety nine

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Ali's POV

They are all looking at me and now I feel uncomfortable " I've not had sex" i hissed and I saw relief wash over my mom and Wandas faced but then I saw realisation hit " but you've had your first kiss?" Wanda asked and that's when alexi spoke up " first three actually" and I looked at him ans I looked at them and now I'm gonna leave which is what I just did. I don't know where I'm walking too but it's away from all of that.

Emory's POV

" you know drinking should be banned" Lizzie groaned Nandi really am enjoying seeing her so miserable " they should tell you as a kid that the alcohol is just eveila be torture. Fun but so bad. I feel like I just got hit by a white truck that kept in going over me." And I heard Emory laugh. My kids gone to
Lay in the couch and is watching a show in the tf while we do this. It's funny to see but I'm proud.

I can't believe Colin, Colin texted me to tell me he's gonna take cosmo with him to his brothers house in Boston now with his mom and that he's gonna have romain keep rose a few more days then just the weekend. He's really sweet because he said he wants me to spend quality time with her while I still get to have those moments. And he's right I don't know how long I'll actually get to play her mom while she actually lives with me. I know she will move out when she can and I would never yell her I just don't wanna lose her ever. She s so sweet and it makes me so happy. Emory also dances which I had no clue about but she said she taught herself. She would watch tutorials or she's pick it up form shows like dance moms. She worked on all the dances in that show and can do most of them, she's good at what she does but so am I . I don't mind but I can support her with what makes her happy and at the moment it's a lot.

Ali's POV

I ended up in my room stood looking at my wall I don't regret but I well do. I don't know how to break that to them because I just want my parents to stop looking at me like a kid. But also I mean be treated like a child but I can't. I get that they are probably waiting for me to answer the door or taking it if so who knows what's join on with all of this.they knocked a little while ago and I know they are still outside but this is a awkward conversation.

" alia please open the door" I heard my mom say and she doesn't sound mad so I'm gonna rip the plaster of. I opened it and I saw both her and Wanda stood but they're asked in and sat on my bed. " are you mad?" And they looked confused but Wanda spoke " mad no. Sad that you didn't tell me first yeh. I thought we were close" she whispered that last part and my mom spoke " I mean this is just a reminder to me of how much I missed" and now I can see they are sad nor angry. " my first kiss was with a girl" and they both looked up at me. Wanda had a smirk and my mom had a small smile " I was 14 it was a girl from class that I didn't know liked me." And Wanda spoke " how did you not know she liked you" and I went wide eyed and raised an eyebrow " how didn't you know mom was in love with you maxinoff" and she bit her lip " touché". And my mom rolled her eyes " did you date?" And I shook my head " I didn't want that. I didn't want a relationship and she seemed to not care but she never spoke to me after that night" and they both nodded " the second time?" My mom asked and I saw on the bed now and I sighed " it was with Harvey. I wanted to se if I liked boys too and he was down and well it was okay but I enjoyed kissing Carly more" and they nodded " and the third" Wanda asked wiggling her eyebrows and now my face is red and they know there's some gossip " it was a few weeks ago" and I saw both mouths drop and I wanted to laugh but I was nervous " what?!" And I sighed " yeh like two weeks ago" and they both still looked shocked. " who?" And I smiled but I know im blushing like a mad person " her names Dylan. But she and I are friends we just played spin the bottle" and Wanda raises an eyebrow " and where was this played?" Oh shit she knows " at Harvey's party" and my mom spoke " what time was the party" and I mumbled " 9" and then I got the most motherly looks from team both " so you snuck out on your own to go to a party" and I shook my head " I wasn't alone Peter came too" and my moms eyes went wide " Peter went with you?!" And I nodded " MJ asked him and we'll I didn't see him John but he appeared at the end with a hickey and a smug face soooo" and my mom gasped " I didn't think he had it in him" and I nodded " neither did I" and she looked at me " there's something else isn't there" and I nodded " I may have erm you know" and I think they got teh jist of me saying I kind of did what Peter had done that night but mine was just kissing god knows what Parker was up to " glad to know you were just kissing" shut forgot she can do that. " can we stop this now" and they nodded " fine only because you told us" and i nodded thank god it's done.


So after 100 I will be stopping the daily uploads and take a break.

This story is gonna keep going and I'll write a chapter here and there but that's about it me from me for a while x

Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

Who is she?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon