Chapter thirty five

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Wandas POV

I saw yelena gulp and I would feel bad for scaring her mostly because I know my eyes are red but I can't she snot taking Ali to a place I know she'll get hurt. The kid just got her ability to walk again and I'm not being funny I'm basically a single parent to her even when her mom donest wnana be anything. So no yelena can't take her and risk her because her and Pietro are my only family and I refuse to lose them. I know nicknonly sends her on one he know she won't die on but this yelena is going on this and she can handle more he knows that so I know it's not a easy one.

" wands ill keep her safe I swear" and I looked at her " why are you fighting for this?" And she sighed " she wants to go. I know her seeing Nat be a mom to Peter kills her more then she wants it too and it kills me to know I can give her a little rest. It's a mission just for information that's all she's gonna be fine" and I know yel would keep her safe but am I really gonna risk her life because of Nat. " why is you're sister so stupid" and yelena took a seat at they and shook her head " I don't know because melina and Alexi wanted to see Ali last Christmas but Nat brang Peter instead when she came to visit" and my mouth dropped " no way" and she nodded " I love Peter hes amamzing but how bad would ali feel if she knew that." Tahts just left me stunned because I'd assume along with the rest Nat went on a mission during those few days away. We had no clue she's gone with Peter up to Ohio. " look I can take care of her not that's her need sit and fury approved" and I nodded " you promise me you'll take care of her" and she nodded I know she mean swell and maybe a break can do her well

Ali's POV

" we'll wait here I'll be back" he said and I nodded I didn't have my phone on me I'd left it on the desk and I can't get up to get it because he's half wrapped my foot " Bruce?" I heard my mom say and I looked ups snd he face locked on mine " Ali why are you in here again?" And I rolled my eyes I can't help it why is she so rude " because I can be" ans she looked at my foot " no Ali seriously are you okay?" And I nodded " he's just making sure I have extra support so he can clear me" and she looked at me confused " why do you need to be cleared" well first of all this is the most conversation I've had with her so I'm shocked Taht this is going on " erm I'm going with aunt Lena" which made her mouth open and close which is a first " what?" And I nodded so she knew I wa a wing seeuoid " no not after this last one" and I shrugged " it's not up to you" and she shook her head " yes it is I'm you're mother and I say no" which made me see red because how dare she like honestly " you don't get a say" and then she looked my way. " yes I do even if you don't like it" and I scoffed " don't like it ? Are you being serious right now " and Bruce chose to walk ina nd he looked very confused " what's going on?" And I scoffed " she seems to have me memory loss becrsge ghinks she's my mom" which got all eyes on me.

Emorys POV

Okay so it's just adding to my nerves being sat and waiting for someone to tell me. But when I got a call from no caller I ran and answered for it to I'm only be a man asking if I'd been in a car accident you know those scam ones. I don't get why they ask me like I drive or wanna tell them even if I did. Anyway just dumb is all I wanna say. Scarlett and me had been bonding and well I'm happy to say she loves me like her own and that's all I care about. I mean not as much as them but I'm close behind and usually I'd say she doesn't care but I know she does bec she'll come ask me if I wanna east and they'll  wait for me so come so we can all eat like a family around a big table. Even the kids now look at me like their sister because rose has told her ge she Ethan she is a little sister and a big one which confused them but then they told Scarlett and Colin about Taht. Ans Colin told me to be like see they love you so much now you can't leave which is true I can't because  it's dele like I'm leaving my family. Then anything else really. I coudk fell asleep and it's stilll early I should be more awake.

Like I know I have a whole ass family back in shanks who hate me but this is my actual family and I'm not even related to them

Scarlett's POV

Sooooo this call should be coming through soon I just have this pit in my stomach and it hurst so bad. Like I just wanna know the waiting is killing me I had to leva wthe hosue because emory cant see me like this now yet.

I still don't know what I'm gonna do how ever this goes. I think it's just trying to get to know her and we'll be her mom. I mean she coudk go grown up in a bad part of town or I don't know something bad coudk of Happened and I have no clue if I can even be of help to her. I don't knwo I'd she'll even wanna actually know me after all of this.

My phone started to buzz and it's no caller ID so this can only mean one thing

Emorys POV

My phones ringing and I wanna be sick " hello?"


So my assignment is due in at the end of teh week and I havnt started it it's 2000 words and I've got family stuff going on soook

Happy birthday Scarlett well it won't be her birthday anymore whne this gets posted

Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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