Chapter one hundred

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Emory's POV

I think it's time I go home. Not now obvs but when Scarlett goes home I'll tell her then. I wanna tell Lizzie and Robbie before I tell her. They've been so amazing taking care of me I owe them that much tell them. I love them loads and I really don't know where I'd be if they hasn't took me in. Scarlett is gonna be shoot or Atleast I hope. I really do hope because I don't want to get this wrong. I just wanna do this right I can't do another break down. If this lady doesn't take the chance I give her I swear I'm gonna kill her.

But I am nervous to move back home. But right now Scarlett is laying in my bed with Lizzie and they are both talking about filming tomorrow. Yes we are gonna be diluting some scene's tomorrow which I'm excited about because it's like my first day filming with the rest of the cast and actually being in full costume and hair. I'm gonna look so good I can't wait. Our call times are all the same but we are gonna go earlier because I wanna nap before we start. Lizzie said she wants to meet the crew probably and not in a rush between takes. Ans my mom wants to make sure everything is going great in the meeting she is gonna have because she's a producer so she is kind of in charge. I am wondering how she will be when she is on set because will she act like my mom or I'd she gonna be a professional and like treat me like a co worker. I don't want her to ignore me or treat me less I just don't want her to think I want special treatment either. I'd she thinks that's me gives me a better chance at something like the way a scene plays out she wants me to give my all but the other is getting no direction. Actually it's my mom
She would never. She wouldn't do that I know that she cares to much.

" how is the line reading going" Lizzie asked me and I smiled " I got them all stored up here" I said tapping my head " but I still need to keep practicing I don't wanna forget and well I will if I don't keep it up" and they nodded " it's okay I'd you do we all do it's not always gonna be perfect baby" my mum said and I nodded she's right it's kid but it's worth a try.

" how about we get take out for dinner?" And I nodded I mean that sounds nice but I hope Lizzie doesn't get healthy food, take out is supposed to be greasy fatty food but I know Lizzie will make us get like salad. I can't deal if she gets me a salad I know she knew sinding eat salad and yet she puts it in my palate anyway. I still don't eat it but she puts it on and makes me eat because I have to finish my palate or she guess me a whole lecture on how I'm
Not being smart.

I did apparently agree and we'll they are ordering by for me so lord help me with this one.

Ali's POV

You know what I've read lied this whole family thing this routine that seems to be growing is just lost on me. It's like 10 fold here. I just don't know what I did to deserve this. My mom and Wanda are cuddled up in the corner and I'm here with aunt Lena watching them with disgust but homeless it's really sweet. " I can hear you" I heard in my head and I rolled my eyes " go away maximoff" I thought and I saw the smirk on her face " come over here" she said and I rolled my eyes " please I don't wanna be apart of that" and she looked at my mum but neither of them were talking but I can tell they are communicating. I swear this whole mind reading this isn't fun when I don't know what's being said. Ans then both their eyes are on me and I have this feeling I should run. And I'm right I can see my mum getting up and my first response was to jump up and climb over the sofa and run. " alia!" And I kept running until I got tackled to the ground damn black widow training. " you are gonna cuddle" she said and I shook my head " no I'm not 5 Natasha" and that shocked her mouth she loosened her drop and I moved her of me and ran again. I am no where near my mums training level but I can run. And then I stopped and I couldn't move. And I looked down to red and I rolled my eyes " that's cheating maximoff" ans she laughed while waking to me " you are my kid I get cuddles ans my girlfriend is making puppy dog eyes because she wants her daughter so I shall get her hat she wants" and I groaned " really whipped aren't you" ans she glared at me I may as well get the last laugh. Well kinda now mums holding me and I'm on the sofa between her and Wanda being squashed. Yelena looked amused and I was this close to running away again " just shut up and let us enjoy this" Wanda thought to me ans I mumbled " fine" ans mum let out a happy sigh. Oh how the tables really changed on me.

Emory's POV

" Harry Potter is the best no doubt" Robbie said and I groaned " no no the avenger movies are classics" ans I could see Lizzie shaking her head " they are just comic movies what about Romeo and Juliet that's a classic" ans my mum spoke " were in those movies Olsen! And anyway the best movies is the bond series" ans we al made the Same face at my mom because I don't think anyone's agreeing with her right now. " look we're not gonna agreee so just do a shuffle and let it pick" ans we nodded in agreement. Long story short Robbie won ans we're watching harty potter. Which sucks because who wants to watch that clown. Mum was laying on the floor with a pillow I was sat against the sofa, Lizzie and Robbie were laying on the sofa. Colin had called well face timed so mum could see cosmo and she had spoken to rose earlier. It's really nice that she decided to stay.


This story isn't over. But the updates are not gonna be everyday. See you guys when I do💕

Remember to drink water

Take care

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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