Chapter fifty nine

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Natasha's POV

We walked to the door and I havbt been in here only outside na snow I'm scared. I took wandas hand which she let me thank god and she walked me in. I'm the black widow nothing scared me but my daughter being on a hospital bed with wires does. And I'm living my worst nightmare with this. And yeh I've been avoiding it too I could fo come in if I wanted the coke wasn't locked but I didn't because Wanda didn't want me to and also I couldn't bring myself too. And it's not fair and I know but I did that.

I saw Ali laying there with a tube in her mouth and I closed my eyes great that image won't be leaving me for a long while huh. " alia cabt what and we'll I think you need to just speak and learn what you wanna say" and I nodded maybe she right it'll take the pressure off and I'll feel better but I'll be able to be there whne she wakes up without feeling awkward. I mean I shouldn't be there I don't deserve to be but if Wanda let's me. " would you like me to stay" she asked and I shook my head " I think I should fo this alone" and she nodded and looked outside "just let Friday know and I'll come back" and I nodded and she left.

I looked at ali and I walked to sit down on the chair next to her. She's so small in this bed and her monitor is showing me she's steady. Not where she should be but she's doing okay. " look at you" I whispered moving her hair with my hand and taking her hand in mine to hold. " I don't think I'll ever make this up to you" and I didn't see her eyes live so yeh she really can't hear me " I'm a mess. I'm the worst mom to you. And I understand that you hate me. I hate me alia I do because I made you feel like shit not just once but so many times detka" I whispered and my tears started to fall but I have to " I coudnt say this to you if you were awake I don't know why it's like admitting I'm not strong. I love you okay. I do despite the way I act and seeing you like this. Detka if I'd been there and not helping Peter feel better you'd be okay. He's have been fine with Tony it was our day and I ruined it. I keep ruining us. I wanna fix us. I'm gonna fix us. My word mean nothing to you or wnada and it's the worst thing not speaking to her too. You're just my perfect little monkey. My alia" ans I sniffed and I just held her hand " I'm gonna be ther and word men's nothing but actions do" and I kisss her hand and I slid my head back. I just watched her chest rise and fall and the sound of her machine just sent me to sleep.

Ali's POV

What a long speech. As she said actions speak louder then words and I can hear how sad she is but I'm the one in a coma. I know I'll need a lot of help to be able to even use my arm. It's not that I am being a. Butch it's that I'm hurt too. Physically and emotionally I just can do this with her. I know how she feels I can hear her I don't know why wnada said I coudnt when she knows I can. Like we've spoken or maybe it's because we haven't been able to talk since that's he thinks I can't hear. I don't know but it's a bit strange. I'm tired again.

Emorys POV

" wiat I may aswell go to the office it's just I've here" and I nodded I don't actually know whne that photoshoot is for the outset it's been so busy I didn't ask my manger defo know she na di think she told me but I don't know. It's all a blur but I'll find out at some point. " okay" and she took me to a different way but now we're here and I'm stood in her office. " hello I didn't expect to se e you two" Kate said and I smiled " Scarlett forced me to buy clothes " and my othe forked her eyes " what tens refuses free clothes is beyond me especially ones they've chosen" and Kate smiled " you two are so alike wow okay are you ready for next week" and now they both are looking at me " what's next week" I asked and Scarlett loooked at me " we have the photoshoot" and I nodded aswell trying to salvage what I could but that's not working well is it.

Scarlett's POV

My child is an idiot some times like really. " you forgot?" And she shook her head " so you didn't even know" ans she nodded and I rolled mye eye " I told you when I knew" and she shrugged " erm maybe I don't know I can't remember any of it I was goungbb bc through a lot still am" and I smiled " yeh uou got me in you're life" ans she nodded " worst thing " and I scoffed but I saw the smile on her cave when I said it. She's really my daughter with my smile and the fact she's forgetting everything. I just want her to be happy and well if she didn't wanna do it I'd get that it's just I think it'll be nice for us.

" wait I may aswell show you the vision board for that shoot" I said any ex cause to keep talking to her and I don't know why when I see her smile it's like a proud smile she gives me and it makes me very happy to be her mom. I just love her what can I say " okay coke on then" she said smiling and so smiled acclaim taking her to the office.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

Who is she?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें