Chapter three

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Scarlett's POV

" i miss you too pumpkin" I said to rose. Colin face timed me as I was in my car to the hotel. I was so exhausted I just wanted to just sleep. It's all I can think about. I do miss rose and Cosmo how can't I but a few days kid free is what I need. I'm here for business that starts tomorrow and then I go back and I have more work. I'm working with marvel again on a secret project that I can't wait to start.

I didn't think I had a Future with them after I died in the mcu but when I got the call I Couldn't say no. I didn't wanna lose Natasha and this story line is so much more different to what I could of imagined.

And we'll best part is I get to work with my friends again and I get to meet a new lucky person. I get to find out who that is soon too because apparently everything needs to stay so secure.

I have the Kelly clarkson show tomorrow and then straight after the outset party which I'm excited about it's gonna be a lot of fun to see people excited about what I created with Kate. It's just so surreal for us.

I woke up today ready for my day I had to get ready there so I got changed and I went down to the lobby at 10am I did let myself  sleep in but I deserve the rest don't I? I think I do so I let myself sleep. Anyway now I gotta go do this interview and I'm excited.

Emory's POV

I woke up with a loud knocking " Emorisa!" And I groaned it's the devil come to take me to hell. I wish. I got up and went to open the door to kenz rolling her eyes clearly knowing I just woke up " what?" And I she looked at me astounded " we have you're interview idiot get ready! And make yourself presentable I know who's on the show today" and she took a sip of coffee while smirking which made me nervous. The shit heard knows what she's doing because I get freaked out when I meet anyone I've been a fan on. So anyone to do with marvel I just can't talk. Like if i ever met my idols like Scarlett johansson I'd run. Like I wouldn't meet her I'd run away and stay away. I can't be in the same place as any of them but I have to be now and I just got over it but the same building is too much. " who is it?" Ans she smirked " I'll tell you when we get there" great thanks for that.

I changed and showered and kenz had us out of this place by 10am. I was so tired I didn't even look anywhere but at my phone while I tried to text Peter to see if him and Toby are okay.

We drove the to studio and I swear my heart is in my ass not knowing who it is. Kenz was enjoying my torture until I walked in the hallway and I saw a poster with my face and then oh hell no. " no!" I yelled and kenz realised I knew who was the other guest. It's the guess announcement and it's Scarlett. Scarlett like my literal fav person in the world. Nahhhh can't do this I'm gone " get back here" kenz said taking my arm. I ran us into my dressing room and I pointed at her " this isn't funny Mackenzie" and she smiled " I didn't know but it's so funny" and I shook my head this girl gives me so much stress. " I ain't leaving anyone hears anything about her being near us you shush. I don't leave this room until she's gone" and my team knwo I'm a nutter hen it's stuff like this so they know I'm serious. Like I can't deal with this. It's hurting me.

Scarlett's POV

I was getting ready in my dressing room I knew it was going to be a long day and then I heard a knock on my door and my manager opened it and smiled and spoke with whoever it was but then he rang the person to me. " Scarlett tiis is kenz" and she smiled at me and I smiled back while shaking her hand " hi" and she smiled " okay I gotta do this fast before my nightmare realised I am gone." Ans I looked at my manager Tony and she smiled like he was so excited " kenz reps emorisa Kingston. She's a young actress and she's gonna be in a new marvel move I think. Anyway she's here and she's a big fan" my manager said and then kenz spoke " like you're her role model and well so is Elizabeth Olsen but she can't meet either of you" and I looked at her confused the kids sounds so lovely so why can't I " what why?" And kenz scrunched her Face " she has this thing she gets really bad anxiety when meeting anyone famous so if she met her idols I think that would actually kill her. But I also know she's someone you'd wanna know and I love her like my little sister and she deserves this" and I smiled " I wanna meet her" I said and kenz smiled so wide " really omg okay tony can tell you the rest I gotta go before she knows I'm gone" and she ran out of the room so I look at tony " the kids a sweetheart honestly and she's funny you should see her when she hear you were here. She told eveyone to lock the door and that she wouldn't leave the room because she didn't want you to know she's a person" and I actually laughed this kid sounds like a lot of fun. Also the whol marvel thing has me intrigued because I wanna know if she knows what I know.

" she's been through a lot in her life Scarlett and she has no parental support just her friends and kenz." Which made me frown because I wanna know more.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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