Chapter seventy four

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Lizzie's POV

I got emory in she's been silent after I told her she can't go back to England permanently. Home lay she's like my own and I know Scarlett is going to have to beg for her forgiveness. " sweetheart you just go through there to Robbie he's made you soup" and she nodded walking Infront of me  and I saw that my phone was ringing with Scarlett's name.

Scarlett's POV

It hasn't just been today has it? I didn't even see her yesterday now that I think about it. I can't even remember if she ate anything. I can't believe this. I can't believe I forgot she was up there. I didn't even realise she handy eaten! She probably thinks I don't love her. God I change even imagine how she felt. What the hell did I do?

I got my phone out and I called Lizzie I swear if she's not there I'm calling the police because I can't lose her not again l. Not on These terms especially I chat deal with that. She's probably going ith lizzie with any hope she is. I can't deal
With her kot being with Lizzie.

Hello?" And I sighed " please tell me she's with you" I managed to say between teb tears and Lizzie sighed " so you remember her now" and they hurt. Not that it's not deserved because it is I know that but the hurt is not anything less: my baby. " Lizzie" I said and she answered me properly " yes she's here and before you get any ideas she's staying with me for until she wants to see you and Colin again " but I chat just leave it like this. I can't leave her hating me " just let me talk to her" and I saw her pause but she spoke after a moment " no Scarlett she's really upset and she wants to go back to England once filminsg done so no. I know you are her mother busy trust me this is not why she needs" and I sighed " please tell her im sorry and I love her"'and she hummed " I know you do and I will tell her. I what ehe back with you as much  as you do but you forgot she was tehrw for two whole days. She wouldn't have eaten if I did lng come and get her yesterday to take her for food or if I didn't take her tofay. She was so upset and just hurt on the phone when she rang me scar I just I need to see that you will
Never do this again too before she goes back" and I nodded " ofcouse l. Just keep her safe I know I don't whvemkcuh room to
Ask that but please she's important to me even if I don't show her" and Lizzie agreed and told me she was going back in to make sure emory was eating her soup. Atleast I know she'll be eating healthy while she's with Lizzie. " Scarlett? Is she there then?" Colin's died and I could hers his voice shaking and I know he's gonna feel even more guilty then me. Actually that's not possible because the facet I forgot my own daughter is the worst things I've ever done. " she's with Lizzie" I said and I saw him nod with relief.

Ali's POV

" you gotta push through that pain" Steve said to me as I lifted another weight with my bad arm. I am getting Better at it but it hurts and I kind of
Love that I'm not able to go on missions. It's so much less stress. I hate that stress. I do love the adrenaline rushes and I wouldn't give them up forever I just am getting used to it. I like not having to deal with the prep and always being ready for the rosy. And I also get all my mom and wandas attention and it's really nice because I'm strung to see  us as a little family.

I am in very bad pain but no pain no gain right? I was sweating  and I was shaking and then yeh weight was taken from my arms and I saw two very angry red heads looking at me and my weight was covered in red magic oh no. " you" wnada said pointing at me " what part of no pushing yourself too far do you not understand? I have told you to tap out" and then my mom turned to setve who looked like he shat his pants from the way she's looking at him poor guy had no clue and now she's gonna try not to kill him " you Steven grant rogers you can see she's shaking a ns is red how about taking a break? I know you have super serum but my child is not as enhanced as you and she is a child!" Ans even I gulped ans I saw Wanda smirking which I really wanna roll my eyes at but I can't because I'll get my head bitten off. The scary people.

I just wanna sneak out of here but with the witch in teh room and the assassin I coudnt stop breathtaking I'd I wanted too. They would hear that. " well what are you waiting for leave!" My mum said to Steve ans he nodded and ena away poor captain America is afraid of teh tiny redhead. And Wnada started to laugh and looked at me oh she defo heard Taht " what is so funny" my mom asked and I saw anda look at me " your kid is just like you" she laughed out ans immediately started to walk back and try to escape they've been making me speak a more
With them Botha nd yeh I enjoy it but it's times like these I wanna walk away and not look back. Nat ans I have been bonding slots ns Wanda has been trying to get us to cook and garden ans I ain't that desperate that I'm going to hand out with worms for fun.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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