Chapter ninety four

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Scarlett's POV

" Scarlett it has been a long time" my moms friend smiled at me and I muttered " not long enough" just loud enough for emory to what and she stifled a laugh " yeh it's always so busy" and she nodded " you know I did tell you my marcus was single now." And emory looke dat me and I tried so hard not to groan.

This lady has been trying to set me up with her son for years. Before I even had Emory! I Damn she just never stops. " I am happily married remember and we have a little boy together now" and she nodded slowly "'you say that every time dear and we'll we end up back to talking about Marcus" yes because you bring him up. Ughhh. I hate this lady. But my mom seems to keep her aorund and I don't know why. " Scarlett is happy" my mom said and I sighed great response mom. Emory squeezed my hand and then looked at them. " excuse us I need to talk to my mom" ans she pulled me away. I had never been able to leave that easily. Maybe I should take a leaf out of my kids book. " that was rude" she said and I nodded " ik used to it" and she crunched her face in response " you shouldn't have to be used to it. Mom you are a grown lady you don't have to be talked ot like that" and I stood there stunned I really didn't expect my daughter to be telling me what I should and shoudnt deal with. " baby it's okay-" and she shook her head " no no it's not. You don't deserve that and yes your an idiot but you are my mom and I don't want people to talk about you on that way" and I smiled " what?!" She huffed outa ns I hugged her " I love you" I whispered and I felt her relax into the hug and she hugged me back. " I won't let them okay?" Ans she nodded " We should go find Colin and the others" she said and I nodded I do wanna see Colin.

Emory's POV

If they were anyone else I'd have talked ahhh to them but they are meemaws friends and I won't Embarrass he run like they did to my mom. Stupid old lady's. We walked up to comin and the rest of the clan and I stood next to Lizzie while my mom hugged Colin " what's this for" Colin chuckled Mandi smiled wike my mom didn't reply " the old lady struck again?" Lizzie asked  an di nodded " wait what do you mean again?" And she sighed " not the first time. Scarlett has told me about loads of time over the years that that's happened" and I nodded looking back at them. Meemaw wasn't there any more but they are still looking at us. Wow obsessed much?

Ali's POV

I was sleeping peacefully with no care in the word and then I felt my bed soo from both sides and then a loud whistle. I screamed and jumped up to see Wanda and my mom either side of me and red magic in the air " WANDA!" She used to do this when I needed to go to school. She would play the sound in my head so there is no way for me to stop it and I'm the only one who can hear it. I heard her laugh so I hugged and hit her with the pillow. " Tasha you're daughter is violent" and I rolled my eyes " Tasha? Jesus kiss already" and I plopped back and I sa woken both look at each other and Blush. I know they haven't because my mom would be freaking out and telling me. I know she can't keep that kind of secret in her stomach. " erm yeh well shut up" is all wnada said " I'm gonna go help
With the pigs" she said and tan out of the room. Atleast that did the job. " did you have to?" My mom said and I nodded " you've not experienced that. I unfortunately have. And I am not gonna let her get away with it" and my mom nodded buts eh seas smiling " I'm glad you find this so amusing" I mumbled and my mom laid back with me " oh shush you love her" and I huffed back " so do you" and she glared at me but Taht won't work on me I know shed never kill me.

Scarlett's POV

" Lizzie?" I asked pulling her to the side and she looked at me confused " I may or may not know Colin is leaving early with the kids to go stay at his moms while his dads away" I said and I saw the smile grace her face " yeh she can stay" and I smiled wide " you know Olsen you are my favourite olsen" ans she laughed " I'm the only Olsen you should love" and I nodded " not true I had a big crush on your sisters" and she gasped " you did not!" Ans I nodded " yep so maybe count your lucky star your first? Because you have serious competition"/ nd she grumbled " I can't believe you'd ever think of choosing them over me" and I just shrugged " your first chill I live you don't I?" Ans he smiled a little " I'm so telling them about this" and I smiled back " that's fine by me" and she groaned it really isn't fine by me but if it stops her from doing it because she thinks it won't affect me then yeh I can act. " does Scarlett know you've made plans for her to stay with us? And if she is staying I am not having her in the couch again" she said with a raised eyebrow and I sighed " fine she can stay in my room" and she smiled and nodded " you should go tell her then" and I groaned I don't like being nuce it really hurts me and it takes up so much time.


I got a new phone! Thank god after teh last one smashed to pieces I am so relieved

Remember to drink water

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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