Chapter two

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Scarlett's POV

Soooo im going on Kelly clarkson tomorrow. I have the outset even after that  and on top of all of that im meeting my lawyer right now I'm going to court to find my lost daughter. Normal day stuff huh?

So abit of back story. I had a daughter when I was 17 and she would be 16 now. Me and her dad didn't last and he died when she was 6 months. Yeh it was sad it was hard  for me. We weren't together but we were friends and we had Emorisa together. I let his family still see her. His mom loved her and she was obsessed with her especially after Henry passed. I let them take her for a few days while I would work. I left her with them when I went to film and when I got back all three of them had just vanished. My baby had just disappeared with her grandparents. The police gave up after a year and I never heard anything about it. Until now when the case has been opened again. They are actually looking into this properly and I have hope my little girl is going to come home. Yes there always that voice saying the worst may have happened but I hope and pray not.

My baby is out there some where and I'll find her some day.

Emory's POV

I flew to LA with my manager Kenz today. She's with me because Toby had to stay with Peter in New York so he could film. And we'll kenz was in town so she offered to come with me. Im going on the Kelly clarkson show to perform my song God must hate me. It blew up on tiktok and well it's a good thing and bad. It's a personal song. My music usually isn't this close to home for me any I sing this song it makes me emotional and I start to blabber.

" you okay kid?" And I nodded kenz took a chance on me and well it seems to pay of for her because I'm doing very well in my career. She cared about me I know that because she tells me if I need a break that's what come first. She can figure the rest out she can't figure out how to fix me.

We were sat in first class this is because kenz never flies economy. Which means I'd only now because she can't leave me. She doesn't even mind she happily pays for us both. Im not rich I do this on my own with the help of Toby and kenz. I'd I didn't have time I'd be screwed.

" you better eat" she said to me and I nodded see she cares. She won't let me move until she knows I've actually eaten a proper meal for teh day. This is why I prefer Toby he doesn't try and intervene as much. " emorisa james Kingston " and I groaned when my full name gets used it bad. She only knows my legal name because she has too. I don't let anyone call me emorisa I always just went by Emory. I never really knew much about where my name came from. My grandmother just said it's as pretty and she loves it and it's my name. That's all I ever got. Same with my grandfather. It's like a rehearsed answer when they would say it to me. My grandmother passed when I was 8.And my grandad passed when I was 12, after that I went back to my parents. My dad and my grandparents didn't get on much he'd just use them for money. But after grandad died he left all his money to them. But ofcourse that meant they had to take me in. They never liked me and I don't know why? I'm the eldest so it didn't make sense. I tried to get on with them both at first but they'd yell at me. And we'll I got called a lot of names and I don't really wanna get into what else happy to me at that house of horror.

We got of the flight after what felt like an eternity and then I saw a sign with our name on it. " you didn't" and she nodded this women is over the top.

" this way ma'am" the driver said to me and I'm not being funny that makes me feel old and I look young enough to be hug great grand daughter. This fool may like this but I don't. " kenz" I said and she smiled she loves how much I hate it.

" we're here ma'am" and kenz thanked him as he left the car and put our bags out for the lobby man person to take. " stop fidgeting" and I groaned great she has to pick up on these things. " hi I have two rooms booked under Mackenzie harper" and the lady smiled and gave her two keys after she'd asked for her ID. I mean they were being smart there. But they gave her the keys before soooo.

Anyway I followed her to the elevator and she passed me a key " you're room 601" I nodded at her " what are you?" And she smiled " 701" and I nodded so I know shes got us the same room like exact because what she gets she wants me too have. " right you are you going to be okay?" She asked me as floor 6 came up. And I nodded Ans got out as the man with my bag came out with me " I'm just up there okay?" And I nodded as the door shut.

I looked at him and he smiled and walked ahead of me to where my room was. " enjoy you're stay with us miss" he said na di smiled and tipped him a 20 because they don't get paid enough in my personal opinion. Anyone in hospitality deserves to be paid more then what they are and some times tips are. Abit thing so yeh I try and do what I can. Kenz taught me that. I laid back on my bed and scrolled through the channels until I found avengers and I decided that would do.


So erm There step main characters emory who we've met and ali who is emory but not. You'll get what I mean just keep reading

Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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