Chapter twenty nine

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Emory's POV

I got home and no one's here still I can tell the house is very quite. I mean I don't know much but what I did know is Taht it's not easy. I dunno if I should tell Scarlett or even Lizzie I mean who knows right? But like I gotta tell Peter he's gotta know. So I texted him because of the time difference I can't call the poor guy.

Hey idiot, soooo to catch you up I got a call from the police a few days ago turned out my parents may not be my pretty and I may be a lost child so fun yeh

Anyway gonan find out soon on that but I'll let you know when I know more have fun filming x

Was that very stupid of me to text yes but I wanted to so leave me alone. I just wrote okay let's just keep it quick he's a busy person and I don't wanna even live through it. I wanna move on with my life but how can I when it just keeps changing.

" emi darling?" Oh what the hell. " I'm in here" I yelled im here I'm with papers oh o have papers. Shitt. I stuffed them up my top because that's a good place to hide so many papers " what are you doing you wierdo" Lizzie said ans I turned it look and he and Scarlett and then I looked to where they were looking yes you an se ethe paper in my bra. " hahaha shit" and they both raised an eyebrow " so not what you think just me being dumbs and panicking" and Scarlett spoke " ans why would you panic" ah yes you know a logical question emorisa now answer " ah you see that's a good question it's a role a very secret one" ahhhh not a total crap lie but also not the best to professional actors I mean come on " is it drugs?" Ans I went wide eyes " what no!" And then Lizzie spoke " alchol?" And I shook my head faster " harassment" and I shook my head again " weed?" And I scoffed " I said no to drugs" and she nodded " I was making sure" and I rolled my eyes " nothing bad or That can get me into trouble with the police" I think anyway. I mean if these two se ether I can get into trouble so really I'm not lying.

" Scarlett" I said and she nodded " I thoight you were coming back later?" And she nodded and looked at Lizzie who spoke " we wanted to spend time with you but you're acting shifty  and hiding things" she totally just turned this on me. They are hiding something too.

Scarlett's POV.  

I wa sat in my car and I hadn't really gotten out I've been running erands while my mom had the kids. I was at the office but now I'm just running  around doing things but while I've been sat here my phone rang and I coldly e with wa dthe inspector so I answered " hello?" And he answered " i hi miss johansson I wanted to give you a update we've been in touch with the kid and we've taken her blood so we should know by the end of e week with any luck" and I smiled wide " really?" And he hummed " wiat how did she take it?" And he paused " she's worried but her whole worlds changing so I can't blame her for any of it I'd be the same in her position she did have questions but we can sort all of that if we have too. But ehe did look a lot like you and her blood type matched yours so we shall wiat and see" and I nodded this is teh what news I've had since emory came to stay. I mean gets can I say I'm gonna get to have my little girl back and yeh I shouldn't get my hopes up but I do because I have a good feeling about this.

I feel like somethings really missing lately but I'm not sure what it is. I called Lizzie and I filled her in but she wanted me to come get her so that's what I was currently doing " hey so how do you feel" and I fornwed " I don't know why but I'm not what I thought I'd be feeling" and she looked confused " so you not wanna find her?"" and I panicked " no no iw Nat my daughter back in my life I just don't feel that same ache as I did when I thought about her. I mean all I want is to hold her and not let her go but I feel like I'm just not all there" and she nodded " like a little brunette with blue eyes and a English accent may have something to do with that?" And I sighed " yeh she does" and I knew emory mean sally to me especially so fast. I don't wanna lose her I mean she's a amamzing kid who's had such a bad start to the world and where as I don't know everything I can see she has insecurities and trust issues. I know she's started to taut me and Lizzie and I'm scared Taht if I get my daughter back memory will pull back or leave and we'll that's breaking my hear " Lizzie I don't wanna lose her" and she pulled me into a hug " she's a big girl" and I shook my head " but that's just it she's not. She's fragile and I can see how even the smallest thing like a nickname can send her into shock. I don't want her to think I don't want her" I whispered and I see Lizzie seems to get it because she nodded and said " she's good at shining how she really feels" and I nodded " I can't abandon her" and Lizzie nodded " and having emorisa back would mean you'd be split in two" and I nodded " wiat there both the same age too it'd be like twins omg how do people do this?!" And she laughed " by taking a breather"


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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