Chapter eighty eight

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Scarlett's POV

I walked into my mothers house and the first thing I could think to do was go get a drink. Colins driving so he won't be drinking but that doesn't mean I can't. Especially if I wanna get through this whole night. " surf wht for the booz not even a happy birthday to her own mother" and I gulped the last of my drink and smiled " hue mom happy birthday" and she smiled and took my glass from me " why are you drinking when you've only just walked in the door Scarlett? You're not a heavy drinker so please do enlighten me?" And I smiled " I don't know why you mean. It's a party people deink" and she nodded but she wasn't buying it and I know she knows but she wants me to say it and I won't admit it.

" Scarlett!" My moms sister called out and I wanted to roll my eyes but I didnt. She hated me growing up because she has a son mine and hunters age and she hates me because I grew up acting and her son who hated acting by the way didn't get the same amount of roles as me. But he hates it he is now a lawyer and he loves that me and him are close and he always apologised for his mom and how rude she was to me frowning up. The snide comments on why I was successful always made me wanna scream in her face. I really didn't need my emi to meet her.

" how have you been one could think you are avoiding them darling" and I thought to myself Taht I am and I know she knows I am. Is she gonna take the hint though Taht would be a straight no. " never" I said and she smiled and looked around " where are your kids and husband number three" and I almost told her to shove it but my mom spoke " Colin rose and Cosmo are in the living room with Scarlett's dad" and she nodded my dad went travelling after him and my mom got divorced ans well he decided he wa sgonna live his best life around teh world and who am I to stop him. They are friends and they do love each other ut just wasn't working. And we'll my dad being gone mean she misses the kids growing up and wlel he hasn't even met emi yet ans I don't even know if she knows he exsist and well is in our lives. He's gonna love seeing her the most I know it. He had so many plans with her and one was taking her to basket  ball games and teaching her his passion except that obviously didn't happen. He did take her once when she was a newborn and it wa shee dads turn with her. Him ans my own dad decided that they wanted dyo star ehe that young's nd took her without me knowing. And she didn't even cry at all they got through the whole thing without having to leave.

" how's the acting going" she asked me taking a. Soo of her drink and i scowled at my mom because she took mine form
Em and the alcohols would be of so much help to me right now. " it's going great" ans she smiled and hummed she snot really happy for me I can tell. " where's that daughter of yours?" And I stilled " she'll be here in a little" ans she tilted her head " why'd sings he just come with her mother?" Oh she's loving this teh old witch " she stayed at her god mothers for the night but they'll be here soon" my mom said her smile not even faltering while she spoke where as me I can't stand this lady's nd I ain't hiding it at all.

Emorys POV

I walked ina nd I could hear teh music blots not too loud but I can hear it. " too late to turn away now" ans I nodded ans then I saw Colin smiling at me with a man who looked like Scarlett. Oh oh it cabt be. She hasn't actually mentioned her dad before ans I just never asked but that looks too much like her  and now tehya tr coming towards me with wmiles ans Colin is holding Cosmo " emi" Colin said na do smiled bank at Him because I'm being nice and I ain't actually mad enohh to do it this public anymore.

" emi this you're pop pop" and I looked at this tall man confused did I miss something " hey kiddo i erm I'm you're grandad" and I looked so confused " wait I've met your dad" I said to Colin but he chucked and along did the old man i I just awkwardly laughed with them because I'm confused on what it is I'm supposed to be doing right about now. " I'm your moms dad" and I let my jaw fall and I knew I looked like a twat. " ohhhh that explains more" and he smiled " it's nice to properly meet you again." Ans I frowned I'm sure if remember meeting him but he's smiling again " I met you when you were born. I actually helped your mom raise you along with your meemaw" ans I nodded " why am I only meeting you now?" I asked and he smiled again " I went travelling well I have been since me and your meemaw split. " and I nodded " so why are you at the party if you got a divorce" ans I saw Colin about to speak which I think was to tell me of because even I know Bette Ruben to ask that but I just did and I can't take it back " well we're still best friends who have 4 kids together and 5 grandkids and we'll shee been bummy bets friend since we were 21 I can't imagine a life without her somehow I'm it's she's what kept me going in it all and now we are here-"


Remember to drink water

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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