Chapter One hundred and five

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Ali's POV

" hey guys" I waved. I'm playing it cool. Okay it cool and they won't know. Doesn't help Wanda is a mind reader that can literally read when I'm lying. " why didn't you tell us about the recital?" Straight to the point huh wands. My mom looked upset and now I know I was screwed either way. " what recital" guess I'm playing dumb even tho we all know I can't lie for shit when they know I'm lying. " alianova the truth now" guess he's really put that mother hat on today huh. I'm still stood and I'm gonna stay stood. " it's not a big deal I have loads." And wnada looked very very unconvinced and my mum spoke " but ive never been to any" and well really who's fault is that. Ong. I need to shut up. " look it's really not that big. I didn't say anything because it didn't matter. I don't really mind when you don't come to the ballet ones mum I get why it's not that deep" and she looked like something clicked. " you didn't tell us because you were protecting me?" Ans I shrugged " I guess in a way yeh" and she stood up and came to me. Oh fuck is she mad I can't take mad. Really I did nothing wrong.

" alia" she whispered and she hugged me this was not a plot twist I saw coming " alia baby im your mother. I love you with everything in me and I know you did what you did to protect me but I don't care about my past with it. It makes you happy and watching you would make me happy. If anything I think it'd change how I think of ballet. You are the child we are the parents you let us worry about that stuff don't hold out on your events ever again. I want to be there for everything you do." Ans I nodded against her chest. I felt another set of arms and I knew Wanda had hounded the hug " you definitely forgot something this morning didn't you" and I nodded " forgot my ribbon" and she smirked " this is why you tell me so I can make sure you have it" and I groaned " yeh yeh" and she smacked my arm. " don't yeh yeh me alia" and I looked up to see if she's actually mad but she's smiling so I stick my tounge out. " cut it out both of you" my mom said and I smirked. Wnada stopped and I knew she's not gonna say anything the clowns whipped.

Emory's POV

The drive home was low-key peaceful. Like acc kinda just soothing. We didn't talk we just stayed silent and let the music play. I mean the kids are gonna be home. Ans mum missed them. And really this is the true test off is anything's actually changed. I dunno how I'll cope if it hasn't but let me jump if that bridge when I get there.

" let's get in" she said and I handy noticed we were home till she said that. I got out and we went in. Again not much was said but I don't think anything had to be said. She smiled at me when we walked in and I was taking my shoes off. We put the bags down and she looked at me. " I love you squirt" she said with a dopey smile and I smiled back. Then the storm began when the little blonde ran in " mommy I missed you" and I smiled no sadness I just smiled " hey baby" and then the blonde saw me and smiled " hey emi I missed you" while she hugged my legs and I smiled. " hey kiddo I missed you too" and she nodded she's missing some teeth. I mean she looks cute but she's missing some teeth. " mom did you get me anything" ans Scarlett looked confused " why would I get you anything?" Ans she now also looked confused " you went away with emi for the weekend and you left me so I deserve a sorry gift" well that was very unexpected and now it's the test. What's her response. " baby I didn't leave you. You went to papas for the weekend. And I went to stay at lizzies with emi because I missed her and I didn't see her. Me and you spent the day together before you left" and she glared at me " you are the reason I did t get my gift" tf did I do. I can't lie I'd have booted the kid because ungrateful isn't a colour I like to see. But she kicked me in my knee and I was now very very shocked. " rose!" And the kid ran away while Scarlett went after her. Well I guess no one cares my fucking legs killing! Damn been back like 2 minutes and already the kids hate me.

I hobbled upstairs and unpacked my bag. I've got a bruise forming but it's fine let the kid get older I'll have my payback. " hey" Colin said and I smiled but he saw my leg " shit she really did a number on you" and I nodded " Scarlett's mad. Like red max. Rose is sorry but she's being punished so she won't be coming to apologise anytime soon till Scarlett thinks she's learned her lesson" and I nodded " didn't think that was the welcome back I'd get" ans he smiled " want me to kick the other make them even?@ and I glared " touch me and I'll kick you and make sure you have no more kids" and he went pale. " noted" and I smiled " so besides little blondes outburst which I'm sure has to do with the fact she won't see the wiggles connect she wanted to go to because it got cancelled. How have you been" ans I shrugged " been okay I guess my leg is killing but other then that it's just all peachy and rainbows" and he laughed. " you need help unpacking?" And I shook my head " I'm fine but thanks it's all done" and he nodded. Meanwhile I just heard yelling which was definitely Scarlett " I should go make sure she doesn't kill the kid" Colin said and I nodded. Hey atleast she didn't blame me or ignore it happened. She's making sure the kid knows that's wrong. And don't worry when she's older I'll make sure she knows how it felt. What's a sister for.

Natasha's POV

We left Ali in her room she was tired and wanted to eat in peace. We went to get her food warmed up so when she came to the kitchen she'd be able to eat. But I won't lie she didn't ask us to come tomorrow. That's not stopped me we're going. I wanna see her perform. And I want to be there for her. But I really don't think she expects us to come tomorrow I don't think she knows we know it's happening tomorrow too.



It's me

It's been 3 months...

Big boy job has drained me

I've been off on sick note for 2 weeks.

It's okay tho

I hate my job🥹



Make sure you get enough sleep.
Drink plenty of water
And I'm here if you need anyone to talk too.

( I can't even remember how I sign the chapter off)

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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