Chapter seventy five

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Scarlett's POV

She's been gone for two days. Two full days and I haven't left my bed. I know it's my fault and I have no right to lay here and feel sorry for myself but I do because how much more am I gonna miss. This is my fault but Lizzie hasn't let us spikes to her. Even Robbie said that she needs time and he's never normally say that to me. He's have let me see her vene Lizzie coding stop him but emory could. If she said to him ko then he'd respect it and that's how I know my daughter donest wnana apnea to me. That I'm nothing to her again. And that's why I Eve not left my bed in two days. I stink really bad but showering would mean going outa ns if I go to work late will ask me about the kids and I don't think I can tell her without breaking down and that's not a thing I wanna do at work. Rose came in yesterday and she tried to cheer me up she knows I'm in here and Colin's been great he's been watching the kids and I think it's a distraction for himself so ge doesn't have to think about the fact we didn't only put ourselves back at the first step but also we lost any way of moving past the first step. She's been reading my texts I know this and they get delivered and read by her do I know she didn't block my number. But she's also probably sick of me texting her sorry can we talk I miss you.

Emorys POV

No I don't wanna talk to her at all. And I can see the guilt on the texts from both of them and I wish I could say it's okay but I wanna go and never speak to you again hut Lizzie has said that's not okay and I shoudnt say that to them. I went downstairs and I saw Lizzie and her mom talking I've not met her in person yet it's only been over the phone while Lizzie has been talk in g to her every hour almost. She sis study don't normally get to talk this kuch but because both of them are of off work Lizzie is taking full advantage " Omg emory" her mom said and he hugged me which now I know where Lizzie gets that from. She just always hugs me even if I'm asleep she wakes me up and says I deserve to be hugged and hugs me. I think she's been doing that last night because she saw how I felt. I can see Lizzie really does look like her mom then I thought. Like they have the same male and eyes and that's really cute. And they are really close which is cute to see that Lizzie had her moms support and love. It's strange seeing that happy relationship between a mothe rna dher grown child because it shows that it doesn't just end. I just was never given that love in the first place. And yeh there's certain things I can't blame on Scarlett but this I can. This forgetting I exsist yeh I can blame This part on ehr.

I mean also sayings eh lovee the other two more then me is her fault too. But I don't wanna balance that on her because they took me from her. I mean would she still feel the same way of I wasn't taken I mean I can't help but wonder how things would be if I was still here. I guess not much would of changed huh?

" so kiddo will you tell me about this ne movie you two are doing" her mom asked me and I wa aba out to speak until Lizzie interrupted me " no no emory she can't keep secrets especially when she knows she can't tell people. That's why she has no clue. Most of the rumours about wnada strat from my mom because I'll tell her something And her gyro ends kids will ask her baking me and my mom will tell them. And kids can't keep that sort of thing to themselves so they'd tell eveyone they can and then it's just a mess. And I get the lecture on how I can't say anything. " im not that and" her mom huffed but Lizzie raised her eyebrow and challenged her mom" you arnet that bad huh? So wandavision wasn't peaked by you telling Justin who told TMZ so he can make money for his moms birthda" ans he mom went red " how wa so supposed know he was shaking me done for any information I coudk give him. He seemed like he cared and well yeh I get why I'm a terrible person to tell" and I nodded "
Yeh maybe I will keep this one to myself miss Olsen Lizzie scared me and so does Kevin"
And she nodded " don't worry about it, Lizzie will tell me at some point am when she's ready too. Now I must ask and you do not need to answer if you don't feel like you what io but how long are you gonna hide from your mother?" An si sighed " until she gets sick of me" I said pointing at Lizzie and she hugged me and smiled " I can't get tired or sick of you because you never leave me alone long enough to feel it" and I rolled my eyes she's just so mean do no reason to me. Lizzie is s good aunt to me and she has protected me from all teb sad latest of this week. But I don't know if she gets t I am. Or now I feel this way. I think she shuts giving me time to forget and forgive bht that's will not happen. I can't or get hat Scarlett did she just always hurts me. She always has y to l hurt me momma the eBay's.


So i fucked my own phone up and I'm using my brother soooo if I don't post for a little you guys know why

Remember to drink water

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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