Chapter fifty one

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Emorys POV

" you should probably rest" and I shook my head but yeh panic attacks really do like to take it out of you. I don't know how I'm supposed to have coped in all of this. It's hard for me and I just knew I'd pass out if I did fall asleep. I know I'll start to snore and Lizzie didn't need to hear any of that. Scarlett's downstairs with the boys and that men's si cbs sleep.

" fine" I said with a little huff because I don't mean sleep but I have to if I wanna be okay. I laid down and Lizzie smiled loving my hair " you're gonna be okay I'll make sure of it" and I nodded she's right I'll be fine I don't know why I'm worried. Scarlett's not going to come up here hopefully any time soon so yeh a nap " you gotta wake me up ina. Hour" and lizziwnnlddwd but I have a feeling it's not a very reliable nod, like she's nodding to shyt me up and to make sure I sleep. I do wnana. Sleep to baldy but it's so much hard worok to fall asleep in this kind of weather. It's so hot yet it's supposed to be cold and maybe it's just me not still being able to handle teh colds. New York a
Just gets so cold and I don't get it I ever thought of this place and as being like this. I kistndon't know what to do with myself lately.
It's hard for me to just talk like normally bjgbyhey till ther eyes at them.

Ali's POV

" well I wanna start of with sorry, I know it won't do much and it's definitely not going to change anything but you deserve a apology. Actually you deserve a lot more and a lot better then me but I'm you're mom." And she paused and sighed looking at her hands and playing with them " I'm you're mom. You're my little Ali's who loves hot chocolate and watching  mama Mia" and not going to lie that's taken me by shock. That wasn't a time I thought she even knew I was in the same room. " you noticed that?" Ans she nodded and smiled a little more " how could i forget how adorable you are singing along. I made sure Wanda would cool you're drink faster for you. I also made sure you had someone there at any of you're games. I don't know what changed baby I don't but I do know that its not going to happen every again" and I shook my head and she looked at me " it is I promise you Im gonna be you're mom when you wnat me to be and even when you don't. You can say what you like too me too I don't care I'll be there still. Yes I messed up so bad I know that my little monkey but I love you so much that I will learn and I will figure it all out" and I listens to her talk and I saw just honesty in her eyes and I can't help but belive that maybe she is telling the truth like I think she's honest with teh facet she wants to be my mom. " how ma I supposed to trust you" and she nodded " you're right and I don't expect you to wanna let me in or trust me now. I can work up to it. I know I can prove to you I'm good enough" and I nodded at her " you have one chance" and I don't think I've ever seen her face light up and the smile she's never actually smiled like thei before " wait really?" Ans I nodded " you said you wanted to prove to me you wanna be my mom then you can do just that. But it's not something that can happen over noght" and she nodded but I think seeing her happy is my new fav thing.okay I need to stop getting carried away or I'll be thinking about h th is for a little while. I just I don't kkownjgs ltbeasy still for me.

" Rome wasn't built in a day" she said to me but I shook my head " it would of you'd started earlier" and she frowned a little but that's making me sad too nkw so how about she just my mom. Like I love her I do she's my mom how can I not but she hurt me ally and made me feel like shit. " now what?" I asked and she did leaky look stumped. Like evything as thought out like she'd gone ver what she wanted to say so many times before this conversation but now she's not sure what's he's gonna say. " well erm I wanna spend time with you" and I nodded " well you can take me for ice cream later" and she smiled I'm trying " okay 5?" And I nodded " I'll meet you downstairs" and she nodded and walked out to the room.

Natasha's POV

I walked out of teh room and closed teh door " eeeek" I squealed I'm so excited I did it. I really did it. I just move forward with my relationship with my Ali. I have a relationship with her. Oh my god I need to find Wanda. I walked to the living room and I saw Wanda sat ethers she looked up and she was me and I saw her eyes widen " what did she say?" Ans I smiled " we're moving forward Wanda. We're gonna go get ice cream later. I told her I wasn't giving up and she's trusting me and I just wanna jump around like a kid on sugar. She's actually gonna. Give me a chance Wanda!" And she smiled and hugged me " I'm glad because you both deserve it" and I nodded " I'm so thankful to you for everything" and she nodded " I know that" she whispered but I just smiled at her she's teb best person to have in my life.

" Nat?" And I turned to see Peter lookinga. Little panicked " what's wrong?" And he looked very out of it what the hells gone on.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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