Chapter twenty six

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Natasha POV

Oh Taht walking a American flag is going to get it from me. " Friday where is Steve?" I asked after I left the room. I was enjoying watching tangled with Peter and Thor but ofcourse Ali had to get hurt. I Dont even  know how bad it is I mean she's got a wrap on it's nd she's on crutches. " he's in the med bay" and I went straight for it.

" Steven!" Ans I sa whim turn and gulp Bruce was stood there and came infornt of me " she's slightly tared her ankle muscles but she's gonna be fine in. A few days she's just gotta rest it Nat" ans I ignored him I mean it's good to know she's not seriously hurt but I'm gonna kill him first. " I said to make sure she doesn't get hurt!" And he nodded " it happened quickly and she didn't tell me. One minuets she's in the room the next she's just landed out of the sky infornt of me" and I was going to launch for him " she could of been seriously hurt Steve!" And he nodded " Nat he knows that this ain't helping" Bruce said and I scoffed " she's my kid!" Ans Steve looked at me " really?" Ans I scoffed again " what does that mean" ans he shook his head " Nevermind" and then  in walked fury " romanoff stop trying to kill Him he couldn't have done anything" and I glared at fury " it's wasn't you're daughter that got hurt" ans he rolled his eyes " your really  pick and choose whne she's you're kid Natasha. She's gonna be okay so stop whatever it is you're doing and get on with what youre job is" fury said toF and I looked at Maria who's stood next to me but she shrugged " he's right" and I knew he's right I mean I'm not even her mom but I still care about her.

Emory's POV

" what do you mean" and I knew I'm opening up a can I can't close so I need to stop opening it " nothing it's really not that bad" I
Mean it is abuse is bad but let's not tell people who don't give a shut about it. I just can't deal with any of this. "
How about we head home it's getting late" Colin to teh rescue thank god. He's back and we're going to leave "
I'll see you soon and it's nice meeting you emory" Scarlett's mom said hugging me and I smiled "
Thanks for everything" I said and she smiled " you're always welcome here okay?" Ans I nodded "
Thank you I appreciate it" Ans she nodded and Scarlett went to say she goodbyes but I for rose and i room ehe to the car with Colin. " I saved you back tehre didn't I?" He asked and I nodded " you have no idea and thanks" ans she smiled " anytime kiddo"

The drive home was short i Emma coming was longer but we went in separate cars because obvs we all came at different times. I have the police thing tomorrow so how fun for me. I don't know how iece kept that of my mind all day I Emma meeting Scarlett's mom was a lot for me today but still she and I got along but I'd isn't thin if his my life coudk change for teh worse or even for teb better. I Emma I could be over demanding here an sit just be about something that mean anything but I can't help it and I Scarlett has a thing with the kids while I'm gone so maybe l meet gent or
Maybe I'll go the empty house and lay there so
I'm not
Asked any questions .I don't wanna talk abit any of it but I can move forward and not even bothered liz it's a lot for me but let's be real I can do this.

We got home and Colin seems to have whatb us even if ethers only two of us in this car but still I did it's nd I won't fimalin Taht I did it. Scarlett and I went in and I watched her help rose take her shoes off I mean it's little thing Taht will stick with her like tjis. Rose is so lucky to have a mom Taht loves her  as much as Scarlett does I can see it by the way she talks about her mini me.

I went to my room
And got cahhhed into some pjs and I sighed while I looked I the mirror. It hits me in moments like this that I won't ever have a mom. That I won't have that comfort but it just makes me upset and what do is o after that. I was washing my face when I heard my door open "
You decent?" Ans I rolled my eyes she can't see me but it still applies " yes Scarlett" ans she appeared in the bathroom " you didn't say night" and I looked at her " you wanted me to say Nighttt?" And she nodded slowly " you Always do before bed" she whispered and I turned to her and she smiled and Riley dher head " you know I'm glad you're in my life" she said to me and that's taken Ben aback alot because I didn't expect it. " I'm glad you're in my life too" and she smiled and moved to hug me so I may be a little touch deprived so I leaned into her hug and I let her just hold me " thank you" I whispered and what id with eceoct was her to kiss my forehead " you're welcome sweetheart you give good hugs" and I smiled " thank you" I whispered again and she chuckled "come on let's get you to bed huh?" An si nodded but I'd don't move to get out of her grip and she giggled and leaned still holding me. It was not a good walk because were hugging but she's sweet for this.

" you have sweet dreams" she said tucking em in and kissing my head again " night scarly" and she smiled " night emi" and moved teh ahir from my face and smiled while she got up and left.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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