Chaptee thirty three

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Scarlett's POV

We have our first fitting today!!!! I'm so excited  I mean it's just so they can measure us and also see what they like on us but it's a step forward in a project I thought would never happen so excuse me I'd I'm excited as fuck for this.

" Scarlett!" Emi yelled as she walked in " do I wear classy clothes or sweats?" And I smiled " sweats it's a fitting" and she nodded leaving again. These past few days just having ehe get more comfortable with us and her being happy to ask things and be apart of our family is amazing. I haven't really thought about the case a lot because it give s me anxiety but I know I need to figure out what I'm gonna do with my daughter and emi. I don't wanna lose emi but I also have a responsibility to my daughter. It's difficult but it's what's gotta happen.

I know I'll get a call anyday now just gotta wait on it. " okay let's go I'm ready" and I smiled im ready too but she's so cute with her hat too. I have to bring Cosmo with me today he's teethings ns I don't feel right leaving him while he's upset so im gonna bring him along. Also hun and emory love each other more then I can describe so that's gonna  work out well for me because he won't go to others but he'll go to her.

We got to the set I mean I've learned that emi has a talent and that's sleeping where ever and just whenever. So on the drive here she fell asleep and I had to wake her and every time she's likes this little baby the way she yawns an drubs her eyes it's so cute. Like I'll see her do it and think I can't her to what shee but I have to because she needs to be awake. I don't do much else except leave eher to wake herlsef.

She did grab teh bags and i garbed the Baby and well it's really handy to have her and the wxtra hands whne it comes to things like this. My assistant has been working so hard to make sure I have time for everything while being at home with my kids so to give her days of it's hard when I don't have extra hands.

Emory's POV

I have had such bad anxiety when I'm alone because all I can think about is if I'm someone else's kid. Like my whole life beings lie and all of this. I look like my parents not by much I mean I've got blue/ green eyes and light hair while they had brown and dark black hair. Okay maybe I'm not like them? I don't know I can se wmyskeg lokking like them but I've been looking into so much I don't know. My pop pop looks like me I know that I have his eyes well that's what I always got told. And I got told I look like my uncle too but I never meet him he's the one who passed away.

So any chance I get I've been staying aorund someone. I usually go to Rose because she won't notice that I'm avoiding being alone Scarlett handy either but Colin asked me if I was okay the other day because I wanted to go to work with him and I'd asked three times in a row. I still haven't been but that's because he hasn't had a chance to take me we're both busy and when the others free the others busy so it's hard

I do think when I find out l have to tell Lizzie's or Scarlett because I don't wanna leva Scarlett and maybe she'll let me stay? I don't wanna leave whne I've just got used today suing and ns ye si know it's temporary I wish it wasn't because it's help me out so much. Scarlett takes care do me she knows me and understands me more then others do and I don't wanna lose that.

I had to be measured for my suit which I found out I'm weraisnh bakkx and purple which is so cool. Scarlett and tan lady were talking about ehe costume and I'd to bring back the vest while I got measured by the other lady who was showing me samples na scar wing of what they wnana out me in. I had to Otha cape on now just so they can see the vision and how it'll actually look one me instead of them assuming and it looking so bad.

I'm taking this as I'm not gonna look bad the amount of Oman and everything even my hair is getting discussed Scarlett gets a say she's a producer on the movie and we'll Lizzie us sue in at some point so she'll get to talk about it with us. I think no caps because I look dumb especially if I don't have peers what's the point capes are for people who can fly and j can't o Taht just yet. I mean they've told me I've got wire training with Lizzie so who knows.

I am scared of heights and i aught actually said anything but like when they said I'd be flying in the air with her I was like why I'm a human and the were like you have powers and I wa alike how and they were like we gave you ten. Like that was so normal like you get a power you gets. Power of ans you gets. Power. I hate this and hey flying my ass loves the ground I'm always falling so isn't that a hint to keep
Me on it!

Scarlett and yeh lady were like draping a material over my shoulder and aorund me honestly I'm just stood here letting them do as they like while I wait for my turn to eat. Cosmo keeps
Looking at me but he's. Baby so I smile
And she giggled
And then Scarlett will smile at me and i blush
because it's embarrassing


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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