Chapter thirty four

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Ali's POV

" so this mission is it anything cool?" An she's mailed to em aunt Lena is the whole reason I'm the way I am she very hectic and that's where I got all of this from. " well fury won't tell me very many things until I get there sorry we get there but we're going to stay in a row and just do some digging and find out what we can. It's not a hard one but it's a place full of double agents who hate  shield and well I am now working with them. But thankfully that's not public knowledge so no one will think it's strange that I'm there. "

Now I'm not one to toot my own horn but like I ama  avenger so how is she believing in gonna help me to because I can't be asked  not to.

" you gotta be careful though because you unfortunately look like Nat" and I rolled my eyes ofcourse I do I mean the red hair na dthe green eyes along with my freckles because my hair is natural and so is my eye colour. Unfortunately I don't know what I'm supposed to do whne I hate someone so I  will have to move past all of this and try to be civil in a place full of people I hate.

Now here another issue fury may not even let me go and even then he has to tell my school I can't go in and what if that always someone there's to many reasons why he'll
Say no to us.

" how do you feel?" Ans I smiled " erm nervous and scared because I'm not being funny it's not easy to ask fury of all people for a favour whne I have none to cash in." Ans she smiled at me while we stood outside " but I do" is all she aka before waking in and sh eode stjis a lot so I can't ask more questions she says I ruin her moment to look cool and that I should stop ruiiming her fun.

" nick!" I said and he Eloise's at me "
No" ans I frowned see I knew he'd say ko bout he didn't have to say it Taht fast yo me like I meant nothing " well what are you saying no to" ans he looks up form his papers and looked at my aunt Lena and the. Back at me " no" ans I groaned okay she's gonna have to did this because if I do I'll Jill someone and that's not fair.

" she's going to come with me on the mission" ans he looked up but before he spoke she did " she's coming because I'll tell a person about you know what" ans I groaned she could say I'm such a gossip  but like I know so I can focus on soentijg else.

Scarlett's POV

I got to watch my vision coke to life. I love seeing my work and what I love being down even if it's bro all me. I also love that my babies are sat in teh did a playing. Yes I called menu my baby because she is. Lately ans by that I Emma these last few days she's been trying to open up to me more like her fav colour of
Goood and anyhh to img I find out I get her something. Lik her fav colour was while so I got her milk chocolate if it's Laos black so I got her a Hershey's bar cookies and cream. And then I also got her so much stuff from lush because she told me she likes bath bombs so I bought one of each. And we'll teh family on her face was worth it but still I shoudn of let her do as she wanted.

Am I still aloud in or should I leave" Lizzie said and I smiled obviously she shad training today so she's been on the other side of the place while we got fitted but know it's her turn and I'm gonna show she gets I did.

Now alm I gotta do is make sure Cosmo doesn't fall asleep before his nap and the rains for Taht is so I can sleep yes I'm selfish and hangs all that matters to me.

Emorys POV.  

Lizzie thinks I shoudn ahve scape and that I should fly aorund wit even buy Lizzie stinks of what snakes he rjapoiy and dither before me because she'd know I hate them and she couldn't cared less Taht I hate heights.

Ali's POV

" well here's the rest of the brief make sure you both didn't mess this up or I'm gonna have to tell a lot do people they were right about the fact family cabt work with family" and aunt yelena spoke " she works with her mom all the time" and I spoke " no I don't" which I think wa amens but I don't wanna say anything so shit iOS nd let the dk as they want.

" she need a medical check first I wnat it done today" he smiled and s s nodded I mean I had to pass a medical. Check be off I coudk do anything about it. I mean it's be nice after the fork thing I gotta take it easy but I I never rod that so I can't help.

" you go to Bruce and I'll be in there in a few just gotta sort some paperwork" and I nodded what paperwork?

I walked off into the other room down the hall and I smiled " bruceyyyy" and he smiled " what did you do now" he said and I hoped up on his chair thing and I smiled " gotta get cleared by you apparently" and then he nodded " are you sure you wanna do this right now?" He asked and I looked at him confused " why are you asking me that?"

Yelenas POV

I'm taking this kid on a mission and it could end up bad so I gotta go talk to her " mother"

I walked into the kitchen and I saw her stood there okay now I don't get scared but she'll kill me " hey Wanda" And she looked at me with a smile " yea?" Ans I smiled " so don't be mad but I'm taking Ali with me on my mission" and she looked at me wide eyed " you are not"


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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