Chapter 75: Nightmares and Memories of the Past

Start from the beginning

Make it stop. Please make it stop.

Blood pooled the cave floor and Toms body slumped into the stone. My love. He's gone. His brown eyes stared blankly at me as blood poured from the gash in his throat. I can't do this. They have to kill me too. They have to. I can't be here without him.

Guard Tom faced me, his face twisted in a sadistic smile while drops of blood trickled down it.
I was screaming so loudly I could barely hear my own thoughts.

Somebody take me away. Someone take me to Tom.

The blade came down again, and I waited for the sweet release of death.

"It's okay, everything's okay. Calm down. You're okay." I felt hands caress my hair and back. I felt lips kissing my forehead gently.

It was a dream. Oh my god, it was just a dream.

I was crying, my cheeks were drenched and so was the fabric I was laying on. What was I laying on? I didn't want to open my eyes though, I was too scared to see the sight.

I let sob escape my throat and I felt the same burning feeling in my throat. I had been screaming in my sleep. I was moving but I wasn't actually moving my own body. Something was moving me. I cracked my eyes open just a bit and saw blue hair blocking my sight. Hands were wrapped around my torso and my legs.

Tom was rocking me. Tom was alive.

"T-...t..." I couldn't get the syllable out. I was too choked up with tears.

"Shh, just relax. You're okay. Just rest, it was just a nightmare." He pressed his lips to my cheek and stayed there for the longest time. I sobbed and gripped him tighter. I hadn't had a nightmare like that in so long...

"You sure he's okay? I mean, he looks like he's dying..." I heard a voice ask from nearby, and I jumped when I heard it.

"It's okay, it's just Champ. You're okay." He said the phrase over and over again, trying to give me reassurance and comfort.

"He's fine, it was just a dream. You got any water for him?" I heard Tom ask. Seconds later Tom put a water bottle in my hand, and I drank from it thirstily.

I must look like a wimp to Steve and Champ. I'm so pathetic.
I heard their voices bounce around the cave walls but I couldn't really make out what they were saying. I was starting to drift off again.

"Alright, so Tucker is probably out biggest challenge here. Sonjas is most definitely gonna be teamed with him and they both have crazy bows. I think our best bet would to invis pot and then stalk them for a bit."

Where was I? I looked at my surroundings and realized I was in my old house back in Mianite. I was in the basement where all my chests and storage were, and Tom was standing right next to me rummaging through some of the chests. Was this a memory?

"Hey! When did you get namo!" He pulled out a dead clown fish from my chest and gave me a disapproving look. I think I sort of remember this, but I can't really recall what happened.

"Er...not sure," I replied looking at the dead fish.

"Since we're on a truce, I won't kill you for this. But I'm watching you boy." He put the fish back in the chest and closed it up.

"Uh thanks?"

"No problem. Now, let's talk strategy. What bow you using?" He motioned towards the purple bow in my hand, which I hadn't noticed until now.

I looked at the strange glow surrounding it and tried to remember the enchants on it. But none came to mine so I just stared at it blankly.

"I don't know." I couldn't remember what my old weapons used to have on them.

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