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  Chapter 80 Baby Noel (1)

  From December last year, until the end of September, it happened to be a little over the first anniversary of Ivan and Carey's acquaintance.

  It was not too hot in the palace in September, and Ivan was wearing a thin long-sleeved T-shirt. Originally, he wore shirts all the year round, but because he was pregnant with a baby, he gained a lot of weight, and the shirts could not fit, so he could only wear loose clothes.

  Carey and His Majesty the King will receive the guests of Mars Star today and take them to the capital city for a quick tour, so he is not here at the moment.

  Fern and Dr. Evan followed him and walked with him.

  Strange to say, it was clear that she had been pregnant for ten months and was about to give birth. Ivan's body was not so pregnant, and it seemed that she was only pregnant for four or five months. Evan and Fern often privately wondered if there was something wrong with the baby, otherwise why would he not grow taller. In particular, the mother was still a pure-blooded vampire, and she hadn't eaten anything except drinking blood every day, which made it even more uneasy.

  Fortunately, the weekly check-ups show that the baby is growing healthy in the womb.

  Ivan is sitting under the tall ginkgo tree, a bunch of ginkgo leaves hang down the treetops, when the wind blows, they sway like a butterfly full of trees, as if they are going to fly away in the next second of.

  The sun dappled the benches under the trees, and he flipped through an old book in his hands.

  The sunlight clasps the earth

  And the moonbeams kiss the sea

  What is all this sweet work worth

  If thou kiss not me*Note

  He carefully transcribed the verse onto a small card.

  The blue-black ink of the pen, along with the nib, draws the English in swashes smoothly, and every stroke that falls is like a printed copybook.

  At the end of the writing, I took the brush from Fern's hand and painted a small palace landscape on the back of the card.

  As soon as the stroke of the pen was finished, a series of footsteps were heard from far to near. Military boots rustled on the ground covered with leaves. Immediately following, there was a series of more shallow and hurried footsteps.

  "My highness's little friend, what are you playing?" Lance's voice came from not far away, followed by a snow-white Pomeranian.

  He has seen this Pomeranian named Sa Sa. Raised in Lance's house for years, he can jump to half the height of a man.

  Sa Sa hair is long and soft, and has a good personality. He is not afraid of life when he sees anyone. Ivan has played with it a few times, and when he sees him, he quickly jumps over. Originally wanting to pounce on Ivan, Lance reprimanded: "Sasha, sit down and don't touch your brother!"

  The claws that were about to pounce immediately were withdrawn.


  The center of gravity was unstable, and the whole dog fell to the ground with a thud.

  After all, it was his own dog, Lance picked up Sa Sa and rubbed it distressedly: "It hurts to fall, why are you so stupid! When you came to see brother Ivan, I asked you to pounce on him, eh? "

  The dog grunted aggrievedly, and the little paw touched Lance's arm.

  Ivan got up with a smile, his fingers touched Sa Sa's neck, and his blue eyes curved into beautiful little crescents.

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