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Chapter 18: Gifts are rewards

    The bell for the end of the exam rang, and the examiner said to stop writing and began to collect the exam papers.

    Ivan struggled with the whole exam, but in the end, he kept his moral bottom line as a human being, and didn't copy anyone else.

    The young boy who was tortured for more than two hours came out of the examination room with a sullen expression, like an eggplant beaten by frost, and felt that his legs were shaking with every step he took.

    Simon was sitting in the back of the exam room, so he came out later.

    When he left the examination room, he saw the blond boy dragging his steps down the steps. He looked like a staggering old man, and he felt like he was missing a crutch.

    He jumped in front of Ivan in three or two steps, let out a scream like a chicken, and the whole person fell on top of him.

    "Wow, this professor is so perverted! Half of the content of the test is in the reading list he sent! Three checklist books and two self-selected textbooks, it's not bad if you can read them, and you have to give the above test questions? Devil, it's just It's the devil! I read three and a half books with all my life, and I haven't remembered much. Tell you, this mid-term exam, I can't pass it, it depends on my powerful subconscious!"

    Ivan thought about it . cry.

    The most fearful thing is that when others say that he hasn't read any books, and the exam papers are handed out, I'm the only one who knows nothing!

    The most fearful thing is that when others say that he failed the test, when the score comes out, I am the only one who failed.

    The blond boy's eyes were red, and he said pitifully and helplessly: "But, you still read three and a half books, so I recited the textbook before the exam..."

    He grabbed Simon's sleeve and asked weakly. : "Xiaoxi, shouldn't I fail the course?"

    According to his little knowledge of the world, failing the course is a disaster for students. He just crossed over, so he couldn't just lose the school that the original owner finally got into!

    Simon: Uh...

    I almost forgot, this guy in front of me has completely forgotten about midterm exams.

    He still remembers the shocked look on Ivan's face when he mentioned the exam for this class a week ago.

    Omega licked his lips: "I think... let's do the math."

    After speaking, he turned on the calculator of his watch, "I'm good at this, let my brother do the math for you! Look, The mid-term exam accounts for 30%, the final exam accounts for 40%, and there is also a presentation that accounts for 30%. If you score 20 points in this test..." After speaking, you can clearly feel the boy around you stiffen. .

    The Omega tiger body was shocked, and he reacted with hindsight: 20 points seems a bit... too ugly, did he hurt Ivan's young mind?

    He quickly patted the boy on the shoulder and said weakly, "Well, I'm just making an analogy... don't panic! Look, if you get 20 points, it will account for 30%, which is 6 points. The pass line for the course is 50. Let's move on. Divide the remaining 44 points by 70%, and it is about 62.86. So, as long as your presentation and final exam are both above 63 points, there is no problem! Look, are you a lot happier?"

    Of course, 63 points The above, that is easy, how many heroes and heroes died in 59...

    Simon looked at Ivan in a daze, thinking that he still had no confidence, and continued to count for him: "The school can still have a soft hanging, 40 to 50 points is also You don't need to make up the exam! Look, in this case, you just need to..." While speaking, he continued to calculate for him, and finally put the result in front of him: "Look, as long as the rest of the presentation and the exam are scored at 48.57 The above, you can hang up softly, no need to make up the exam!"

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